Sup, /tg/ refugee here, I want to ask some expert advice from you guys. What kind of weapons would be common in american social collapse scenario (apart from semi auto AR-15 and AK clones) I am running a game set in pre-collapse america (think first Mad Max, or The Rover, or bad future from Back to the future 2 - basically the society is fucked, but some institutions are still barely working and its not full assless chaps and mohawks postapocalypse ). The thing is that when it comes to weapons, most books concentrate on mititary style arms, full auto AKs and ARs, submachineguns and other flashy crap. The authors basically take coolest shit from movies and vidya without thinking about how avaiable they are irl. And while i am not really all that knowledgeable about guns, i am reasonably sure that full auto weapons from counterstrike would not be so common in civilian hands.
Tl;dr - So, what guns should my marauding gangs , and ragtag survivors bands carry in modern collapsed US setting?
PSA, S&W, and ruger will be the most common AR type rifle found. Because the majority of gun owners are retarded. Glocks will be common. As will cheap Taurus knockoffs. Basically, imagine the absolute cheapest dogshit you can buy, thats what 90% of people end up getting and that's what youll see. People in/near cities will likely get a bunch of second hand nigger blasters, so whatever you usually see in those police department bust photos.
All the people with the high end equipment, custom glocks gucci ar's and the like will be dead within a week and their shit will end up getting thrown out to carry more food.
Josiah Sanchez
> PSA, S&W, and ruger will be the most common AR type rifle found. Because the majority of gun owners are retarded. Whats wrong with these? Also what about hunting rifles? What are the most common ones areound?
Liam Perry
Many bolt action hunting rifles, hunting shotguns both semi auto and pump action, semi auto handguns, and revolvers. Lever guns would be a little less common. Pretty much everything is common in America.
Connor Lopez
Will depend on location of course. This pic can cover a large city/urban environment for your purposes.
>Whats wrong with these? They're garbage. They cut out the quality so they can sell them for the cheapest fucking price possible. Unironically this. It will be mostly shitty handguns with the occasional shitty rifle here and there. There will likely be more shotguns and bolt guns than ARs.
Nolan Cook
Glocks, XDs, M&Ps and lots of Berettas with the Glocks and Berettas being the most common handguns. You'd also find a lot of S&W revolvers of varying varieties. Plenty of 22s of all types. The standard boatload of ARs, and lots and lots of bolt actions (Rem700, Savage Axis).
Jayden Price
>So, what guns should my marauding gangs , and ragtag survivors bands carry in modern collapsed US setting? Here is a short list. The problem is that there is so much shit floating around the U.S. you could realistically equip an army with decent standardization.
>glawks >1911s >revolvers >the occasional battle rifle >durr rifles (ruger, savage, take your pick) in various calibers >lever gats in various calibers >pump and semi auto shotguns >whatever gets looted from nasty girls
Its not the early 2000s anymore. Everybody and their grandmother owns an AR-15 and a few mags. Anybody with half a brain will slap a red dot or some kind of optic on it. If there is a societal collapse we would treat them like Afghans treat AKs. Its just something you carry with you because thats the way it is.
William Reyes
Theyre just entry level, non-gucci ARs. These would 100% be incredibly common. Hunting rifles would not be nearly as common, especially in suburban or urban environments.
Jace Barnes
Hi-point carbines and pistols, cus they're cheap as shit and basically every gun store and gangbanger has one.
SKS and Mosin-Nagant surplus infantry rifles, because for a while they we're cheap as shit and every boomer has 1-40 in their safe. Other surp rifles as well, but those two are by far the most common, since for a while between ~1990 and ~2008 they were available in huge number in the US and cheap as fuck.
12 gauge pump action shotguns from Mossberg, Remington, Winchester, Savage and various other manufacturers. There is at least one of these in literally(literally almost literally) every gunsafe in the nation.
Elmer Fudd bolt action hardware store shotguns in various gauges. Companies like J.C. Higgins(Sears), Savage, and Mossberg made thousands and thousands of cheap shit deer gitters from the 1920s through the 1980s, Theres are still thousand sand thousands of them in attics, garages basements and closets around the nation, just sitting there waiting for a looter to find, this is excellent option to give your players as starter/trash loot you can buy these IRL for like $50, they go bang, are somewhat reliable but generally not to durable or well designed. Every gun store you have ever been in probably has five of these in the back room that grandma sold to the shop for $30 after grandpa died and she didn't want it in the house anymore.
Hand guns of any sort, but mostly semi automatic, magazine fed pistols in cals from .32acp to .45auto are extremely common and should be fairly common both as NPC weapons and as found loot in anywhere there might be a gun.
Hunting rifles. There are unfathomable vast numbers of R700, Mossbergs, Savages of too many types to name, Winchester Models, Marlin Level guns. There are easily in excess of 50 million hunting rifles floating around the US, they range from converted surplus to $20000 custom pieces, but they are EVERYWHERE.