So, why’d they pick the sig?

So, why’d they pick the sig?

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Two ejections for the price of one.

Sig cost less and sidearms aren’t particularly important.

For the clout.

>Wanna see my Glock?
Not particularly

>Wanna see my Sig?
Sure, sounds better than a Glock

All the seething in this thread.
I own only Glock pistols they're insanely reliable never had fte,ftf,or light strikes their perfect.
The ergonomics are meh,the grip is nothing special.
It has the highest capacity for full sized pistols,parts are cheap and easy to replace.
And probably the biggest reason price point to performance.
A new glock gen 4 is $500
New Beretta 92fs$600
New CZ-75$600
New HKvp9sk$600

Its robust and as reliable as more expensive pistols on the market.


They offered it for cheaper than glock did.

Because they wanted a modular system. That's literally the end of it.

one hate post and you start crying
go support gun control with your glock purchases

Glock was culled in the first round of testing bc it's not modular. The project was called the Modular Handgun System for a reason...

Whys the military so obsessed with safeties? Looks so retarded on a Glock.

Actually it is the Mutt Handgun System. Look at the mixture of all of shades of brown and MIM. It embodies the diversity of America.

The Army is full of retarded niggers...

>yuropoor seething because he can’t even touch, let alone own, either gun
Every. Time.

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Glock is just too square. Sig is more round, nice, clean lines, very aesthetic and impressive.

Well fuck both those options I like my sperghetti

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I actually unboxed the ones we got the other day. They're cool, super light and the grip is really sturdy. Definitely alot chunky and bigger than the G19X. You guys have to keep in consideration that the average infantryman doesn't carry these. Side arms are mostly a pog thing or for officers. In an infantry platoon only your machine gunner, your drivers /vc and assigned line medic carry them for personal protection. Sometimes officers will also carry them and for some field grade infantry officers itll be the only weapon they carry but these dudes tend to carry 1911s anyway (yes, they're still issued) or will stick to the M9 because fuck you I'm a full bird, asides from that most guns are for medical officers, chaplain assistants, most logistical officers and maybe veterinarian and food defense personnel going on a humanitarian patrol. Most SF, Ranger and Seal units already have their separate side arms and have the freedom to stick to their Glocks, Barretas and Colts.

Based new copypasta

Yet they will never use said modularity. I'm guessing (((cohen))) had some connections.

>I literally can’t stop thinking about Jews!

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Because Sig actually TRIED to meet the requirements. Glock said "fuck it, here's a G19."


Why'd they pick the AR15? Why'd they pick UCP?

FN surpassed the requirements and it's a reputable brand unlike the current state of sig.

There was lobbyist fuckery afoot. Same reason they do these trials every couple years, the "judges" of them receive big payoffs from the competing companies to pick their piece of shit over the others.

Sig was the only modular option.

The only one that actually met the programs requirements.

>line IN field grades with ISSUED 1911 on deployment


>specifically states they want modular handgun
>"naw man it's a conspiracy cause glock should have won"
Fuck off.

it is a nice gun tbqh famalam

And how much is a p07? ~$450
Arguably better only if da/sa is preferred
M&p 2.0 $400
Definitely a better gun


He's not wrong. They do the same shit with movie awards.

Hell yea it is, home defense and edc for me

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This. /thread

Still doesn't change the fact Glocks hold their value.
Glock gen 4 New release$550 now$575
S&W M&P 2.0 New release$850 now $250
Springfield Armory XD-9 New release$1050 now $200
Taurus G2C new release $499 vs $99

See what I'm saying.

the only correct, non self-serving fantasy answer

HKs hold value too. It's funny which guns hold their value vs which don't. Branding seems to be a bigger factor than anything else.

Holding their value would have to do with resell value. Used Glocks are 350-400 all day long.

Your prices are way off.

Glock didn't fulfill the US requirements.

>he doesn't have the $200 version saved in a .txt file

Pretty much, although sometimes I feel as if military procurement "requirements" are already geared toward one particular item before they ever start testing.

Ah yes, the requirement for "modularity" that is only really relevant due to quirks in the law. It is nothing more than a loophole that let's them put the serial number on something other than the frame. This literally adds a layer of complexity to manufacturing. I doubt that there are any real benefits in logistics, considering polymer pistol lowers are dirt cheap to make. (((Sig Sauer))) had VERY conveniently designed another pistol that had all of the same exact features over a decade ago and just lazily retrofitted it with a striker assembly.

Removable bsckstrap actually fits their definition of modular.

>burgers calling anyone else poor
>when american workers have to grovel for tips because they dont get paid enough to actually live

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>he can’t even touch, let alone own, either gun
The UK isn't europe anymore, user.

Glock didn't follow the instructions right and submitted a non conforming product, Beretta was more expensive then Sig

then tried to sue the government, glock should be run out of business.

Why is this though? I doubt that they are going to let anyone fuck around with backstraps and removable grip frames or whatever so whats the point?

Now it’s Pakistan #2.

Nah, at least the food is good in pakistan.

Because the contract also involved the delivery of ammunition and accessories, such as optics, lights, and lasers, all of which Sig is tooled up and ready to make but Glock is not. Also in testing soldiers did not like the ergonomics of the glock, especially the shitty tacked on safety.

They should have picked the Beretta.

It was more expensive but a better deal, beretta offered to sell M9A3's at the same price they were already paying, and upgrade existing inventory for free.

I’ve liked every P320 I’ve shot but they don’t compare to my M9A3.

except the 19x literally fits the requirements or else it wouldn't have made it to the final selection

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>americans grovel for tips cause they're poor
>...from other americans who have money
Big think

>Beretta, while fulfilling the modular requirement and having the home team advantage, is too big and bulky compared to other offerings.
>Glock 19X didn't meet the basic fucking requirement of being modular because of Glocks "we know more than you" attitude.
>The FN 509 lost for reasons unbeknownst to me. Price, prolly.

bruh the militaries definition of modular was having a accessory rail.
that's it.
no they didn't want compact frames for special snowflakes with smaller hands.
that's the opposite of consolidation which is what logistic boners are made of.

>all the retards ITT who don't know that the "modular" chassis requires a special lock so grunts can't use the """modular""" feature of the M O D U L A R handgun weapon system and fuck something up

it's almost like modular frames wasn't actually the requirement.

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Correct, they weren't as worried about modular frames as they were tacked on accessories, which Sig is able to offer direct from their own factories while Glock cannot.

which is why the military doesn't use aimpoints, magpul accessories and surefires...


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Because Sig offered nearly 100 million dollars less than Glock if I remember correctly. Also because Sig was chosen before the rules of the contract were even written.

First of all
>expecting consistent logic from government procurement of any kind
That's a mistake.

But ya know, red dots didn't exist when the M16 was adopted, neither did magpul magazines so that doesn't really factor into things.

imagine defending a indian mim piece of shit like the m17, it was adopted because cheap and corruption as they didn't even finish the fucking tests.

Because Rupesh in india can make a gun cheaper then beretta and glock.

Too afraid to drop it


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You know it's actually the opposite right? Only infantry get sidearms. POGS only get a rifle. Granted officer also get pistol but lets be fair most officer's above O-3 are only armed for show. I doubt a major is actually gonna fight if he doesn't have to.

"Yes mr cohen, we can produce using our new holy cow dung casted steel, now excuse me as ranjeesh needs to go to the streets as i had many a curry for lunch"

>red dots didn't exist when the M16 was adopted, neither did magpul magazines so that doesn't really factor into things.


if they want tacked on accessories bad enough (or cheap enough) they won't give a shit if they come from a separate supplier.
they chose sig because it was cheaper. end of story.

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>he says as 55% of his paycheck goes into Mohammed’s welfare check

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>arguing over which handgun the Army should use even though SOCOM, federal law enforcement, and most state/county/municipal law enforcement use Glock—you know, people who actually use their sidearms

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Silence, SigTHOTS


Glock is anti gun?

>people who never use their sidearms, use them and experience malfunctions, or use sig instead already


They're great guns. Just the ones in the service are so old and rattly that they suck. Should have been taken care of better. Now, back in MY day....


Most waiters I know make at least $200 cash a night on a 6 hour shift

glad they picked what the picked instead of this
i'd hate to see dozens of pristine new M9s rotting away in my arms room for the next 3 years, but i feel absolutely for the sigs and the horrible fate that awaits them in firearms purgatory, aka every us army arms room

Most POG units issued an M9 to platoon sergeants and headquarters personnel back in my day.

Cost and because the P-07 was too good,only sig had the modular frame, and most importantly cost.
This guy said it first
Your prices are all fucked. CZs and Beretta's are so prolific and you can find them both new for 5 bills. The P-07s and 09s are even cheaper and so are the PX4s.
Most Officer and Senior enlisted rifles are doctrinaly for show. In practice not really my last Squadron Headquarters Commander got his EIB as a Major. Pistols in combat are reserved for staying armed on FOBs, meaning a bunch of Senior enlisted pogs are gonna carry them, and turret gunners. The rest just get spread around.
They still do.

Your inbred tribe is behind every dumb and self destructive decision this country has made, because you retards dont really consider yourselves Americans first.

>shooting their firearms more than once a year
pick one

It is just the superior gun

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>I’m a virgin incel, but that’s Schlomo’s fault, not mine!

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>this is what Sig Suckers actually believe
Go on. Post the EXACT SAME three body cam shots of a Glock jamming from limp wristing that get posted in every Glock seethe thread. C’mon, do it.
Police shoot their firearms a minimum gun of once per month for qualification purposes. At least TRY to lie, Cohen.

The modular system was the entire idea behind the system and none of the other companies could muster up the drive to even try to innovate and lazily threw their commercial product in with a cheap layer of rattlecan tan.
The sig is unironically a better shooting and handling pistol than glock, and changing the grip into a carry frame has proved it's worth by being able to adapt to the mission. For all of the neverserves the consensus among soldiers is that this pistol won deservingly.

I'll post the one where they limp wrist a sig instead and not only does it not jam, but a few of the ejections actually miss the guy's arm

Attached: LimpWristComparisonSIGP226cropAKAGlockGetsDunkedOn.webm (1280x720, 1M)

Because oy vey (((SIG))) is cheap pile of shit and the government loves cheap.

idk man, having been an infantryman for 9 years ..the only ones I've seen with sidearms have been the LT, CO, First Sargent, Medics, Machine Gunners and Vehicle Commanders and Drivers.

>this Sig didn’t jam therefore all Glocks jam

Literally why would they want a modular handgun? What are they even doing with it?

I think it’s because the Army doesn’t want Lt. Dan converting his pistol to .357 SIG whenever he wants and because they don’t want soldiers just switching frames as they please and then losing (or stealing) the parts.

That isn't the point. He said that the sig would jam like the Glock did. It didn't

>price = quality
I hope the only guns you own are Noveske ARs and Ed Brown 1911s then.

I was cumming at the thought of cheaper P07/P10c mags but the military fell for the meme again.


Because Glocks are mediocre Toyota Camry of guns.

>I can literally find no objective fault with Glock so I need to use the Toyota comparison

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