Turkish shotguns

You fuckers let it die.


And you didn’t answer the question.

Did UTAS fix the problem with the top rail in the gen 4? The rail in the gen 1 could not fit optics due to it being a proprietary mounting system instead of a 1913.

Attached: CF245CDA-8513-4D84-AC5B-70D44448FD66.jpg (2000x1242, 215K)

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Lmao, that things got a jammed round. You can see the slugs vertical in the reciever and the bolt can't close, it's fucking trash

The gen 1s had reliablity problems.

The best thing to do with turkshit is to toss it in the trash.

The answer isn't relevant.
It's turkshit. It's trash.

This. Bin that bullshit!

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You didn’t answer my question.

Yes I did. The answer is bin that shit
>muh proprietary rails
They aren't proprietary at all dumbfuck, they're just measured wrong so they're out of spec. You're as dumb as a fucking turk

Attached: 1558567019608.jpg (720x478, 40K)

>buying turkish

Attached: ung 12.png (331x349, 142K)

Wouldn't buy it if it was the cure for cancer either

Gen 4 fixed all the problems that plauged teh UTAS with teh exception of short storking. Now they have such a bad reputation though that no one wants one.

Are there Turkish shotguns that are good?

walmart got them $99 yeeyee specials

i have an amazing 870 clone from turkey... you can defintely tell a qc problem tho

That $200 auto loader they have is also actually pretty great. It needed a break in of a box or two of shells but after that it’s eaten everything I’ve fed it pretty well, with the exception of the occasional FTE from that light cheap 7 1/2 shot bulk stuff that most autoloaders are picky with.

As a hunting shotgun though it’s fantastic

I can’t find any xtr-12s anywhere, wtf happened.

Attached: C0A0158C-A72A-45BA-92CE-15023B340321.jpg (1024x681, 269K)


Might as well buy a gun off Alibaba. Or send your money directly to ISIS.

Is UTAS government owned?

Buying Turkish clones is a gamble but they do make some quality variants of czs and walthers.
Buying a gun designed and built from the ground up from turks is just asking for trouble though.

>Or send your money directly to ISIS.
but I already pay taxes!?!?


>Beliefing russian propaganda
After the Turks shot down a Russian yet on their border, the Russians started shit posting on RT that Turkey was arming them
Meanwhile Isis was commiting shootings and terrorist attacks in Turkey but Americans are to Retarded to have a basic knowledge of W.asia

SAS-12 (Chinese) or a generic pump would be about the only crappy guns I'd consider buying from the Orient beyond Howa's 870 clone from the 80s.

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>Wouldn't buy it if it was the cure for cancer either
Buying Turkish would probably get you cancer.