GWG: Girls with Guns

Stop being faggots talking about all the stupid shit you do and enjoy the finer things in life. Please contribute

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>itt sfw crap

user, this is a blue board and if nothing else we are merely appreciating the luscious forms of girls and guns, which do quite eloquently fit together in harmony. Keep the degeneracy to a minimum

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Modest is hottest
Lewd is crude

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I know from statiatics, anecdotes, and complaints from infantry that women in the military generally don't have the aptitude for combat.
But the enemy being mogged by girls would be one hell of a PsyOp IMHO.

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imagine the smells mmmmmm

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Probably great in the sac
Ok but probably not very talented
Yes but that is probably all bra
She fucks back

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God save our Queen Jow Forumsirsten!

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>it's this /soc/-tier cumbrain thread again


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Keep your self-loathing off this thread. Disgusting now that Jow Forums tier wojack appears when i scroll down

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This is a Christian board, user

This is a weapons board faggots post this shit elsewhere

No ass.

>This is a weapons board faggots post this shit elsewhere
I don't think you understand user. this is not THAT kind of thread

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american woman

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Wow. I never liked the look of those Vepr sporting guns, but it looks nice with that EOtech

Fuck off with your rapey molestation book.


I generally don’t like to acknowledge the fact that a woman may be better with guns than me, but fortunately it’s quite a slim possibility.

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dumb cumbrains

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YEOWZA she am very hott ;-) i am cumm for a longer time for these women ;-)) YEOWZA i cum haha

>being this new
these threads have been a thing longer than you've first visited Jow Forums

Yes she will let you do anything

All wojakposters of any kind should have their teeth and fingers smashed with hammers.

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Except love her.

So? This is still coomer garbage.

wojakposters are genetic dead ends so it really doesn't matter.

>they're THIS THREATENED by being outed as cumbrains

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get your test levels checked

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I think you have Christianity and Judaism confused, user.

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based gamer elephant

Watch out, she has a gun!

Based elephant


Hahaha yeah man i wonder what coombrain drew this

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women are gay

the conflict between the outfit and the gun in this photo fucks with me. I hate it but it's also nice

how low is your testosterone? not everyone is like you, men get aroused by women. i know you feel left out.


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Danielle [valkyːrə] from Austria

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>tfw you are your own hostage target

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I agree all women are bisexual.

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Tfw ultra ugly, and will never date a woman like these... How should I an hero lads?

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Just lower your standards. Personality matters more in the long run anyway.

thats hot

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Mass replies should be a bannable offense. Please be less of a faggot in the future.

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have money

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Standards aside (which would leave me to fat studs riddled with dieseases/problems)

I think there it's just me as a being, can't get help, but who cares anymore, everyone is just so obssessed with money it is sad.

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90% true.

8% willingness to spend it on her

1.9% looks

0.1% humor

>so obssessed with money it is sad.
>waaah why do people care about financial security!!
Stop being a defeatist faggot and improve yourself faggot.

I want girls to shoot my magnum

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Get them while they're young and impressionable. If you approach someone they'll likely take you up if you aren't retarded. Sure they desire rich and handsome men, but what's in front of them at that moment is more interesting because it is demanding here and now. Just go give it a try you don't know how you'll do

>your gf will never pretend to be devastated youre leaving to fight a war
also whatever you do dont yahoo images “azov”. kikes are assblasted and filled the results with cp.

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>financial security

You can live a fullfilling life without money fucktard

I suppose so. I just gotta make sure they are 18, 18... Last time I tried that I dodged a big bullet by her being 16 and not 17 by the age of consent in tx

Reminder: In real life the vast majority of women are literally REPULSED by guns and gun owners. Women know you're not out "fighting muh criminals", or some kind of bad-ass, because you'd be arrested. Therefore women know most of you guys are just LARPing kids playing make-believe tough-guy.

The fastest way to make women cringe and go choose an actual grown man? Show off your little toys and tell her all about how "tactical" you are when you're fighting all those bad guys you make-believe play-pretend about.

Black and brown men are moving into every white neighborhood and claiming your daughters, wives, etc, because they actually have real masculinity not white-boy play-pretend make-believe gun bullshit.

At some point, I guess you just have to grow up and accept you're a rural retard, not a tough guy gunslinger from the 1870s.

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Slow day in the shareblu office huh? Dilated yet?

Based and redpilled.

the shitskin envy of the aryan is palpable

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Um, no.

>You can live a fullfilling life without money fucktard
no woman wants to live her life in your one bedroom apartment. it isnt an unreasonable expectation that the man should provide adequate housing, food, water, and healthcare.

>Reminder: In real life the vast majority of women are literally REPULSED by guns and gun owners. Women know you're not out "fighting muh criminals", or some kind of bad-ass, because you'd be arrested. Therefore women know most of you guys are just LARPing kids playing make-believe tough-guy.
>The fastest way to make women cringe and go choose an actual grown man? Show off your little toys and tell her all about how "tactical" you are when you're fighting all those bad guys you make-believe play-pretend about.
no one does this, and it sounds like this is what you think and not woman. i doubt you've actually spoken to one
>Black and brown men are moving into every white neighborhood and claiming your daughters, wives, etc, because they actually have real masculinity not white-boy play-pretend make-believe gun bullshit.
and youre a baiting shitskin that will get 300 replies


Sounds like you've been divorced. Maybe try not relying on money to fix your toilet next time.

you sound underage or incredibly retarded. a nigger would have better chances at women than you

>why arent you massacring us master?

Women in shooting and sport shooting are the most insufferable creatures on this planet. Change my mind.

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>it isnt an unreasonable expectation that the man should provide adequate housing, food, water, and healthcare.
this is the current year. are you insane?