ID on drones

Jow Forums you get to be useful today.
Jow Forums needs an ID on the crashed drones supposedly responsible for the refinery fire.

First guess was HARPY, then the similar HAROP, now the Jews are saying they are Chinese clones made under licence.

No arguing over who fired them, let's just ID the damn things first

Attached: 1568919288844m.jpg (1024x443, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Jow Forums needs an ID on the crashed drones
Jow Forums needs to do their own fucking work

Another reference

Attached: 1568974082509m.jpg (1024x576, 85K)

>you get to be useful today
You guys first

Iranian Harpy clone

Same cowling, same engine placement, same control surfaces

Attached: 189276_orig[1] (1).jpg (595x387, 81K)

Maybe Jow Forums is just full of newfriends

Anyway if these drone strikes are legit it represents an outlying point in the effectiveness of drone strikes

Smells a bit like the attack on the mason

>Turns out guided weapons are a good idea

No shit. Are you retarded?

Iran has a long history of copying things that work from enemy and ally alike. Typically this is only in appearance, so the best this can be ID'd a is an un-announced attempt at a copy of the harop.

Do you dumbass fuckers not realize that
#1 The arms trade exists
#2 They don’t give a shit what the hardware or where it’s from
#3 We aren’t doing your work for you

So a toohpan/chamran 2?

Let me check the range and flight times, I'm struggling to find a primary source

Iran has a history of copying Israeli drones.

Attached: 1568918921280.png (639x675, 326K)

Attached: image.jpg (1440x1440, 1.08M)

But if these drones ARE of Israeli manufacture the Israelis are finished if they can't prove they sold those specific drones to a third party

Why don't you fuck off back to instead

Does anyone have specs on the Iranian harpy clone, specifically flight times.

We may just find a ship off the coast if we match the flight time to the impact.

HAROP is claiming 500km range, I assume without payload
Got one guy saying the Iranian clones only make 100

this is a thread about drones

Indeed, so let's talk about the range of these drones and how detectable they are

>Jow Forums needs
to stay in their containment zone.

didnt the saudi spokesman in yesterday release give a quote for the range they thought it had? Im not saying thats a good number, but its a data point

>Got one guy saying the Iranian clones only make 100


Seems pretty clear they aren't, and no amount of astroturfing your own thread will change anyone's minds

Even if they are, the public doesn't care and the politicians have already been bought.

This absolute pathetic desperation to make anything a Jewish plot is just so sad.

Fpbp. Fuck /Pol./

That sarallah "picture" is a US scan eagle. Get a real picture of the harpy drone clone if you want to convince anyone.

>you get to be useful
>pol needs you to do something
you know pol is the worst board on the website right? at least lgbt and mlp know they suck ass

Attached: 088FA7F8-A9FA-4E44-A620-509508B5BBEB.jpg (962x643, 81K)

As I sm sitting here in Stan tut on TX looking at oil wells, oil rigs, windmills, cotton fields, cows, trucks, camp trailers, I realize that we don't fucking need to deal with Sand People anymore.

Energy Independence is Foreign Policy Independence.

Yes, but Jow Forums is getting consistently disrupted by counter sanctuary operations, which are turning the harm caused by Jow Forums against the extremists themselves. It's quite beautiful to see.

China copies US drones and we didnt sell them to China user. Its plausible the Iranians either
>stole the design
>captured a shot down/crashed drone from Syria and reverse engineered it
>emulated the design from pics, which isnt uncommon
>independently developed it

Iran has a long history with drones. Their first were American drones given to the Shah, and that was the bedrock of several years of their drone program