You see this patrolling down your street

>You see this patrolling down your street
What Do?

Attached: 1568830003342.jpg (960x848, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>your street
my street is about 1/2 mile down my drive way, there's too many trees to even see it.

>You see this patrolling down your street
The absolute state of cucked urbanite yuppies.

Moon them

prolly wouldnt be too smart to engage them on your own from that close.

why cant I look up a news article about this?


Run outside with my rifle waving in the air yelling "I WANNA JOIN YOOOOOU!"

Don't google it, you'll get nothing from those kikes.

Boston after the marathon bombing, feds patrolling the streets looking for the brother.

you can, it's the boston marathon bombing

Take off my pants and start helicoptering my cock while I call him a faggot for pointing that at me.

>Jumpy roided up cop shoves an M4 in your face
They're just doing their jobs! Might it please the crown if I polish your knob sir?

It's pretty common in narco states, IDGAF anymore, i kinda find it cool since i'm not a nigger.


Attached: oof.png (1920x1080, 562K)


Attached: oof.png (1920x1080, 212K)

> aiming gun straight at me
Yep, that's a NAP violation. Time to signal the marine vet across the street to do a whitman.

what kind of hellish shithole country is that?

Try something less vague

what is
>a monopoly on the 'lawful' use of force
for 500 alex?

>being a subject zoo animal is cool
prime example of the product of liberal emasculation

>The zookeepers do not bother us zebras. They're only concerned with the lions. I find it amusing. What more could you need?


>American citizens welcomed this with open arms
>Jow Forums still thinks the population would be willing to fight a civil conflict

Pull an Irish revolution and molotov troop trucks from the buildings

New Jersey

>these quads go unchecked
Absolutely sinful, shame on you fucking redditards

If you see earlier I literally Google the picture. If you use a different search engine the youtube video pops up. Don't defend them like that, its a bad look

Police are criticized all the time for having too much power and being militarized

>My life is always perfect thanks to the strong hands of my caring master

Attached: yikes-from-me-dog-30021095.png (500x377, 102K)

In minecraft, he'd catch a molotov as soon as his head was turned.

When the police is used against Tyrone, sure.

When the same militarized police force is deployed against a group like the Bundy's, the left cheers.

>fediboi violates the NAP by muzzle sweeping your domicile
>retaliate by detonating the appropriate EFP disguised as rocks that make up the landscaping around your flagless flag pole in your front yard that covers a 360 degree angle

Well sure, you're talking about the same people who think Trump is literally hitler 2 electric boogaloo and sincerely claim that there are concentration camps along the border and then in the same breath they'll say "Give me one reason you need a semi-automatic."