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he's gonna get ousted for his brownface shit before this happens
Remember when Harvey Weinstein tried to deflect from his numerous sexual assault scandals by mentioning he was going after the NRA? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
I'm honestly surprised you had them this long.
I'm not a leaf lol fuck your faggot leader
Kek. Even the “conservatives” in the comments are fine with current gun laws. What a pathetic race, the leaves are
That’s exactly it too,
>oh shit I’m in the negative spotlight
>I know I’ll really give them what they want and make America look bad and they’ll all forgot about my totally harmless picture.
I have fucking left politicians anymore. I used to be young and naïve.
>oh we need both side to balance it out
>oh they both have have sting points
>oh something something dark side
>oh something something force
I wonder if you can use their retarded wording against them? Like buy Kel-Tech because sure it's an "assault rifle" but they've never been used by a military
No kidding. All commonwealth countries are incredibly cucked.
guess we're banning mosins and mausers
shouldn't he ban racism first?
but it's still military STYLE
I doubt he will, lefties will forgive him if he bans all guns.
He'll then put pressure on America and try to get us to lick his boot.
I'll believe it when I see it.
That's the reverse. Military-style, but not "assault weapons". We'll have to see how it's actually put down in the law. As is now there's tones of exceptions
>when you have to make up ground for your blackface right before the election so you tweet this
I fucking hate politics.
What is this?
Two wishes left
One of the 800 Valmet styles.
it's going to be whatever they think is scary, they'll go for ar15 first and if that goes through even NRs will be on the cutting clock: vz58, tavor, type 61, sks, ksg, etc.
I thought assault rifles, ie select fire rifles firing an intermediate cartridge weren't commonly available already? Could it be that leftyfaggot is stating he will impose a ban on nothing? Or is he calling semi-auto rifles assault rifles, like a retard? Who knows.
>mosins and mausers
>assault rifles
Okay, well the jokes on them since military style assault rifles aren't available to the public in canada, by definition of assault rifle.
Likely AR15s, AKs, and maybe AR10s out the gate
Eventually all of them
Sucks to be a leaf
I guess military-style means everything with a detatchable clipazine and pistol grip. That is how they ruined the ability to have those guns in my country.
It's anything they say it is. COMPLY.
>Implying this shit won't come over here with the left's "WE SHOULD BE MORE LIKE CANADA"
I just hope the GOP can hold the line.
And don't give me any of that "two party system is dumb bruh" I think it's retarded but we can't do much about it without fucking ourselves over.
Any Canadians want to smuggle me a P762 and SVT?
Why do people even care that he wore blackface? Sure they've listened to him amble on about minorities enough to know he's not racist towards them. Hell, if I'd suspect him of any form of racism, it would be racism towards whites. Besides, there's nothing inherently racist about blackface.
uh you cant be racist toward whites
I thought they can't have AKs, which is why vz58s are so popular.
well don't even have aks here, they're going to ban fucking vz58s and sks and fucking ruger mini 14s
Canada is getting full cucked now
Don't comply or just get a few 80% so on the books you're gun free
according to his own ideology it's racist, no one not a liberal cares except to enact fake outrage to get him destroyed. But it is frustrated knowing that if this happened to a conservative politician he'd be roasted
>Don't comply
>Live just shy of Chicago with police forced jacked up to police state levels
I'll try but honestly I care about my family more than my guns at this point.
Fucking forgot about that. Yeah that fits. Brutal
Move to America leafs and vote Red for at least the Senate
Because you have to make progressives play to their own rules. They would literally attempt to murder a right wing politician for doing the same thing.
And the heat ticks up further. This is your new normal.
Why? You don't have to scream "NO COMPLIANCE" just don't turn them in. Unless you got some tax stamps, then you're screwed on those.
And sure comply like a fag, but if you're going to get an 80% NOW. No reason to turn those things in
Any panic buy suggestions ?
there's not even gun violence in Canada, whats the point?
justin got caught with black face and now he has to make it up to his party by taking guns away
>le cibil war bro
>he thinks gun control of any sort is about curbing gun violence
>registrated guns
>panic buy
imagine losing your guns to a faggot who dresses up like an arab and paints his face and hands to look like a nigger. fucking unfathomable.
wtf is blackface? is the new form of cuck porn?
look up blackface zoomer
ole timey racism thats bad now and youre bad for not knowing it but also bad for learning about it
I'll do my part to fight racism and misogyny by not letting men who wear blackface and grope women take my AR15.
>LBC porn
It's very retarded. Back in the days blacks weren't allowed in films. So if you had a black character it'd be a white guy with black face paint. Shitty, sure, but eventually they were allowed to act and this practice died out
Flash forward like 30 years and now, for some reason, if you paint your face dark for, say, a costume party and you're....racist? Even if you're dress not black (an Arab in this case) it's still somehow also racist even though we're 3 degrees of separation to the initial issue at this point
I don't get it. Then again I also don't get why'd you'd want to dress as a black person in the first place. Slutty witches 4lyf
Who said civil war? Fight it in the fucking courts, legislative, contact your representative idgaf do whatever is in your power so it doesn't come to pass you fucking canuckuck
To leftards, "military style" is any gun that isn't a side by side shotgun
>he thinks the courts are on his side
my sweet summer child...
I dont think you've been paying attention. Canada is a country, not a race
No, leaves are trees, not people
Always with leftists there’s some bullshit reason why the rules they insist everybody else be held to somehow don’t apply to them. They wouldn’t hesitate a second to destroy someone else’s life over an old blackface picture, but somehow when it’s Ralph Northam or Justin Trudeau, an “Oops, my bad” is enough to sweep the whole thing under the carpet.
Fuck that noise. What is good for the goose...
It's about exporting the grab to America, just like they all started gushing over Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand.
Buy used from a citizen. Cabelas and gun stores usually have private registries that the gov will use to grab.
a guy in my town has his ffl as a side gig
no fuckin way he keeps a list, so I just buy from him
Canadian boogaloo when?
Watch the Conservative never undo it. I probably because the "argument is settled"
Sure I'll trade you for 5 80% AR lowers and any kind of mak
Meet me at the ft kent crossing
Two things.
1. This is an obvious deflection
2. "Black face isnt actually a big deal". It is, actually, because if you were caught in black face you would be lynched by leftists. Thats is why it is important, you have to hold them to their own standards.
Liberals do. So why shouldnt they be held to their own standard?
Mr. Popo says turn them all in. You will turn them in.
which would you prefer?
>nobody gets to do it and we oust all leftists who have done it, only to replace them with ones who haven't
>leftists admit it was all a scam and blackface really is no big deal
just know this is the SECOND time Trudeau has done this when he was being outed for something big. I believe last time was breaking ethics law
I read that most of the guns used in crimes have been smuggled in. 77% of the handguns used in Ontario were from some other country. This is going to do fuck all to their crime statistics.
Y-you can store them with me in New Hampshire, and send some curly thick black haired quebecqts to hahaha
Aren't elections in like 5 weeks? Does he even have time to do this?
>leftists admit it was all a scam and blackface really is no big deal
You know this won't happen. Leftists require the brown horde to survive election season anymore since they're the most politically active, alienating them by doing that would be suicide.
But they sure as shit don’t want to be like canada immigration wise huh
Fuck you mixtape
It often seems that the courts in Canada are for protecting the power of the government over the people not for defending the rights of the people from the government.
> what's the point
The point is to take away your guns. The point was always to ban gun ownership, when they can't do that they settle for something like a 5 round magazine limit so that they can come back next decade and ban everything.
sucks guys, move to the border and visit a range or something where a friend keeps an AR for you to shoot all the time
>black people are politically active
don't make me laugh, HA
Has anyone informed them he's only doing it to take them away from blacks so they can't retaliate
>Why do people even care that he wore blackface? Sure they've listened to him amble on about minorities enough to know he's not racist towards them. Hell, if I'd suspect him of any form of racism, it would be racism towards whites. Besides, there's nothing inherently racist about blackface.
As someone that works around a large number of hard-left SJWs, I can tell you there is a perception that his gestures towards minorities are seen as being superficial- actual virtue signalling. This was especially the case when the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion was getting more headlines. These people tended to think Trudeau was not taking indigenous land claims seriously- which many view as gross injustice.
His dress-up incidents were in poor taste before, blackface makes it all look comical.
I will take this deal. You in western canada?
and banning legally owned firearms would do nothing to curb the gun violence that doesn't exist.
>I support women, homos, and other minorities
>they are all very vulnerable groups
>n-no you can't defend yourself that's what the state is for
>the gun violence that doesn't exist.
Confirmed for not living near Surrey.
That said, we've basically grown accustomed to it. The second we hear "targeted shooting", we filter it out because it has nothing to do with us. Just illegal spics, chinks, and pajeets with their border-hopped gats. I usually do a silent fistpump when I hear about a Hell's Angels member popping one of those fuckers.
There was a confrontation in their parliament about one month ago where a minister admitted on record that this was coming and that it would coincide with the big economic conference going on now.
Don't even joke. The only reason Roy Moore lost ALABAMA is that the nigresses came out in scores to vote against him.
The replies that praise this are from stupid leftist women and faggot non-men men.
Roy Moore lost because he was a fucking embarrassment and like 50% of repubs just said fuck it and stayed home. I think Trump and Bannon thought they had enough pull to get anyone in and they were wrong.
>t. Alabama Republican
Where is the best place to exchange contraband on the border without getting caught?
They gonna ban the SKS in Canada too?
>The only reason Roy Moore lost ALABAMA is because he was a moron
I don't get it. Is this a code?
Mexicans more than blacks. At least in America, I don’t really know how it works in Canada.
Yeah I’m from Alabama and he lost a lot of white conservative votes for being a creepy lunatic
>ban our signature bubba gun
That may very well turn a lot of non-voting hicks into voters. Either that, or domestic terrorists.