Britain's second carrier has left port and is about to begin trials, say something nice about it.
Britain's second carrier has left port and is about to begin trials, say something nice about it
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Its got a nice.. ramp.
This nigga eatin ramps
There is literally nothing wrong with ramps.
I, uhm, hope its engines don't overheat in tropical seas like the Type 45 destroyers do.
The twin island design is pretty cool
It looks nice and is pretty big.
Cant wait for Britshit sinking in
>Americas oldest ally at least tries to keep a decent military going
>Americans shit all over it at any opportunity
Same fucking retards who slather all over the Germans talk shit about one of the few capable and consistently loyal allies that the US has.
We meme a lot on here, but the UK's out there as the only other NATO ally to the US producing big carriers at the same time as frigates at the same time as nuclear submarines. Showing the rest of NATO's non-US sphere how they should be doing it.
Glad we have them.
Lighten up mate.
the IRGC will need to send at least 2 boats to impound this one and arrest the crew when it trespasses
>British trip over themselves making fun of Americans for not being able to take banter
>Pull this shit
Its just banter
> its just good natured fighting words
I love my cousins across the pond. Doesn't mean it's not fun to mercilessly ridicule each other. It keeps us sharp. And technically I'd call France our oldest ally but I prefer limeys nonetheless.
Its irritating because your banter is shit.
It’s just bants
No need to take the internet that seriously
A brit that can't take banter might as well be a woman all things considered.
The war(s) were just banter. UK-US is oldest alliance.
A brit that cant take banter is known as an American.
>Getting mad over ramp posting
They can’t launch as much of an aircraft as a catapult or full runway.
>he doesnt know
You can, actually (F35B). Just limits your use of big boys like AWACS.
The twin island design wastes deck space.
I guess it’s okay if you can’t afford enough planes for a full deckload
Not with a full load.
Maybe the ramps csn be removed and replaced with cats.
not the same
Effectively, the US Navy is getting two extra carriers courtesy of the British taxpayer so thanks.
First day on the internet reginald cummybottom? Pip pip you'll get the hang of it sooner or later.
The QEs are designed with that in mind if needed.
> wastes deck space
Trade off is redundancy and far better centralised command and control. Either island can control both ship and flight operations, but having one island control each during normal operation is more efficient.
Also bear in mind that the ships operational contigent (35 fixed wing + several helos) is just over half of what she could carry if they were packing out all the bays and deck (70+ IIRC) and theres a lot of scope for carrying a diverse range of fixed and rotary wing aircraft. Furthermore, if needed they can act as essentially large staging grounds for 3 Commando to perform air or amphibious assault, and the setup/design of the carriers allows for that flexibility. When you cant just churn out a dozen carriers, you have to get the maximum utility out of the 2 you have got.
F35B can take off from the QE class with a full load of fuel and weapons and return to ship with a full load of weapons minus most of the fuel.
F35B off a ramp currently offers more range and payload than an F18 off a catapult.
>2 helicopter boats
Cool, but what about an F35B launched with a cat?
tell me another one
I thought the brits were able to take banter?
> f35 launched with a cat
Not him, but would likely be able to have a larger/heavier payload. However, this is academic, as the difference in air wing operation is fairly marginal (might be able to go a bit further/carry a bit more) but the difference in projection & cost is massive (1 cat carrier vs 2 ramp carriers).
F-35Bs cannot launch from cats.
Simply put, F-35B is the best carrier jet in the world bar one. The F-35C, which has more range. And the F-35C is used by one nation. The US. An ally.
Both of you are wrong, it increases deck space.
Modern conventional vessels need two funnels for proper redundancy and damage control alongside efficiency for the gas turbines. This is why you see them with such "long" islands (look at Kuznetsov, HMS Ocean, Cavour, America class, the Carlos, Izumas, Liaoning). These use up a fuckton of deck space. Notice the other thing about them? Most because of this put an elevator in the middle of the flight deck.
QE (and now Trieste) splits that building into two smaller sections on each funnel to use less space and allow another elevator to go between them, thus removing it from the middle of the flight deck and not interrupting deck ops when it's in use.
The "but muh one island" thing refers to modern nuclear carriers. QE is not a nuclear carrier, thus this is not a valid comparison. QE's two island design allows for an increase in deck space for CONVENTIONAL carriers.
He's probably from the South-East, they're shit at bantz down there.
They didn't name it the HMS Hood.
they recently left port in halifax. well there around 60 of her crew got arrested. a bunch of the fought with the cops
They belong with the rest of the Naval hegemony. A US, UK, JP, CN, AU, alliance is the ultimate expression of the Thalossocratic order.
If the UK and France can keep a carrier between them operational, it should free up the USN CSGs from so many East Atlantic/Mediterranean/Middle East deployments for their pivot to Asia. We've seen how the overwork has resulted in fuck-ups like those DDG collisions.
At least the uk is the only yuropoor country with new carriers and semi capable of projecting power .
T. Not a bong.
Considering they got both carriers AND the drydock that built them, for around 1/2 the cost of a single Gerald R. Ford-class Carrier, they didn't do too bad.
>semi capable of projecting power .
Projecting to like the Faulklins.
What kind of a retarded nigger made this?
I applaud our British allies for making a real naval effort. If Japan keeps up what theyre doing then thered be little doubt of the ability of the Thalassocratic Alliance from maintaining dominance of the waves for at least the nexr 15-20 years.
When that's all you can afford, sure.
>French navy
Clearly, you don't understand the joke yankie noodle.
>Americas oldest ally
is the nation you continue to insult for not following you into a senseless war.
>Just limits your use of big boys like AWACS.
It doesn't. A Hawkeye can take off provided the deck large enough.
The only thing you need is the arrest gear.
CdG is over two decades old and based on even older technology.
>70k ton Helicopter boats carrying F35s
Should have a couple of 8-cells for Aster 15
Yet unlike the QE CDG has catapults and is nuclear powered
think of the savings. no maintenance on launching machinery, reduced weight, more space.
calm down nigel, youre not that cool.
Shaun White would love it.
It's the best non-American carrier.
Keep seething bong
I do wonder if the space for those commandos should have gone to more jet fuel. While a Nimitz carries 3 million gallons of jet fuel and an America carries 1.3 million, a QE only has 800,000 gallons of fuel for aviation.
Yeah but also fuck all.Muslims to death
>Britain's second carrier has left port and is about to begin trials, say something nice about it.
Bongs have two carriers,f35s, type 45s and new nuke subs. Iran internationally humiliated them by ceasing a tanker. In 12 months Iran will get hit with a wave of refinery sabotage and in 18 months the bongs are going to humiliate the Iranian navy and destroy everything it has larger than a speedboat, take out the most prestigious elements and the command of the republican guard and Iranian air force and destroy the Iranian refining facilities. Watch this space. The bongs will politically nee a 'new falklands' and the bongs now have the toys and the sf to make it happen. This will also bolster their arms sales to Saudi, quatar, oman etc.
Are you allowed to be on this site?
As much as I would like it to, this won't happen.
>Americas oldest ally
that would be France you historically illiterate retard
Is there any warship owned by any country that isn't a malfunctioning rust bucket?
Russian carriers spewing massive clouds of smoke is just pitiful. Now when a British Carrier does it that's called being thematic.
Ramp carriers are officially the "taking the bus instead of owning a car" of force projection.
>that fucking image
Did they fail to invent color in Britain? What the actual fuck.
That's a nice boat to be pawned to China when Brexit hits. Might be worth at least 2 quids.
...Is that some CoE motherfucker up there?
It's bent upwards like my penis. I'm sure that'll scare their enemies away for them as much as it turns women off from me
I thought the image was in black/white from the thumbnail. Why the fuck is Britain such a depressing looking country?
It's just a bad joke, not as fucked as your teeth, but pretty bad.
It could have been CATOBAR, and therefor, it COULD have been good.
The King of France was a opportunistic ally. We owe nothing to the people who overthrew him.
not really.
Then it'd be the F35 C. A more capable platform.
This. Its a shitty oversized jumpcarrier.
Who the fuck is that
Why is there a man with a cloak there
>A more capable platform
Literally the same platform but with longer range you mongoloid. They just decided that it was better to have 2 carriers rather than an extra 180 nmi combat radius (so they can "only" fly from London to Milan and back, rather than London to Florence...)
>Literally the same platform but with longer range
Not precisely true. The F-35B's shallower bay means it can't fit the same kinds of munitions. It can't fit 2,000lb class weaponry and it won't be able to benefit from the new upgrade allowing 3 AMRAAM instead of 2. It also can't carry JSOW as far as i'm aware.