How reliable is it for SHTF?
also ATF this is for educational purposes only
How reliable is it for SHTF?
also ATF this is for educational purposes only
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It was cool and edgy in 1972, now it's hilariously incorrect and outdated.
>How reliable is it for SHTF?
Not at all. It's borderline counterintel.
Did you know that it is 100% legal to build explosives on your own, private property?
Its the storage and use of explosives that gets people in trouble. But if you don't violate any noise ordinances and have enough land you can blow up whatever the fuck you want. Theoretically, you could build a bomb capable of taking out a few city blocks, but unless you have a suitable facility to safely store said explosive, you're going to get in trouble.
can't believe proper knowledge of weapon making is so forbidden and hidden. i guess if a real civil war broke out some freedom supporting billionaire will airdrop leaflets with improvised weapon/explosives making instructions so not really anything to worry about.
thanks fed
FBI said the explosive section was mostly accurate.
With that said, I don’t have a desire to make explosive In my kitchen
Knowledge of basic chemistry would take you further and knowledge of basic physics would make things much safer and more effective. Disregard cheap shortcuts, acquire education.
No they didn't. It has disinfo so you blow your hands off.
>>knowledge of weapon making is so forbidden and hidden
Anarchist Cookbook was first published in the early 1970’s. There have been several variations
Now 50 years later, people still think its secret or prohibited
i said proper, you nicely left that part out. ACB isn't proper.
Not very. There's a bunch of better books in the megafolder.
Yeah, and the narc swine brigade said Fester's recipes were ok, when in fact, a lot of them, while workable are fucking stupid dangerous compared to other processes.
Don't listen to feds on things they want to prevent you from having.
Are you referring to the original from 1972 percent the subsequent revisions?
I am discussing the original book.
Best documentary to watch is about the author and how it changed his life. Spoiler: he lives abroad.
The guy that wrote this book was a kid with zero experience.
Documentary should be on Netflix, that's where I saw it last... I won't say it again.
Hopefully not you sound like a fag.
the guns part is really the only non snooze fest and non angst part of the book that i enjoed
one time me and my friends put tannerite in a co2 canister and blew up a tv
you'd want the Improvised Munitions Handbook over the piece of shit that is the Anarchist Cookbook. also stuff made by the Paladin Press and Ragnar Benson are pretty good in the same sort of subject that the Anarchist Cookbook tries to (but fails at) educating readers on.
Benson's recipes are slightly over-exaggerated as to their effectiveness, but the plastic explosive he describes making does seem to be just that, a plastic explosive to be used however one pleases.
Yes more boogaloo threads goy
The entire book is disinfo and short fictional narratives. It was written by some kid that was the child of an alphabet soup creep or something of that nature, though this detail is conveniently ignored almost everywhere.
Almost none of the advice in the book is good. Virtually everything he says is wrong if not actually dangerous. Occasionally he says something that's good advice, but it's something so obvious that it's clearly placed to trick buffoons into thinking that the rest of the book is true, like telling you not to smoke hydrangea leaves because they're poisonous.
You should read the book as an interesting text about a fantasy version of the 1970's as dreamed up by a less self aware version of Hunter S. Thompson. Some of it really is pretty fucking funny.
A lot of it was purposefully fake so people didn't hurt themselves
It was a Spencer's gifts gag for normies basically
I'll say it again just gor you, sugar bunnie.
Im able to rewrite this ugly book at military level. Fuck it, its ANTIFA bullshit
The guy wrote it to screw with people its not reliable
Kek based shareblue. Fedthreads are my favorite. They've also been around forever and probably aren't going to get Jow Forums shut down so chill
Need an expanding brain meme for this but:
AC < Revised Black Book < Ragnar Benson.
AC is mostly untested theory based on history books and military FMs anyone could get, compiled by a wistful nerd.
Revised Black Book is by chemist and EOD man, good technical info and keeps you away from dangerous mistakes. Good once you master the basics.
Ragnar Benson worked from the age of 12 for his familys contract blasting company. He would spend his allowance on nitromethane and ammonium nitrate, etc. He focuses on things that can actually be done in the real world without hassles. He also made a lot of friends and got a lot of privileged information, stuff like the military FMs that are NOT available to the public, such as motor infantry manual.
If you choose to use a "cookbook" when chemistry books and papers exist you have made the best choice for humanity.
>can't believe proper knowledge of weapon making is so forbidden and hidden.
It's not, it's proprietary. Huge difference, as its driven by economic factors rather than political.
there is a fed copy and a real copy, the fed copy gives you the wrong temps for synethizing stuff and you'll blow yourself up. get a proper handbook on chemistry.
The guy was just an edgy faggot and an actual moron. It isn't disinfo, it's just shit info. You can read the FBI's FOIA'd internal report on the book after some politician asked them to look at it. Their conclusion was that the author was a dumbass who copied shit from readily available books and made shit up in other areas.
There is plenty of "proper" info readily available, you fucking queer. You are apparently just too dumb to locate the relevant information.
It isn't. This book is much better and you can find reprints in any surplus store or for free online.
Protip: Do not fuck with explosives, ESPECIALLY any kind of primary explosive. Many of these books lack safety information because they operate on the assumption that the reader has some kind of formal training that would make said information redundant.
Fuck the ATF don’t be afraid of them. They’re just unconstitutional dog killing lady snipers
For purely educational purposes, is there a "cookbook" for actually viable shit that works and isn't retarded?
Good thing I will never need to use this information!
My dad was EOD in the 90s, and he maintains that while the recipes are sound, but they leave out vital steps that would be obvious and a given to someone with a background in chemistry but to a layman who doesn't know to read between the lines and just follows the steps to the letter, they'll lose fingers. Take from that what you will, might be bullshit since hes prone to coming out with all sorts of fuddlore.
Cookbook.. no, book.. yes, plenty.
Any explosive chemistry military manual or text book.
He's probably right. doesn't mention some of the dangers associated with handling the shit in the book, because they assume that the reader already learned that stuff. The cookbook author just plagiarized some books he found at the library for technical info, and they probably omitted safety guidelines for the same reason.
He died in 2016 apparently
>Do not fuck with explosives, ESPECIALLY any kind of primary explosive.
But muh TATP
GTFO fed
tatp in an unplasticized state is super fucking dangerous. anything can easily ignite it, unless it is stabilized with mineral oils into a secondary explosive. I wouldn't fuck with it if you want fingers intact.
Take yourself out of the genepool like the weather underground riff raff. Commie dirtbags.
It's should be noted that the "NOT TODAY FEDBOY" "Nice try ATF" memes are the real psyop by discord groups to stop discussion. We used to regularly talk about FA conversions, NFA construction and explosives. So long as you talk about everything as hypothetical the feds have nothing on you and don't have the time to investigate anything but the most self incriminating retards.
>We used to regularly talk about FA conversions, NFA construction and explosives
I miss those times
Funny how you're still so fucking full of yourself, despite that glimmer of understanding that they aren't gonna go over heaven and earth with a fine toothed comb over every curious teenager wondering how you do something.
They don't have the time to "PsyOP" a bunch of said teens either. They just don't give a fuck, they're not running a kindergarten. Just like the "discussion" (ie reposting the same shit as always with no thought, understanding or knowledge) the "not today FBI" posts are just the same bunch of not terrible bright kids memeing their pants off in a desperate attempt to fit in (with an extra bonus of imagining that they're oh so much more clever than those meanies). And then of course we get to the "logical" conclusion of your approach, where someone just writes "in minecraft" at the end of the post. A magical spell to show all the cool kids that you're in on the in jokes and totally a cool kid yourself, and which you can also kinda tell yourself mean you've totally beaten the system by reciting the magic spell which stops the omnipresent all-red-flagging bogeyman from getting you.
that's the gayest thing i've seen in a while
You aren't undermining the truth that shareblue is here by saying 'goy', fuckhead
>How reliable is it for SHTF?
It's not a survivalist handbook. It's just how to do drugs and where to put explosives - not much else to even bother caring about.
anarchist cookbook is shit.
what YOU want is the poor mans james bond series by kurt saxon. vol 1-4
also pretty much any paladin press titles
you're welcome friend