Just a reminder that the ATF got away with Operation Fast and Furious.
Americans can't own a full auto but Mexican Cartel should get full auto firearms.
Just a reminder that the ATF got away with Operation Fast and Furious
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I love the laws, I follow them 100% of the time all the time. God bless corporate America.
They did this for the greater good to keep our country safe from harm.
Stupid animeposter
>at least not a tripfag
>says the namenigger
>Mexican Cartel should get full auto firearms
The Cartel is getting full auto whether Uncle Sam fucks up and hands them over or not. Iron Law of Prohibition. Pretty sure the dudes have moved on from M4s to hit squads with beltfeds and MGLs and shit.
Videos I've seen show them using sbr full auto x39 galil aces it's pretty hmmm
Also remember more recently that Hogg and Goblina praised Eric Holder in their "peace plan".
What was the logic behind F&F?
To make fun movies about racing cars
kys namefag
Best I can figure is that they record the serials before giving them to people who source for the cartel and see who/where they end up with.
This has done nothing, but they did learn that they've been killing Americans with them, so seems like it worked out for the ATF.
>t. n*mefag cocklicker
ATF/CIA working to arm their favorite cartel who they do business with in the global drug trade while further destabilizing Mexico so their third worlders can come here and eviscerate whitey.
Operation Fast and Furious was a program under 'Project Gunrunner' led by the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) which is overseen by the Department of Justice (DoJ). The operation's main goal was to arrest straw gun purchasers and their contacts. The ATF handled this operation poorly with limited authority and it blew up spectacularly into a scandal with lots of misinformation peddled by right-wing sources.
Nice boomerposting glowbro
Dat ass. Source?
Destroy yourself namefag