we used to have threads about weaponized light beams.
well now I need you guys again. please point me towards a chink site and tell us all what kind of specifics we need to look for when selecting a laser.
Calling all laser nerds
Other urls found in this thread:
can I find anything good for between 150 to 200$?
also what kind of goggles do I need to get so I dont blind myself when the no knock raid happens.
You want higher power, and lower beam divergence. The spec that you won't see, is can it survive the recoil.
You need goggles that block the wavelength of the laser that you have chosen. Be aware, you are blocking a visible light laser, so the goggles will be darker since they are blocking part of the visible light spectrum.
I haven't dabbled with laser pointers in years but there are some general factoids I can provide which may be of assistance.
To the best of my knowledge, the higher end of power you will find in commonly available handheld laser pointers is probably around 9 Watts and that involves using multiple diodes and lenses to converge the beams and the end result is kind of a shitty square profile beam that is just super powerful. Sanwu makes a 7W one apparently which is legit. Most you'll find range from 1W to 4W and are ample bright.
There is a large community of DIYers/homebuilders that make their own laser pointers from old flashlight shells. You can buy these on laserpointerforums. They are pretty neat.
532nm is the brightest wavelength available. It's also the most expensive and hardest to find in any sort of meaningful power. All the high power builds are done using 445nm or 405nm which is blue. Green is exponentially brighter than blue, a 1w green will look brighter than a 10w blue
most laser pointer goggles are broad spectrum so any generic pair should be fine. keep in mind these aren't designed to prevent any sort of direct exposure so you still need to be super careful. they'll just prevent retina damage from indirect exposure like reflection or something
Magnetrons are cheaper.
Get a cutting LASER and nigger-rig it to a power supply
Wish sells 14 watt engraving lasers that will also plenty blind.
yeah but dont I want something with a broad beam?
how do I find those?
Naw, just shove it through a scatter/defractor
>Jow Forums pioneers the mounting of 7Watt lasers into flashlight mounts on rifles
Wait so is pointing a 1+ watt laser at a mirror ball and turning it on a viable home defense strategy?
so what kind of watts do I need for weaponizing the laser? 4? 6?
where are all the goddamn laser nerds when I need them
Right here, but I'm just going to tell you what this guy did. At 7W the Sanwu is a weapon. If you shine it at someone, you will likely be charged with the serious maiming that results, like permanent blindness.
Just shoot someone, stop fucking up my hobby worse than it already is.
where did you get yours from?
I built them.
At short distances a focused microwave beam would be just as destructive as a laser.
me want this
where buy this
Anyone have thoughts on building a pulsed laser in the 100W range that is man-portable?
do it. I need a phased plasma rifle in the 40W range.
Ha. I want something for taking out aliens, a light speed weapon is indicated. I want to start with a portable 100W output and eventually up it 1kW, should be enough to punch holes in a thin titanium hull.
can I use the arctic? or is it not powerful enough.
cmon nerds. give me some links. I cant find anything on my own for under 300$.
To do what?
>gun mounted
>torch things
>just point
>dazzle not blind
What kind of features are you looking for? I just carry a .5W green pointer for giggles, it's $13 on Amazon and bright as fuck.
>To do what?
you know what. offensive capabilities.
> square profile beam that is just super powerful.
I cant find anything like this anywhere