As we all know the european theatre was a lot more important than the pacific and the Germans were a much more...

As we all know the european theatre was a lot more important than the pacific and the Germans were a much more challenging enemy than japan. So why did they not deploy the Marines in Europe like in WWI and leave the pacific to the army and navy?
I know i know, the Marines specialize in Naval landings, but D-Day showed the army was capable of pulling it off aswell. It could also have been a very effective psychological weapon if the germans knew they'd have to face the Devil Dogs again, maybe some WW1 veterans telling horror stories about their effectiveness in the last conflict.maybe Market Garden or the Hürtgen Forest battle would have ended differently if marines instead of soldiers were given the task.

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Because the Marines were a comparatively tiny branch that still used bolt actions in '42 and were perfectly suited to the amphibious nature of the Pacific campaign. It's not like the Army didn't see their fair share of fighting in the theater either.


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The army still used M1903s in '44- '45 to a surprising extend as infantry rifle. It's was a big war buddy

The Marins got real chewed up the last time they fought the gernmans

If you were a sniper maybe

>As we all know the european theatre was a lot more important than the pacific
[citation needed]

Because the army is better than the marines.

Marines are the expendable crazy shock force of young dudes meant to take casualties. Army is the educated experienced dudes who arent meant to die in large numbers.

Nah this is how it goes
>marines are the roided up lunatics who charge at enemies with hand me down equipment
>army are the bulletsponges who send 1,000,000 artillery shells at a house before clearing it
>navy and air force leave caveman-tier ground combat to the peasant branches while they fight in the cerebral dimensions of warfare

Oh yeah,care to elaborate a little? Genuinely curious.

Basically talking out of my ass here but doesn't it have something to do with the marines being a literal detachment of the Navy? And despite the initial landing operation the European theater was largely a ground/airborne campaign vs the Pacific theater being ship combat and island hopping.

> would have been a very effective psychological weapon
Based on what exactly? Sounds like leatherneck circlejerking.
> marines specialised in naval landings
And yet the army did more, took more ground and more casualties. The marines didnt do anything the army couldnt or didnt do.
> maybe market garden or the hurtgen forest would have turned out differently if marines had been there.
Nigga what the fuck are you smoking. The marines werent superhuman killing machines, they were just average dudes who got sent to some shitty places and based their entire corps ego around it.

Yes, the Marines were Nimitz's personal army that he used to go on his Central Pacific adventure to spite MacArthur

Whole thread is bait.

>german bitches literally gave Marines their name “Devil Dogs”

>D-day was such a spectacular failure compared to what was originally planned.

The army is garbage. Anyone who’s served can back this up.

Basically this, every Muhreen officer I've met, even when proven intelligent out of the field, reverts to a short, dumb, aggressive Manlet ball of adrenaline and spittle in the field, meanwhile everyone not a Muhreen maintains their intelligence and tactical thought

>german bitches literally gave Marines their name “Devil Dogs”
Literal motard fabrication, you're probably fresh out of boot
>D-day was such a spectacular failure compared to what was originally planned.
The fuck are you even talking about

>why did they deploy a force that specializes in amphibious warfare to a theatre that had a lot of amphibious warfare
It's a mystery.

Can’t even call you a boot.

Get out never served.

Apparently his Crayola hallucinations are making him think Marines had any part in D-Day


The post.

Get well fat boys. Your parents cant be disappointed in you forever, they’ll die before long.

this pretty much.

Marines make sense in a (relatively) small peace-time military. But during total war or total mobilization they become pointless. The only role they could serve would be something like the bong Marine Commandos, ie: small force of dedicated raiders whos job is to get in, fuck shit up, get out.

Why do boot ass muhreens get so ass devastated whenever their meme branch gets called out?

>I meme on an Jow Forums, I’m kinda a big deal.

You’re what’s wrong with the U.S.A. Congrats

Because they slurped up the cool aid and did a whole lot of unnecessary shit during basic and the idea that the army can do everything they do and just as well as they do it forces them to consider the mistakes they have made becoming marines.

I remember reading how during the war in 'nam there were weekly meetings at the Pentagon regarding casualties and replacement rates. Marines consistently took the highest per-capita casualty rate throughout the war and wore that as a badge of honor. This story could of course be more marine bullshit, but that would only underline the point further. They are fucking retards.

God, I can smell the the POG stink off this one

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Have crayons.


Cuz I seent it on Facebook

America truly is in trouble

Whenever I see the army or the air forces, it reminds me of some sort of village people song. Just a bunch of freaks and geeks looking for “easy glory”

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I wonder what it was like being a marine manning naval guns in the Atlantic, longing to slap a Jap, feeling like you missed the big one. Then D-day happens.