ITT: Boomer fuddlore

>Gaston Glock just forgot to put a safety. By time he realized what he done they already made millions of glocks.

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Other urls found in this thread:

556 designed to wound

45 proven man stopper during animal tests

>M16 bullets were designed to tumble mid-flight

I overheard a boomer at a gun show say
>the clip ejection on the Garand was actually originally an error
>you were supposed to have to take the clip out by hand
>but John Garand liked it so he left it in

>marlin made a mini 14 in .243 Winchester
>argued vehemently by a boomer in a gun shop in rural northeast Texas 6 years ago to the bemusement of everyone present

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>US soldiers would tap the clip on their helmets to trick the Germans into thinking they were reloading.

>5.56 meant to wound not kill
>5.45 made to be able to shoot 5.56 but not the other way around
>7.62 rifles are inherently inaccurate
>Assault weapons are stronger than hunting rifles
>50BMG will kill you with a near miss
>Tiger best tank of the war
>Abrams best tank of modern era
>22lr bounces around the skull
>9mm will not kill and is weak as fuck

Those animal tests happened though. They just sat around shooting cows and cadavers with different pistols and were like "yep, .45 is the best as far as we can tell" but the key thing is that they were using .45 Colt back when that test was done, something that has more than proven itself when it comes to killing men. The 1911 and .45 ACP didn't exist yet.

>50BMG will kill you with a near miss
I spit out my coffee

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>5.45 will kill a dushman even from an arm shot
>5.56 may not drop a taliban even from a chest shot
Guess they evolved a resistance.

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.45 made to be able to shoot 5.56 but not the other way around
>smaller diameter than 556
>shorter case than 556
I could understand someone claiming the opposite but that's just retarded.

>funny enough I found a .223 round in my last spam can of 7n6 that I bought in 2012

I would trust something from them ahead of something from Jow Forums
Also you tards should have figured out by now that these are shareblue threads trying to divide gun owners

There may be some truth somewhere in there.
Ruger XGI. Scaled up mini-14. Advertised in .308 and .243 in the mid 80s. Never went into production.

Attached: Ruger XGI.jpg (1100x239, 34K)

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Well think about it from the point of a literal retard boomer.
They both share 45 in there somewhere so that means its gucci to do at least once. But I've never been able to shake the myth that the Russians developed the AK74 to be able to just take a handful of 5.56NATO and shoot it, albeit shittily. It's the most baffling fuddlore I've ever heard.

Shame, fudds would cream in their carhartts for one of these in .243

Fudds must die. Always hang a traitor before a enemy.

>5.56 meant to wound not kill
Though not true, the concept is interesting. More resources are required to handle wounded soldiers than dead soldiers.

Yes let's just hold hands and believe nonesense. I've heard an actual boomer claim Gaston Glock accidentally forgot to design a safety. The same boomer claimed shooting at silhouettes or owning any gun designed for LE or military as a civilian will result in a murder conviction if you're in a justifiable self-defense shooting, because obviously you wanted to kill someone.

>semi auto
Uh huh.

How did the "designed to wound" meme get started, anyway?

It was simply a .22 caliber projectile and everyones mind immediately went to .22lr. They were also salty that muh turdy cal got the boot. The first iterations of the M16 with the 1:14 twist were known to rip limbs off because the slow twist rate caused the bullet to tumble after 50yds.

Something something wounded personal is a heavier burden for the enemy force than a dead one

I don’t get it.


>answers fuddlore with more fuddlore

>Aything involving the Garand ping being a factor in combat
>If you shoot someone in self defense and they survive, you should execute them before the cops get there or you will be found guilty
>Glocknade being anything but a meme to make glockfags seethe
>Miltary needs to go back to .45 and .30 cal (bonus points if they think 30.06 should be brought back)

Special ops accounts fielding experimental rifles in the beginning of the war. Google is your friend.

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong here. It's my understanding that 5.56 was chosen because we can carry a lot of it. With tens of thousands of rounds being expended per enemy casualty, and the individual rifleman being more useful for suppressing fire (while a SAW, M2, or grenade does the real killing), it just makes sense for most soldiers to carry a shitload of 5.56 compared to a few mags of 7.62.

as long as we kill all tripfags first

Yes. And also because the range of the average engagment happens at is close enough where a large round has no advantage

tell that to the taliban in the hills of 'stan

What is tinnitus?

Which is why 7.62 hasn't completely disappeared. You'll note I said "average"

Depends on the grain of the ammo.

I mean, even discounting that, a more powerful round is gonna be better at penetrating cover.
And there are many mountainous and open sorts of places in the world.

Hey shareblue
>Yes let's just hold hands and believe nonesense.
Or just not be a aggro tard.
>I've heard an actual boomer
That's a pretty low bar for hatred. Care to be judged for retarded posts others make?

>scaled up mini-14

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>we're moving away from the concept of "one shot one kill" full power rifle cartridges

>want a quiet handgun? suppress a .45 ACP, it's naturally subsonic!

.243 would be a great round for a "battle rifle" t b h

Arty and airstrikes do the “real killing”

I had someone in my hunter safety class ask the DNR officer (instructor) that he had heard someone say it was ok to shoot .308 in a .30-06 rifle but not the other way around and wanted to confirm it before he tried it
>You should only use ammunition that is of the same type as is marked on the barrel
He then protests that he knows "for a fact" that 5.56 can be shot out of a .223
>That's not true. I would encourage you to do more research. But you should only use ammunition the gun was designed to use.

9mm is just as good as larger and more powerful calibers
t. 30 yo boomer

these retards actually think that

.30 cal was designated as the minimum you should be trying to kill people with by almost every military up until the US completely changed it by issuing the M16. the rest is just retarded boomer speculation

what's wrong about that?

Hey fuck you, carhartts are a Wisconsin thing, that’s our word

>implying it's not
Big oof, my statistically illiterate boomer

Wrong. I just turned 18. And I know that the bigger the better

I actually thought it was FMJ people say this about, not any specific calibre

>he doesn't know

no, burns barrels too fast

Suppressors are illegal in my country. Tell me what is wrong about suppressing a subsonic round?

>t. mad boomer

Glocknade was a real thing at one time though

they probably think the guy was silly because you can buy subsonic, heavy grain 9mm for less than the price of normal 45 and it would be quieter because of the smaller hole gasses are allowed to escape from.

>If you build your own gun you can NEVER sell it to anyone
>If you want to sell a homemade gun you need to put a serial number on it before selling it
>If you have an upper that is less than 16 inches right next to a rifle then legally the whole thing is considered an SBR and you can get arrested for it
>If you have an AR and you purchase an M16 parts kit that is constructive possession and you will get arrested for illegal machine gun, even if the parts aren't installed
>Anything about constructive possession in general
>If you shoulder the AR pistol you converted it into a rifle and you will be arrested
>Semi automatic guns are less accurate than bolt actions
>The heat from shooting will melt the coating on steel case and jam up your gun

You don't get to own carhartts.

I mean what else would you call it? Ruger can’t just say it’s a M1A

Time to eat your crow faggots

It’s not a meme. The army switched over from 7.62 to 5.56 for a few reasons.

You can carry more, it’s lighter, and they found that typical firefights were fought at distances that 5.56 would still be accurate. Plus the army teaches fire superiority over accuracy. Look at the battle drills.

And the meme you’re referring to is true. The bullet wasn’t designed to injure, and it doesn’t tumble mid flight, but when it hits tissue it tumbles, obviously creating a larger wound channel. It’s also not uncommon for it to bounce off bones, since it’s a lighter bullet. You can see an entry wound in the pelvic region, with an exit would in the upper to mid back.

>higher capacity
>less recoil
>superior penetration to .45 and .40
Kys boomer

A m14.

> ar15 has a special gas recovery system that makes the bullets more deadly

.45 is good with a can

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

A mega 14.

Macro 14

>lever actions are semi auto and better than AR's for combat
>they were made to kill injuns not skinny ragheads and charlie so .223 won't work against any real man
>ya can even put a scope on it my buddy's a gunsmith he'll give you a good rate

t. A boomer LGS owner telling me to sell my AR and buy his overpriced beat to shit 30-30

>6.5 Arisaka
>6.5 Carcano
>6.5 Swede
>7mm Mauser

>.30 caliber is the minimum for stopping power
>but .30 carbine couldn't dun penetrate chinese coats in korea, yep them things sure sucked
>i always take them garands, if ya can't kill anything past 200 feet with it, it's inadequate

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>yup, an m1 grand is all ya need, see m16's only work now because ragheads and charlie are skinny, m1 grands were made to shoot german men who are much bigger and stronger, if ya caint kill them in 8 rounds ya should learn to fight better
>turns back to his beat to fuck mismatched m1 garand on the bench and continues to shoot a 6" group at 100 yards

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Funnily enough, 30 carbine had zero confirmed kills beyond 50m in Korea, so that part at least is based in some truth

>If you have an AR and you purchase an M16 parts kit that is constructive possession and you will get arrested for illegal machine gun, even if the parts aren't installed
>Anything about constructive possession in general
>If you shoulder the AR pistol you converted it into a rifle and you will be arrested
I mean, with how arbitrary the shit the ATF makes up and how they change their minds on a dime I don’t fully not believe this

he hit the deer bud. Go watch the video of the guy who shot a .50 inbetween a deck of cards to reinforce why you are a retard.

isn’t this how the Waco thing kicked off? with M16 parts and constructive possession?

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>Semi automatic guns are less accurate than bolt actions
you should tell the benchrest guys i am sure they will believe you

There's no exit wound, on the camera it shows a near miss, go get some laser eye surgery

It went through the eye sockets you absolute retard.

If he hit he would've said so, you think this guy would just embarrass himself like that?

He's the first person in the history of ever to be wrong. Shocking. Catch the followup video where they say there was a hole in the bone between the eye sockets and stop wasting our time with something that's been solved for years.

Did you look at him? He's already an embarrassment.

Nah why don't you eat yours, you noguns dipshit

If he hit it there would have been a gigantic exit wound, he even explains that he didnt hit it in the comments, can u not read?

>gigantic exit wound
From what? The 0.5mm of bone it blew through without deforming? Fuck outta here retard.

I never understood this bit of fuddlore
>MG42 firing in one ear
>Your commander screaming orders in your other ear
>A nearby Tiger ripping some donuts
>Artillery bursting all around
>Tinnitus from 3 years fighting Reds on the Eastern front
>can somehow hear a piece of metal go "ping" 300 yards away.

Ah I checked out the guys youtube channel. It's literally just clickbait fuddlore. Didn't realize you were trolling at first. Carry on bro

>noguns dipshit


yes I edc a Glock 30 S, now tell me how 9mm is better

Abrams was the best tank in the modern era until very recently.
And there is some merit to a 50BMG round creating a high temp/pressure shockwave if you look at the physics/aerodynamics

show me your dick first and then I will

>you think this guy would just embarrass himself like that?
>shoots a doe with .50 BMG

Seething boomer.

Not from the US, so what's that with the AR-pistol about?

No wako kicked off because the ATF wanted to swing there dick because they thought they had full auto fun guns (they didnt btw)

So instead of going up and asking the people "hay we heard some roumors and want to check things out"

They got a bullshit warrent and rolled in tanks then burnt all the men woman and children alive, unless they ran out of a building then they just fucking sniped them in the head.

An civilian m14

You mean to tell me, that at no point in all of Korea during the entire conflict, not one person lined up a hundred yard shot with a weapon perfectly capable of harvesting deer, and domed somebody?