Confess your sins against Jow Forums

Confess your sins against Jow Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

I voted for justin "current year" trudeau


I shit post as a leftie because I want to further divide the board

I don't give a single shit about Rhodesia.

I like the M14.

Same but Jow Forums rhetoric


I argue with myself swapping between a Hardline Trump lover and a pot smoking tranny Bernie lover and I love playing the politics fags against each other.

Also Jow Forums niggers are the most braindead retards and the easiest people to troll on this board

As long as it is the actual m14 and not the mini I don't see what the problem is

Ever since mods stopped caring about the board I've been doing the same
I like spamming civil war threads too and trolling them so they get mad and make more for me

I just like the uniforms.

I'm 1/8 Cherokee.

They're alright I guess. SADF gear is more my jam.

You piece of shit.

Maybe get the mods to care about board quality and I'll stop
Oh wait they wont
I'll just use my proxies

When I first read about people wanting to shoot with non-California compliant AR-15s on BLM land as a newfag I thought they were going to shoot niggers at black lives matter protests. I still haven’t tried to figure out the true meaning of BLM because I know the truth will disappoint me.

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I have no intention of improving my shooting skills because my only good eye is going blind
I also made my ex coooom by fucking her with my vz 58 build sans sight block and haven't cleaned it since

I love LARPing as a communist
I love derailing threads into Nazi posting
I love derailing comfy threads into race statistics
I love pretending to hate Trump
I love pretending to be a jew
I love dividing the board and further making paranoia

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I don't hate blacks or hispanics.
Hitler did everything wrong.

I honestly just spam boogaloo threads and hope the mods get their shit together and start banning politics
I'm a furry and I make most of my income off porn

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im a closet leftist but all my friends are extremely conservative and hate jews

I own a bubbad FAL

Bureau of Land Management

I have a favorable view of the state of Israel and the Jewish people as a whole.

The mini a cute

I stopped caring about board quality and mostly shitpost and bait newfags
I'm pretty sure those emails are actually real because I didn't make them like other ones but I might spam some fake ones anyway

I shit post as an anarchist because I am one IRL.

I'm friends with a few of the mods and I've convinced them to stop deleting shitpostd on Jow Forums

I hope you guys work harder because the board has been too comfy
Hail Stalin

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I own a glock 23, i was young and stupid and thought .40 would've been a good round

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I'll occasionally bump a thread near the bottom of the list that doesn't really deserve it just to make a cheeky reply. Sometimes it ends up turning into a fun thread after that, but more often than not it just dies the next day anyway.

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I hate all of you.

I shitpost as a Nazi
I make threads that belong in QTTDDTOT
I like making multiple boogaloo bait threads
I call most people feds or Jews because it riles threads up and fucks up conversation

I despise Upotte and GuP and all other "little girls with weapons" anime

a lot of Jow Forums-approved anime is great, like GitS and LOTGH, but "they're cute schoolgirl with guns" is a shit premise and Jow Forums collectively has shit taste.

What's GitS?

ghost in the shell
the gacha faggotry has killed /ak/ for good, and the only decent anime discussion on Jow Forums is whenever someone makes a stealth anime thread with zero reference to that cancerous general.

I unironically like the way glock looks

This board is going to shit and I'm going to help it by baiting poltards out

>went hunting for crow with my 10/22
>it started raining
>it started pouring
>waited another 30 minutes in the rain for those gay running birds
>drive back to uncle and aunts house in soaked clothes
>knock on door
>cousin (not related thank god) opens the door
>”hey can I use your shower I got a chang of clothes I just need a shower and a towel”
>”user what have you been doing”
>”hunting gay birds, hey where’s uncle user and aunt anonett”
>”took the RV out for the weekend, i’m basically alone for till late sunday.”
>take hot shower to get cold rain feeling off
>get out shower
>no bath towels in guest room
>”hey anonett can you please hand me a towel”
>she knocks on the bathroom door
>I unlock and open it
>feel a hard push to fully open the door
>hip is blocking the path so door only opens the amount I open it
>”hey user I’ve got amazon prime in the living room if yo wanna watch anything”
>”ok i’ll be there”
>still emence pressure on door
>a good three second silence
>she let’s go and the door slams
>dry off change into dry clothes
>ball up wet clothes to take to truck
>walk into living room
>”come on user sit down”
>”naw i gotta oil my gun it’s been sitting in the rain for too long”
>”oh we have oil”
>”no it’s a special oil, for guns”
>”oh ok”
>”alright see ya”

still haven’t oiled my gun yet and that was the 14th
i’m scared to look at it now sad too I bet my uncle had some gun oil

i sold a couple guns to make rent last month.
i deeply regret one of them, but i chose the two that i was least attached to and that would be the easiest to replace.

I have never picked up my brass
I justify it to myself because I've seen people take brass with them from my shooting spots so it's ok
Although I also leave my .22lr

I pick up my shot shells tho

Forgive me father for I have sinned. I am a firearms dealer and I constantly talk basketball americans out of buying firearms instead of encouraging all citizens to be armed.

Not related? You're a faggot.

I own 12 guns and all of them are at my parent's house, because GF hates funs and we live together. I don't even have my carry pistols here.

M14's are based.

>I don't pick up my steel cases
>I shoot the target backer supports on purpose

Teach her the ways of the gun and repent, or break up.

I try to do better about it every day father, but the devil is a great tempter since they only wish to purchase Taurus or Sccy.

As a kraut, I prefer the Thompson over the MP40.

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Could you have ‘pawned’ them to a friend

I hate the Luftwaffe

When I was in middle school I believed in "common sense gun laws". I'm sorry.

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>I can't hold a 1" grouping at 7 yards, despite one-on-one lessons and frequent dry fire and range trips. I cope by saying it's "combat accurate".
>I don't CC as much as I used to because I'm afraid of fucking up.
>I don't see the point in owning more than one AR or more mags or guns you could carry in SHTF. I don't want to leave any weapons behind when shit pops off.
>I feel like a huge fucking poseur for being neverserved but liking guns.

>I feel like a huge fucking poseur for being neverserved but liking guns.
Most people in the military, including non-pogs, are pretty retarded about guns. Your basic infantry might know a little about whatever he used, but most of the time that's where their knowledge ends. If you know even a bit about guns beyond basic shit, you probably know more than 95% of people serving in the military.

i think 45 acp sucks and 9mm is better

thats my sin

I didn't care that bump stocks were b&. They were stupid.

I slipped a 300 blackout in someone’s 223 AR

I think the consensus on bump stocks is not in and of themselves (they're a meme range toy) but what Trump did and the horrible precedent he set by having a law changed by ATF fiat rather than Congress.
Feel free to tar and feather me if I'm wrong on this.

I like Turkish guns.

I sold my 92 Compact and bought an FNS-9. I hate the trigger on the FN and group way worse with it than I ever did with the Beretta. I'll probably save up a bit, sell the waffle and see if I can get an M9A3 for a decent price.

i’m not a cousin fucker

I genuinely think civilians are too stupid to be trusted with high capacity magazines and assault rifles

Wait till you see who runs the government

This makes me feel good because that confirms that all our "shills" are just ourguys bored af and when the time comes the infighting will stop.

All my boogaloo larping is a lie I'd rather have a house and family and a career but I don't believe I'm fit or destined for it

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I hate most military members, and love getting added to veterans pages only to shitpost zogbot memes to trigger all the boomer tier mentality fags. Then I post dd214 just to fuck around more.

I do not care for ARs

I think calling glocks DAO is misleading at best

I became a LEO partly just so I’d have guaranteed gun rights if the 2a ever got repealed/crazy national gun control came out.

I post datamining threads titled "Confess your sins" and "Favorite Gun, Darkest Secret" in order to compile evidence against my political enemies. There's too much traffic on Jow Forums but I feel I can make a difference here on a slower board like Jow Forums. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like I've made much of a difference. It doesn't seem like you all are going to stop supporting firearms or right wing ideology any time soon. The best we can settle for is disruption and lowering the general quality of the board with threads such as this.

I've honestly considered doing the same

Drop that bitch like a sack of potatoes, no need for that kind of negativity in your life. You’re the ultimate cuck, allowing a woman to hamstring your ability to weild a weapon, the most supreme of all natural rights.

I only sincerepost

>he's not NazBol gang

I think that those emails posted everywhere are actually real, but are framed and written to be dropped here
I try to convince people that they're wrong because I want this board to further deteriorate
I post whatever I can to see discontent
I've posted the "only going to get worse" copypasta every time I saw it to scare the boomers
I love pretending to be a leftie or nazi

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I havent gone shooting in months

i dont own a centerfire semi automatic rifle

What's not to like about the mp40?

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you should get your kraut citizenship revoked for this post

M3 Grease Gun , poor charging handle that often breaks
M3A1 , bolt is charging handle and gets hot during firing, your fingers are burned.
It is a piece of shit.

I don't own any guns because my parents hate them and I have to live with then for the next few years because uni. If my state weren't gay, I would have considered buying a takedown 10/22 and hiding it in my backpacking backpack. I might but a 1911 when I turn 21 and stash it there as well. Also, I'm black.

I use a Hogue grip on my Glock 17 gen 5

i shot myself in the leg twice and i literally shat my pants the first time because i was so afraid

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Same, but actually Dawes Roll

Drop the act and just call yourself a commie

Ah the m3, the mp40's mongoloid cousin.

lmao have fun with life dude

Sten in MP40s clothing that eats Thompson food.

I cut a Bulgarian AK stock off my WASR because I wanted to swap to a folder, and it was originally hammered in by my young dumb self

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Not the same thing at all, homo. Commies want a nanny state that controls all aspects of life, whether they admit it or not. Real anarchists' views vary but it damn sure aint that.

There both shit you giant faggot, anarchism is about as oppressive as communist totalitarianism is when it comes to your free will. Oh sure, you can do whatever you want, except form your own nation. The moment you do that you stop taking part of anarchism, just like the moment you can have private property you are no longer partaking in Communism, and therefore you must be eliminated to ensure that the communist utopia survives. Same goes for Anarchism, the fucking moment you try and build some form of a civilisation you have to be eliminated for anarchism to survive. Therefore it's about as oppressive and you still love big black cock up your ass.

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>Real anarchists
No such thing. They're all commies. Grow up.

I unironically chose the mini 30 as my semi-auto.

I joined border guard to shoot russians with qt tomboys but ended up with thots

>falling for trolling
man we really are winning

I read the Glock logo as G-LOCK

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Do you expect me to believe you're avante92?

I think they mean in general