/meg/: military enlistment general

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For Forces info, obviously.

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of saigamarine's SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff. Good site for Marines info too.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

French Foreign Legion recruitment website, for you criminals, autists, and mercenaries.

For info on the Australian Defense Force, and how you can shitpost on the world stage.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke???
tl;dr: Long hard school, to do shitty work, and the job prospects are a lie.

Info on sf86

previous thread:

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A couple years ago I dun goofed and got put on a psych hold for trying to an hero. Will the maple reserves still take me or am I fucked?

gonna do it bros
gonna be like 30-something when I get out
and that's assuming I never promote past W-2
but the skies call out to me like sirens

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i wanna be a soldier, tips?

So what if youre gonna be 30. Were you expecting to get hired as a civilian helo pilot while under the age of 27? Unless you have connections, most pilot jobs on the civ side want 7+ years of exp flying.

I don't even care about that man
I've got a degree and bunch of cisco bullshit and other stuff if I ever get tired of flying
but I've wanted to fly since I was like four and I'm not gonna keep telling myself I'm not good enough

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Hit the gym and practice shooting for a while before enlisting. Oh, and accept the fact that you will get yelled at for no good reason and have pretty much zero autonomy during training.

>Hit the gym and practice shooting for a while before enlisting.
Shut the fuck up and get out of this thread you loser.
Your question is also garbage, go look some stuff up and ask something more pointed. You don't need to get a gym membership to pass anything and you definitely shouldn't go out and practice shooting just to become a soldier.
You don't need to spend a dime on getting ready for the military.

>Your question is also garbage,
There are no stupid questions and that question was pretty precise

Should I rejoin the navy anons? I got out three years ago to be a fixed wing pilot and I've got my commercial licence now and even worked a bit, but it sucks. Not even counting how being a low hour pilot makes you worth less than street trash, its honestly not even fun. My last job was herding sheep flying at 200ft and even that wasn't entertaining. Once you're good at flying planes it really is like driving a car, and even if you're driving a corvette being an uber driver still isn't fun.

I did six years in and while I didn't really feel like I was excelling at life I never felt bad. I miss actually being part of a team like I was in the navy. In the civilian world everyone wants to see you fail and be better than everyone else. In the navy you want to help the other guy because if he fails you do to.

My rate is well rewarded financially, I'll probably be able to afford a 4 seater plane to keep flying for fun. It feels like giving up but also it is so damn enticing.

What happens if you
>a) are not granted a security clearance? Do you get to pick a new rate/go undesignated? Or are you booted from military service
>b) fail out of A-School/C-School?

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depends on why you're not given one. Most times you can pick a new rate.

That's how you get the rate that pays tips

Just be a reserve pilot in the navy....

You would have to be real stupid to not be able to get a secret clearance. Ive seen 3 people in my entire career not get one and it was due to listing people they had never met or listing places they had never lived at.

For air force, you have to have a secret clearance period to even be in, i dunno about navu.

>most pilot jobs on the civ side want 7+ years of exp flying.
no, but they do want you to have an ungodly amount of flying hours

Be a Coast Guard pilot

I'm not in the US, my country has no fixed wing naval capacity. Also I was previously enlisted, have no college equivalent education. My countries officer ranks are 99% private school boys, I'd never have a chance.

What country are you from user

what kind of dumb retarded idiot would join the military

so glad I retired at 25, working was just awful.

Hey I'm that non-US user who wants to join the US military here, I just got some brilliant idea to get a green card.

>Our country has a very strict lese majeste laws
>can be sentence to death if you meming our king / queen
>Insult our king / queen as much as possible
>Asking US for political asylum
>get the green card, wait 2 years
>join the US military

28 (soon 29) fatty with a wife and daughter, have Associates from community college in InfoSec. I've toyed with the idea of joining but a few things get in the way: not sure if wife could handle being a military spouse and I'm super out of shape but I used to be a decent athlete about a decade ago.
I love working in IT, I've been a jr sysadmin for about 6 months and infosec is interesting. Unfortunately I'm not bright enough for malware reverse engineering or cryptography but I'm content with something like a SOC analyst or even staying as a sysadmin. Also my boss is a former Marine so he would support whatever it is I would do regarding time off, recommendations, etc.
Is the military in the cards for me? It sounds like a big "no" but what do you think?

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your wife will cheat on you

>IT - so presumably an adequate salary

Don't do it. Stop being fat and upgrade to bachelors degree, but don't join the military.


if you do go military it would be an absolute waste for you to go enlisted if you already have a a degree (albeit an associates)

Start eating right and doing long runs on a treadmill + calisthenics

how to unfat?

>I wanna be a soldier
Pick one.

How to stop eating sweet treats bro, I PT workout all the time but I can't resist this ice cream after the workout lmao. Sugar, for some reason, energetic me after the workout.

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It's called an addiction and you have to stop it. Won't be easy but it needs to be done.
Accept that and just stop buying it holy shit. You said before that you're not buying it but here you post a dq cup. Not lying would be a great start. Especially lying to yourself
Stop. Buying. Sweets.

>have 2 inch scar on back of the head from slipping at a pool, can’t be hidden
>first recruiter says to lie about how it happened on my packet
>second recruiter at same office wants to know what hospital i went to and how it really happened
god damn it, i should just drop myself, i’m harder to process than an asvab waiver

going to ft jackson the 23rd boys
any rundown for what happens at that last meps and reception?

Scars are usually easy waivers they just have to be documented.

I have a three inch scar on my palm, am I fucked if I actually never went to the hospital for it?

Alright sgt, I hope I can control myself this time. Also I hope its not the sign of diabetes since I used to ate all of this junk before plus my dad have diabetes.

Heard the military taking diabetes so seriously, I hope I'm not disqualified yet.

Right but they got really sweaty when they heard it needed to be stitched and it’s likely changing the form would be sketchy. Then there’s MEPS which would cringe regardless of paperwork and tell me to go away.

For the record, im the guy from the yesterday who said im not buying sweets, and im not the DQ user

Should be fine.
Probably got sweaty just because stitches mean hospital docs that need to be retrieved for the waiver to even be possible.
They need to see if the doc said it made you retarded or if you're a full recovery is all. You'll need the docs and can easily just go request them from that hospital.
K both of you just stop eating it. After 1 week it'll get better and just ignore the cravings. You don't earn sweets by exercising. You don't earn any sweets ever.

B-but what about diabetes tho, will I get disqualified if they found out that *if* I got a diabetes from genetic.

Any current or former Coast Guards in here? Wanted to ask their opinion on going enlisted as a 29 year old with a degree in Criminal Justice.

Yeah, it's not going to be easy to get asylum under the current administration. You'll probably get chopped up before you can even get denied.

Well shit, tfw you'll never be an USMC and say whatever I want without some clown monachy controlling my freedom of speech. Hope they don't track my IP through this post btw.

I mean you can always apply for some kind of visa. There are plenty of work and student visas and stuff. If you really just want to get out of your country there are plenty of others where you can hang out while trying to immigrate to the US. You can still apply for asylum anyways but I'm just saying actually endangering yourself to do so is risky.

Well for work visa I would have to build my experience for myself to get one, it's gonna be a long way there and I would be too old to enlist in military when I actually got the work permit at that time. I don't actually know how student visa works though.

But anyways asking for asylum or winning the green card lotto are the most viable options to get there legally, I guess. But deeply inside I don't want to leave my parents in danger in this clown country so I guess I had no choice.

change diet to include less carbs from shit like chips, beer, and bread/breading. Cut as much sugar as you can. Eat more salads. Take long runs/walks whichever works as long as you're sweating. Do pushups/situps.

F-1 student visas require admission into an American univeristy. But yeah, other than asylum the green card lottery is probably your best chance. If I remember correctly though you can enlist as soon as you get a green card, don't have to wait two years. You should really contact a recruiter and/or your local consulate to figure out what your options are. Most people here won't be qualified to give you a complete and accurate answer.

Damn, I'm not that smart to get picked by any uni in the States lol. I'm doing "okay" ish on my com sci collage right now. Anyways I hope the recruiter is cool with tall Asian like me who wishes to join the Army or USMC if I won the lotto. :)

Also I don't think they're exist, but is there any US military consulate / "recruiter" overseas that I can ask questions face to face?

Man, do what you want but the only surefire way to get rejected is to never apply in the first place.
A consulate is like a smaller local office of the embassy. The consulate and embassy doesn't do military stuff, but should be able to answer all your immigration questions. There are recruiters on some foreign bases like in Okinawa and Germany but you sound like you're from Thailand or something so I don't know if there's anybody nearby. You can always email though. But focus on getting here first, everything else will come after that.

Why don't you join police department, are you already a cop?

You meant should I apply for the US uni admissions?

Also I think I can go to Japan without visa (they give us 15-days visa for Thais anyways) prob if I go to Japan sometimes I'll try to go to Okinawa and ask them then. I actually have some questions to ask them just to be sure, but yeah maybe they'll just laugh and tell me to win the lotto first. So finger crossed for this year lotto I guess! (If Trump doesn't cancel that yet, I hope not)

If you want to. It's one of many ways to get here and there's really no downside to applying other than the application fees some schools have. I'm a bit biased towards that option since that's how my own parents immigrated in the 70s but the easiest way to convince the government to give you permanent residency is to already live here legally. Really though, this isn't the best place to ask about immigration. The closest embassy or consulate office will have way more information for you.
Also I highly recommend visiting Okinawa, there's tons of fun stuff to do there.

>reposting because I got no replies
So a lot of people say that training is "never ending" during your career but how often do post-SOI marines actually drill operational procedures? Like I'd imagine that for that shit to stay as muscle memory you'd have to be doing it on a weekly basis, but tons of people here say they basically just do chores, PT and play vidya.
What's the reality, for grunt? How frequent are operational drills?

Ahh I see, I should have considering that options too. Maybe I'll get another degree in the US after I finish my com sci degree here, I'm 23 right now and I hope it's not too late for those (money for another US degree I saw that and it's pretty costly, joining USMC / Army etc. I'm pretty sure that USMC's maximum age to join is 29.) Thank you for those advice you gave me.

Also yes If I have time I'll go to Okinawa. Parents used to going to Tokyo once and they said it was meh.

Enlisting with a degree is almost always dumb in any branch. Why not commission?

If you live in the dorms and are on meal card in the air force, do you get paid back money for missing meals when you fill out your travel voucher?

I dont think so but she'd probably develop severe depression and/or divorce me due to loneliness.

Adequate, not quite. 17.50/hr no bennies. Not great but not terrible.
Getting in shape will take time but like I said before I used to be in good shape and with a goal I'm certain I could do it again. It's just right now I dont have a goal and (you can probably tell by my having an Associates at 28) I don't have my personal accountability sorted out. Shit I doubt I could manage a Bachelors with my toddler around.

CG enlisted with a degree. Either go Officer or go ET. That degree is useless anyway so it doesn’t really matter.

Not sure if its true or not, but I was told since the Coast Guard branch is small, most officer commissions go to prior enlisted.

Who told you that? Most officers I meet are Academy grads.

Is there any reason to be booted from military service if one is not granted a clearance? Or do they let you re rate due to already investing money in you

army or airforce?

How about you make your own decisions like an adult instead of expecting us to read your mind and somehow know what you want out of military service?

im just wondering what the general differences between army and airforce are, I know what I want out of the service

Google it lol, nobody is here to hold your hand.

If you like nice things, better pay, and cushy lifestyle then join the airforce.

>let you rerate
They're going to get their time out of you. They will give you a job where they need someone and that's that

navy or marines?

I know a lot of people who enlisted in the Navy with a 4 year degree, myself included.

>back in my day was actually tough
Can these people just drop dead already?

I imagine the United State Army Air Corps was tough, grandpa but its not the 1920's anymore

Based. Landniggers btfo

How do I list people for my security clearance if I have no friends.

Teachers, classmates, coworkers, bosses...

Yeah sure and they'll just give me their address, emails, phone numbers

Copy that. So you still wouldn't be able to select based on availability?

I'm going to go ahead and tell you that your type getting a clearance happens all the time and you're not a special case.
They're very familiar with antisocial losers whose contacts will be people that knew them in a professional manner more than anything.

Do your best at filling it out and that's all you can do.

They don't give a fuck about your wants. If you fail to meet your end of the bargain to qualify for the rate you signed for then why should they continue helping you out to keep you happy?
If they say you're going to go chip paint then you're gonna go chip paint.

However, this is hardly a concern. Your clearance shouldn't be an issue unless you're a chink or slav who has ties back home. If so then yeah you're probably gonna get denied.

>They're very familiar with antisocial losers whose contacts will be people that knew them in a professional manner more than anything
This. That demographic probably makes up at least half the people with a TS in the Air Force.

>That demographic probably makes up at least half the people with a TS in the Air Force.
>in the Air Force
That demographic probably makes up at least half the people with a TS*

I also forgot to add
t. antisocial loser who got TS just fine with all his other antisocial loser friends in the mil later on
You'll have contacts just fine later on if you need to renew but until then they get it.

That's not as true anymore I think. The military is a decent deal

Ayy Charlie company here, we gonna get fucking destroyed bro.

15W btw

what changed? enlisted with a degree is almost always really stupid
t. was enlisted

If your degree sucks and you can't get a job that's on par with enlisted pay + benefits then you have fucked yourself.

Degrees just aren't as valuable as they used to be. If you enlist with a STEM degree you're probably making a mistake but everyone's got a degree in something now.

>everyone's got a degree in something now.
ok privileged asshole, this isn't true. You live in a very different world than most of America and clearly weren't enlisted.

I'm in the air force as an enlisted flyer bruh

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So why are you under the impression everyone's got a degree in something these days?
National stats disagree but so does virtually anyone's life experience outside of a big city working a white collar job.

The vast majority of Americans never get a degree. The vast, vast, majority of enlisted don't have one either and the few who do generally should've commissioned and will agree.
The only reason not to commission is if you're not competitive because your grades suck, no recommendations, and did nothing outside of going to school.

Probably because I live in a bubble

I am not following you user but uh, alright.

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btw funfact
The govt doesn't (and can't) track how many people on the GI bill actually get their degree which I find hilarious and incompetent.
It'd be very useful to see how many people actually get a degree and shouldn't be assumed that a full use of benefits = degree.

Dude it's Friday and I'm drunk on fucking Jow Forums instead of doing shit whatever

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Are there any legit options for a guy in the army with mental problems that won't end up with me getting chaptered?

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Go through military one source they can set you up with counseling for free. It's off base and your leadership won't know about it.

68w lmao

What should I do to make my OTS package as competitive as possible?

>Haven't heard from the Forces Recruiting Centre in over a month

Can anyone send me the clip from an older movie where the Coast Guard kills a boat full of Mexicans? I can't find it for the life of me

(just establishing I support this comment, not arguing against it) the point of a security clearance is to see if you can be intimidated, bought or seduced into giving away state secrets. It doesn't really matter how fucked up you are (to a point, obviously) as long as you're not ashamed, greedy etc. Security risks are philanderers with perfect home lives, gamblers with debts to loan sharks, these sort of things. Being a Jow Forums aspie is not a security risk, as long as you're not so terrified of your own post history getting out that you'll steal classified info for the ruskies to stop them leaking it to your mother.

you get paid a per diem to spend on breakfast/lunch/dinner. Don't blow it on drinks

If you don't at least try for a commission, you are legitimately retarded. Maybe you don't qualify for one reason or another, that's fine, but otherwise it's stupid.

It's true though.

Do what said and tough it out. If you show symptoms that interfere with your duty then you literally deserve to get chaptered, I don't know what to say.


Leaving for boot in a month with a grunt contract, my mom says that I had an allergic reaction or something to amoxicillin when I was too young to remember, did a search and said that most people outgrew or never even had an allergy to it, how should I go with this?

i wouldn't worry about it unless it's a guaranteed kill.
if you are allergic and find out the hard way they'll deal with it then and there and document it for future reference.

lots of people are allergic to things without realizing it and some allergies can come and go