Is this true? I'm having a hard time believing that zero soldiers died from air attack in Vietnam

Is this true? I'm having a hard time believing that zero soldiers died from air attack in Vietnam.

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Other urls found in this thread:Đồng_Hới

They tried, but failed:Đồng_Hới

When would the opportunity arise? The Vietnamese air force was more geared to interdiction, not ground attack, and everyone since has sucked or not had an air force at all.

Does a mig crashing and starting a fire that kills US soldiers count as an attack? I'd bet that happened once.

Read - the VPAF actually did attack and damage two US ships late in the war.

>Is this true?
Its false, at least if you count friendly fire (no such thing) incidents

OP pic says "enemy" though.

If my enemy gets in a car accident, I’m still counting that.

What about the USS Stark.

Israel used remotely hijacked aircraft to hit the Pentagon on 9/11

Because everything is the jews' fault. We get it. Now fuck off back to pol you miserable bigot.

Sailors aren't "ground troops"

Statistics can become anything if you filter them just right

.04 cents deposited into your account, shareblue fuck

Whoa what the hell does that have to do with what he said?

True and that's a huge problem. E.g. US Army units used to have some sort of anti aircraft capabilities like Roland, Stinger, Avenger etc. but since it fought for so long against countries or organizations that did not have an air force it now has basically nothing in the active army units. If the airspace will be contested their will be on their own.

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Air space is usually cleared out by air superiority fighters first, no?

Not an enemy attack

You got it. In essence it depends on many factors and on the scenario. Take for example a scenario where Russia invades the Baltic states where US Nato ground forces are stationed. They bulk of F35's will launch from some airbase in England and will have to fly thousands of kilometers and eventually will have to be refueled in the air. They will be effective but they can only carry that much bombs. And that distance to e.g. Estonia will reduce the amount of sorties to the minimum. It will take a week till the carriers arrive or the bombers be relocated. Besides, you can't support your troops on the ground if you have to dogfight in the air. So in the first days of the conflict the Us forces on the ground will be on their own. Russians on the other hand stuff every army unit from the battalion level with multilayered mobile anti aircraft systems. Look at Spots/Documents/Russia/2017-07-The-Russian-Way-of-War-Grau-Bartles.pdf starting page 268

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What's wrong?

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Who needs enemies when you got friends like that huh

You could make same one for many armies.
Like I'm pretty sure no Soviet/Russians troops died from air attack since WW2.

I'm sure there is a number of "instructors" that were bombed at some time between Vietnam and Syria

The military still uses singers we also have Avenger SAM/AA and are experimenting with putting Sidewinders on the Avenger also we have patriots and are experimenting with the MML launcher.

Probably, but I'm pretty sure you have unofficial US casualties for similar reasons. And apparently those Russian mercs got zapped in Syria. But that's not Russian/Soviet military in official capacity.

>T. Horrid kike

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Who needs enemies to attack when you have allies like these :^)

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If you want to blend in, you should have called him a double nigger. Or a horrendous faggot, that works too.

Statistically, we’re all dead Chinese women.

>Is this true?
Oy vey.

Attached: 1920px-USS_LIBERTY_Memorial.jpg (1920x1439, 1.37M)

The VPAF damaged some ships, but never killed anyone. The USS Liberty on the other hand was a different story, but that was from an “ally” instead.

Your autism is showing, user.

>naval forces not ground forces
>friendly fire (though I don’t consider Jews friends)

Notice how one of 'em is a crayon eater, not a sailor.