Loadout for hunting supernatural monsters?

Hi Jow Forums. What's the best loadout for hunting supernatural monsters? Vampires, demons, the like ...

Said loadout should be versatile enough to deal with unexpected threats, but generally expect your target to have insane reflexes, pain tolerance, and minor regeneration.

Include a variety from assault rifles to pistols. Said weapons must also be able to be individually fit inside an average suitcase.

Bonus points for rare guns.

Attached: Fate_Zero_Arms_Cache.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

All I need is vodka and my dick.

None of those exist. Especially not skinwalkers. Go innawoods unarmed and relax.

This. Why need guns in the forest, afraid of trees? Haha

It was a hypothetical question. I thought the best place to ask it would be the weapons board.

The works
308 Silver hollow point, fill in the hollow with a thin plastic shell that's loaded with holy water, garlic, white oak, Jade, cold iron and salt shavings.
Should be good to go against most things

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The shell would shatter and end up as a puff near the muzzle.

Assume bullets will hurt 'em if they hit. I mean gun models and bullet types. Technical, IRL stuff.

I wouldn't worry about it.

Would tempered glass be better? It doesn't have to pierce the creature just survive the trip
Still 308. I'd go AR10 because ubiquity. Also at the very least a Kevlar vest. Lighter than plate and good vs knives AKA good vs claws. Any supernatural shit that can go through that could also go through steel or ceramic. Maybe a cold iron plate if you know the fey are about

How well does an AR10 do in confined settings like the inside of an office building or an alleyway?

Go play Hellsign it's a great game imo, it'll give you some basic ideas on /kx/ cryptid hunting

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Even if you'll still need to do real research

Not same Kommando you are talking to but for 11 bucks im going to check it out.

>this thread

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You've obviously never been to the river bottoms where i live by the indian reservation

>Supernatural Impala trunk

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You asked this last night, you sad faggot.

AR10 in 6.5 Creedmore, highcaps, Binary trigger, 18" barrel, High (335+) lumen WML
low power prismatic

>That lack of organization and proper security against movement


There's this one user who posts in /hgg/ and edc threads whom I've taken to calling the witcher user. Has a 1911 in a shoddy holster and a bunch of weird vials and instruments, among other things.
Really cool pic. Wish I'd saved it.
>I wouldn't worry about it

This but more lumens with UV filter option and LVPO

when i was young i had some weird things happen on our farm of about 60 acres

>green orbs by the creek
>swear to god i saw a UFO abduct some cows, even my grandma said she saw it
>weird noises from the woods behind our house that sounded like people talking angrily but like their voices were going through some kind of radio or electrical wave or something
>always heard whispering by the creek that would grow louder and louder
>tools would get misplaced or end up in strange places, like an ax that i put in the barn was sitting beneath an oak by the creek
>entire ridge was an osage indian burial ground full of rock mounds, could see some bones through the gaps but never bothered them
>family got robbed of our land by a scumbag who had our grandma sell the property while doped up in the hospital
>found out later the family that lived there had their two children die of lead poisoning and the husband shot himself out of grief
>found out they also disturbed all the indian graves on the land

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This. Also, why do they need that many shotguns but don't have a single rifle?
I get one or two, but I see four, maybe five.

Fake and gay.
Everyone knows indians arent real.

Here’s my belief on the matter.
It doesn't truly matter what you use, as long as it has two factors.
The first one is easy; Range.
In days of old, this could be achieved with bows and spears. Now, we have firearms. Range is a non-problem.
The second, and more important, is the history of your gun.
See, I have both a marlin 336 and Mosin.
The marlin is new production, at most, it’s 5 years old. It was made for sporting and hunting.
But the Mosin? It is 77 years old. It was made for war. In a time of mud and blood, it was made to protect its user.
Both firearms would do fine for normal innawoods animal protection, but for spooks?
The Mosin is ready. The Mosin was made for such fighting.
Look at it this way.
When you’re going to fight a battle, do you want the rookie by your side? Or do you want the battle scarred veteran by your side?
Same idea, and the spooks can feel it.

Probably some sort of supernatural power yourself, like being a Time Mage.

>OP samefagging his ass off
>fighting with himself in the thread

They took the Bidenpill.
Assume canon would try to explain it along the lines of "you'll never get a good shot at a monster unless you are super close and then you want the most damage possible"
Also shotties are cheap and usually legal, low maintenance and can be easily cut down for concealment without affecting function or effectiveness.

I hate that show though.

Also ammo maybe bulky, but you can find it just about anywhere, and can load and shoot just about anything through a shotgun.
Silver coins, jewelry, wooden stakes, etc

bullets rubbed in white ash, blades dipped in white ash. holy water nades, crosses and something iron, it fucks with their magnetic nature

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>They took the Bidenpill.
Hearty kek. That all sounds plausible to me. Good point about ammo. Fighting different monsters, you could hand load some tailored rounds.
I am also not a fan, although I wish I could be. All the women around me were crazy about Supernatural cuz muh hot guys, muh drama, muh romance, whatever else, and the premise is interesting, but it isn't very good imho.
Too bad. I want a Jow Forums supernatural show.

Larp elsewhere, homo.

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Just get all your guns blessed, by your local priest, like every normal person does.

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I do simple prayers and blessings over my .30-06 reloading equipment and supplies. That way they'll have at least minor effectiveness on demons. That's not including all the charms and books though.

>2 bags of snacks to tactically remove hunger

It's bretty gud for early access. Hope you're alright with Aussie wildlife.