Griffin II

This is the Griffin II, one of the candidates for the army's new light tank program. Say something nice or rude about it

Attached: griffin ii.jpg_large.jpg (1024x768, 91K)

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Griffin III with switchblade and 50mm is the future. Griffin II is/was DOA.

A little small honestly

Looks like they just slapped a M1 turret on a shitty chassis.

God I wish that was me

It's a little bitch. M8 will be GR8, Griffin just B8.

BAE withdrew from OMFV, they'll likely lose here too

Attached: 1434623815757.jpg (713x401, 120K)

That's way too light, how will the crew fit inside?

Would get shredded in a conventional war against a nation like Iran. Why not use real tanks?

You think Canada is going to fight against Iran in a conventional war any time soon?

>Would get shredded in a conventional war
>against a nation like Iran

I like the M8

Attached: BAE M8 Armored GUn system.jpg (1200x1600, 280K)

BAE is Bae. GD is genetically deficient.

IED + drone food

>Inspired work
>All BAE does is coast off of companies they bought out and is finally starting to get BTFO for it
how ironic

I like how the coax doesn't follow the main gun.
It's very 2019, emancipating medium machine guns from slavery

>army's new light tank
Just put the fucking Chaffe back into service

Attached: M24_Chaffee_33314_4CV_pic07.jpg (3089x2318, 3.41M)

The Griffin 3 is an IFV for ABCT, the Griffin 2 is a 'light' tank for IBCT. They serve different roles in different units.


It looks narrow. Cucked again by the air transport jew? Just build wider airplanes you fucking idiots, its like designing your modern handgun to fit a 1800 era holster.

What is this? A tank for ants?


Attached: 1920px-Yuma_Proving_Ground,_Arizona_(42188342504).jpg (1920x1504, 465K)

Looks like a love child between an Abrams and Scorpion

Man that's a shame I loved the M8

Don't listen to them withdrawing from an unrelated program means fucking nothing about this contract.

>Abrams turret

>wheelbase tighter than my girth
Yes thats narrow and you know we arent talking about the turret faggot.

The chaffee is about 10 ft too tall for what it's supposed to be.

dont eat as much and exercise.

enjoy losing your electronics whenever you fire. the sheridan looks pretty damn cool, but at the end of the day, its just a faulty tank destroyer. There are other assorted problems with this guy. feel free to look into it.

Why do we need another light tank again?

Because we never had one and the option is:
>heavy ifv mod sent to support tanks
>light tank designed for role

just buy Chinese

Attached: vGsSrsS.jpg (550x362, 39K)

Protip they built it for use in tibet because their mbt cant climb hills.

>their mbt can't climb hills
what do you think tibet look like?

I don't think your spatial comprehension is very good.

Thin air at high altitudes, hence a light tank with an engine tailored for it.

Useful to control signals in traitorous country. Useful to control signals in neutral territory.

Many inner cell mass stem cell regenerative medicine resurrection applicators needed. Have the tank fire inner cell mass stem cells.

>light tank

Goal is to provide tank gun class direct fires to support the lighter BDEs on a 30 ton budget. Problem is they now want it armored enough to face down MBTs.

Why not putting a 105mm gun on a wheeled Armoured Fighting Vehicle and call it a day?

Because they did that on Stryker and it was a disappointment

Retard your main tanks have like 18hp/t at sea level. At Tibet altitudes that drops to 12hp/t, it cant even go up an incline.

Yeah, if your holster cost millions of man hours and billions of dollars to develop, and then had been continuously updated over decades since being introduced.

He is 100% correct it is designed to fit into a C17.

Sunk cost fallacy.

It doesnt matter if it cost a trillion dollars to develop the C17 and each of them costs a billion dollars to buy, it doesnt change the fact that if you limit your vehicles to its internal dimensions they will be less capable and stand out on a battlefield which will end in their destruction, your loss of war, and your precious C17s ending up in enemy hands.

>It looks narrow
It's designed to fit in the C-17, which can already carry an ayybraps.
>Just build wider airplanes you fucking idiots
Call up congress and tell them to get rid of the BCA, then.

Attached: boeing amc-x.jpg (1600x900, 99K)

Honestly the Bradley has it pretty close with a beefy autocannon and missiles.
What is a light tank supposed to actually do? It is a recon vehicle? So it needs to be small, reasonably quiet, decent optics/ability to see and engage light targets that a scout platoon might engage.

>sunk cost fallacy
It really isn't a fallacy. Budgets are limited and it is either air-transportable or not. And it better damn fit onto a ship or railway otherwise it is going nowhere.
Also you can fit an Abrams into a C-17, so if a light tank doesn't fit, you're retarded.

In a world filled with 30+mm autocannons, 25mm isnt really that much anymore

Sounds more like the "it's gotta be perfect or there's no point" fallacy. You know, the school of thought that usually trashes and and all tanks as utterly useless since they aren't completely invulnerable to anything and everything. The C17 ain't going to be replaced any time soon no matter hat you think about it, so either you make a tank that fits or you won't get any tanks at all in the scenario this thing is meant for. But apparently that's for the best, since having a few light tanks blown up is apparently going to auto-loose the war, whereas having the infantry fight without armored support wouldn't. Somehow.

>Mfw abrams is a shitty MBT trying to be a light tank
>Army realizes it
>Decides to just actually make a light tank instead of a fat man in a sonic costume

looks downright threatening, the army is actually building shit for a role now, hopefully they get a new mbt too

>Mfw abrams is a shitty MBT
[citation needed]

Beggars cant be choosers is a fallacy for the richest nation on the planet.

That looks so fuckibg smexxy.

>Typical american seethe
its a 70 ton tank that snorts cocaine for maximum go fast, it breaks down a lot, gets stuck a lot, and doesnt have a very good survival rate in combat against mudmen with rocks and rpg-2s

>Laughs in leopard 2

>Beggars cant be choosers is a fallacy for the richest nation on the planet.
So being the richest means having infinite money now, and never having to worry about budget.

Attached: index.jpg (256x197, 6K)

>its a 70 ton tank
The M1A2C is 74 tons.
>it breaks down a lot
Turbines are incredibly reliable with very few moving parts.
>and doesnt have a very good survival rate in combat against mudmen with rocks and rpg-2s
It actually does. The confirmed losses of Saudi/Iraqi abrams in combat are very low.
>Laughs in leopard 2
Just about the only advantage it has over the M1A2C is the gun.

Everything you just said is wrong going by the raw, available numbers, what makes the abrams unreliable is its suspension, everyone who isnt retarded knows this

And yet I bet faggots like you support the F35 lol.

>Everything you just said is wrong going by the raw, available numbers
You have zero idea of what you're talking about, which is probably why you didn't actually refute anything.
>what makes the abrams unreliable is its suspension
It has torsion bars, like the vast majority of MBTs today. If you have any actual evidence of it being unreliable then lets see it.

>Turbines are incredibly reliable with very few moving parts.
Is that why we have to clean the filter every thirty minutes in dusty conditions or every hour in normal conditions? Thank G-d for APUs.

I was a mechanic in the army, I can tell you their suspension is not equipped for a 70 ton tank going 70mph

I can also tell you that they are constantly knocked out in situations where other tanks don't break a sweat

However much the recruiting office is paying you, stop, it isnt worth your pride, go home and think about your life, there is better work available

>Is that why we have to clean the filter every thirty minutes in dusty conditions or every hour in normal conditions
The Abrams has a self-cleaning air filter, I"m not sure what you're talking about.
>I was a mechanic in the army, I can tell you their suspension is not equipped for a 70 ton tank going 70mph
Sure you were.

Now see if he manages to convince everyone the Abrams is perfect then it will never get replaced, and even poor enemies will have put out generation after generation of superior tanks until the Abrams is useful only as a doorstop.

Thats the end goal.

I think Abrams and F35 shillers are fucking Russians trying to convince us not to improve or do R&D.

Provide HE and light AT to high mobility infantry units, as well as be have more Strategic Mobility than an Aybrams for rapid deployment. The army is calling it a light Tank, but it's more light tank/assault gun.

no the problem is officers, they dont drive the things they just look at them and look at the numbers and go "Oh it must be fine"

I'm really glad this new light tank is actually designed for what they're trying to do, instead of giving a 70 ton tank cocaine

>self cleaning grid square
Then what was the big disk drum filter looking thing the lietenant kept telling me to clean? Self cleaning filter.... Nigger if that technology existed it would revolutionize everything.

Thank you for making it clear you are larping.

Oh its some new thing being introduced now, thanks for proving my point.

People complain and say Abrams a shit - shit gets fixed.

Dont complain it might embarrass my weird nu-nationalism in a video game chatroom - nothing gets fixed.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-21-09-55-31.png (1440x2560, 1.46M)

>More seethe
The abrams gets us killed, we'll all be glad to see it go

C-17 are pretty big inside, perhaps you were thinking of a C-130?

tldr Abrams is shit.

Feel free to post those numbers.

>Oh its some new thing being introduced now, thanks for proving my point.

Other anons have correctly proven you wrong, recruitment shill

>Just about the only advantage it has over the M1A2C is the gun


Attached: boom.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

>don't mind me I'm just gonna continue on like I wasn't LARPing

Also 20 years ago being new.

This is now an abrams hate thread

Did they post the numbers you haven't?

You mean seething vatnik thread.

>Recruiters continue to seethe, waiting for their filter to be clean enough to move again

Dude I served in Gulf 1, that update is coming now for Daesh conflicts. Thats three seperate conflicts after I got out - Gulf 2, Afghanistan and now Balkans - when Abrams filters were absolute garbage, more conflicts before. People like me pointed out the problem, spent countless hours complaining about it while people like you kept saying "its fine! its fine! trust me its fine!".

Get on your knees and tongue my glans for improving that rolling pile of shit.

I cant wait for M1A3 which you will also say is fine, but which I will still bitch about to promote continual improvement.

It always was lol.

>that update is coming now for Daesh conflicts
Had you actually watched the video, published in 2011, you'd notice it said that the PJAC self-cleaning filters have been installed on the abrams fleet for at least 20 years at that point. You're a liar- and you aren't even good at it.

Then it doesnt work as advertised, youre talking at me like my life didnt happen but some youtube video is Gospel. Go fuck yourself.

>youre talking at me like my LARP didnt happen

>Its not shit if I put my head in the sand and make loud noises
you're a bad shill

>Had you actually watched the video, published in 2011, you'd notice it said that the PJAC self-cleaning filters have been installed on the abrams fleet for at least 20 years at that point.
Well this is embarassing for you because the video says PJAC has been in service since 1915. I can assure you that filter cleaning is a regular part of maintenance from 1915 to present day. The experience of the tanker ITT was probably with PJAC algorithm not taking into account dust storms, which is a real problem.

Its almost like number monkeys dont actually drive tanks

>because the video says PJAC has been in service since 1915
Are you actually retarded? They're talking about the company being around since 1915 you dyslexic shitstain.

>Failed army recruiter continues to seethe while waiting for filter to be cleaned

Does the Griffin III wear a leather jacket and pomade too? Why would a tank need a switchblade?

Well that explains it.

Real world knowledge - 1

Youtube knowledge - 0

>army recruiter high fives his colleague
>We got em hahaha
>downs a monster and waits for the VA to approve surgery for his "Debilitating back pain"

nah not any of these guy's but the m8 is finished it can't compete with the griffin 2 it's 4 decades out of date

wanna know how i know you never been around a tank in your life and you spout out shit?

is it your crippling back pain and years long waits at the VA?

The abrams is godawful, only retards with poor cope say otherwise

i repeat, you wanna cnow how i know you dont know anything about tanks and read all you shit online?

>t. boomer and/or zoomer

Start here.
Loitering munitions have been here for a decade, sweetie.

k and c aren't anywhere near on the keyboard how did you fuck that up?

>throws guidance system away with each strike