I'm in the UK. 21. I want to go about getting a shotgun. Why doesnt matter...

I'm in the UK. 21. I want to go about getting a shotgun. Why doesnt matter. How can I do this while skipping licenses and certificates?

Pic unrelated.

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You have a license to be asking that here?

Was looking to buy a solid one, not a kiddies diy craft set but I'll check it out more

bruh just get a shotgun license, easy as hell to get and you can get almost any shotgun you want with it

Not as easy, I have no contact with countryside hunting.etc and I have a friend who is regularly hunting and involved with game keeping that's been waiting years

Mate are you a bit fucked in the head or something? You come to a Bruneian machete-twirling forum that’s practically glowing nowadays and ask how to obtain a shotgun without alerting said glow? You’re a fucking retard cunt. Should’ve thought this through a bit more. Go pay your TV license and your bedroom tax ya munted fuckwit.

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Grow up, get the license, buy a shotgun. Done. If any of these steps are too much for you then that's as intended, because that means you should not have a shotgun.

step 1: take all your tea out of the pantry and toss it in the river.

step 2: move to the US and buy yourself some well deserved firepower.

God i wish, I'd love to be in the US

The rest of these Ktards should calm down, just want to kill myself lol

Step 1: get a loicense holding loicense to get another a gun loicense.

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Don't go shooting yer damn self. Just gonna add another blemish on gun stats for the anti-gunners to pop a boner at.

Should I buy my suicide license first? That way its legal

Hello MI6 officer, it's been slow in africa I assume?

Sounds like it. Poor guy is so bored he wants to kill himself.


good, fuck the queen while we are it

Not really your business but I'm a useless tranny, no better reason than that

>mistakes were made

Ya may as well join the40% . OD on heroin or sum shit , guns aren’t great for suicide unless big caliber or pointed at a cop

You already butcher your junk? If not take off the wig and go get your life back on track.

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sounds like a shit reason to kill yourself.

Other way round, no op. fuck anyone that thinks being a female is empowering and superior

Well then if you're all in one piece, go make some new (not feminazi) friends and have a good time. Buy and do stuff that makes you happy and fuck what other people think.

Missed out the part where I'm majorly shut in, have shit anxiety which makes me non verbal around strangers, nhs dont care, and have no friends. Where would I even start?

not even kidding. helped me be less autistic
didn't really fix the learning disability though.

G’day again dumb cunt, I’m the bloke who called you a retard previously. I’d just like to reiterate, in agreement with many other seppos here; get fucked you dipshit pommy tranny. If you’re going to kill yourself with a shotgun, please piss off and reconsider mate. Cheers.

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Have to agree with this. Had mad confidence back when I used to be in shape. Was still dumb as a rock but at least I was a rock with a shit eating grin.

ah, so not only do you want to find idiots that will sell you an illegal firearm but you're also shilling hate speech towards the transgendered community. Well agent, this community is pro LGBTQ. Hate has no home here.

shut up faggot

Hey there MI5, how's the weather down in London? If you want to get yourself set up with a shotgun then call your local police station to set up a meeting and start your license application. It can be easier or harder to get one depending on which constabulary you're in and how much of a wanker your local chief of police is, but unless you have a criminal record it's usually fairly straightforwards.

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is VB good?

only with vegemite on toast

this hate speech will not be tolerated.

Be gone, home of sexuals

tolerate deez nuts


I was pretty fit until the nhs fucked me, would be worth throwing myself into something worthwhile again though. Cheers lad. If all else fails I'll just have to get the reliable rope from halfords

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I think I'll have to have it for breakfast one day. assuming they bother to export it to the USA
cheers user

Nah cunt, it’s decent but you’re better off with XXXX. And disregard this cunt;
It’s better with Tim Tams and/or a bunning’s snag. Vegemite and toast is reserved for days when cunts aren’t taking the piss.
Give them a go mate, shit’s cash. Try and grab everything else I mentioned in the list, as well as Arnott’s Pizza Shapes. Cunts are fucking amazing.
Mate I’m gonna tell you know; if you kill yourself you’re actually munted cunt.

Move to Jersey ASAP. It's expensive but amazing gun laws for Europe standards.

Clean up the spillage wagie

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You need to sign up at your local gun club and keep visiting them and renting their stock until they're willing to vouch for you. Once they do you can apply for licensing with the police.

Try to befriend someone associated with criminals and ask him if he knows how to get a shotgun.Be prepared to pay several times it's store price,becase firearms are usually very expensive in dystopian-style countries like UK and Germany.

gotta warn other people who might make the same mistake as you user, at least you still got your dick

Imagine actually living in

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So you are who you are so you think you must die?
Seems odd
Grow up and get a nice big dog and go for lovely walks.