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This kills the jewpup. Fuck MAC.

Not phased, didn't really like the XD and proprietary mags are gay.

This almost makes up for Lithgow cancelling the ATRAX....

Can’t watch the video at the moment with audio but if it actually confirmed? Depending on the price point it could sell like hotcakes.

No, but they hinted at it. Talked up their business relationship with HS Produkt, showed the VHS prominently, and then finished with "wait until you see what we've got coming next". The VHS is the obvious thing since it's already developed.

Not a hard conformation, but it's literally a video of Springfield jerking off Croatia, one of their reps test firing a VHS, and the video literally ends with something to the effect of a cryptic "you'll love what comes next".

Not “confirmed” but it’s an SA ad bragging about their products and processes. There are some very deliberate shots of a VHS being worked on and fired (full-auto). However, the comments are packed with people demanding import of the VHS. Maybe they’ll take the hint.

Why would you support a company who doesnt give half a shit about your right to use their product?

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I just hope they don’t try the same price point as the Tavor or AUG. If the VHS came in at sub-$1000 it would likely fly off the shelves.

Actions speak louder than words. If they're willing to import and sell spooky scary salt weapons and sell them to civilians they clearly want us to have them.


Attached: humana.gif (500x359, 379K)

Or they clearly care about your money, not your rights as an individual

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They probably feel like it is a better rifle than those two.

Isnt the VHS just a shittier and uglier FAMAS?

>wanting a gun that is unproven and has only been used by sand niggers to shoot at ISIS

It's kind of like a G36 and FAMAS together.

G36 internals, I think it even takes G36 mags. Pic rail or integrated optic. Ambi ejection. Adjustable length of pull.

Looks to me like it could be the CZ Bren 2 of bullpup rifles.

Attached: HK Produkt.jpg (2000x1414, 600K)

who care it looks cool

I already have one. Actually, I still have quite a few.

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who cares. variety is the spice of life you blow hard.

Same thing could be said about most guns on the market. The hell's wrong with you.

>used in urban combat against a large terrorist organization

Pick one

That means it can take M3 PMAGs correct?

Oh really now


There's easier ways to make money, user. Like running for office or being a prostitute.

No surprise they already imported the HS2000

No. Those are for use in HK416s. G36 mags are completely different.

The 30G Pmag would presumably be the one you want.


I think you’re right. EMags would likely be the way to go.

God damn that looks controllable at a really high rate of fire. Basically no muzzle jump whatsoever.

The magwell is a modular part, they make one that accepts STANAGs

Emags wouldn't work either. I expect the only mags that would work if they keep the original mag well (who knows if it's interchangable), are VHS mags, G36 mags, Magpul 30G mags, and maybe, just maybe retro 805 bren mags (stupidly similar to G36 mags).

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That goes for any 5.56.

THanks for the clarification.

Sure, but noticeably moreso with that rifle.

Genuinely good shit, bois

And they can't get my money unless my rights are protected

not Blu-Ray or even DVD butt fucking VHS

I grew up on VHS. They're getting my nostalgia bux

This. Besides it looks like it straight up belongs in a Shadowrun/Neuromancer/Bladerunner/Cyberpunk setting.

So 80s nostalgia bux all the fucking way. On top of that it looks like a quality rifle. So what's not to like.

VHS in dead, skip over DVDs and go straight to Blueray.

That was fun and my phn doesn't even have surround sound.

i have a contact at the enterprise that owns some VHS-2 rifle in france ( name is Sunrock ), when i asked about exporting VHS rifles parts and stuff to the US, i got told that Springfield had the importation liscence for both handguns ( HS-2000 models ) and the VHS-2.
so yes, this is very real, but i expect springfield to change the name like they did for the handguns

I hope it's not too cringe. Something simple like the MCSR for Springfield "Modern Citizen Service Rifle" is simple, easy to remember, sounds decent, descriptive, not cringe. You could even have a suffix for specific models.

No it should be something tactical and cool like
SAZA - Springfield Armory Zombie Annihilator
SACC - Sprgfld Armory Crowd Controller
SASH - Sprgfld Armory Sandy Hooker
SAOD - Sprgfld Armory Operations Dominator

>Buying Ustase guns

I’d buy a SACC

I would too if. Could call it my sacc, lots of teabag jokes... but only if it stood for Springrield Armory Combat Carbine. Or something along those lines.

Good point, here’s hoping that modular magwell swings in our favor

Do you think this will finally convince older dudes with XDs that they are shooting a damn Croation service pistol, and not some weirdo offspring of Glocks and 1911s just because it has a grip safety?

Who cares.

Have an XDM that is one of my all-time favorites. Huge capacity, good looking, pre-grip-zone, reliable. The texture on the grip really locked the gun into my hand so it was super controllable even with slightly sweaty or super dry hands. The back strap grip safety is basically a non-issue and a simple way to get around glock dingus infringement.

My body is ready

>hoping for sub $1000 street price

Nah, will probably be 1,800-ish MSRP, $1,500 street.

Very few modern rifles of new design are less than $1000. In fact I can't think of any (barring the liquidation of ARX100 invventory a few months back by Academy and Bud's for $800).

Reminds me of how in GTA4 Roman said something about "See you on the BAWSAQ!" and 12-year-old me was busting a gut for hours over that.

Im betting 2k out the door with 3 mags and a shitty sling

Good luck. Im guessing $1200 MSRP

>Not superior Beta


I was thinking more Tavor X95 or Bren 2 MS pricing.


Seems to be the going rate for non-Swiss, non-HK (tommybuilt), non-FN modern rifles.

based Betamax poster

I wish corporations cared about profit again.

The margin on those rifles will probably be pretty slim at first unless they price them out of a competitive position. So i doubt they're doing it as a big money maker.

This means it's a "halo" product. A cool product that exists on the periphery of the product range that helps define the brand through its existance as well as having its mere existence act as a marketing tool Nissan does this with the GTR. Honda the NSX, for example.

In other words, it helps brand identity by making the company seem cool, and therefore helps the sales of their bread and honey products while at the same time contributing a little bit to EBITDA on its own.

Some companies are willing to have Halo products lose money if it does the rest well.

Fuck optical media.
Every fucking disc I buy skips.
I love my $.05 tapes; I've only had one with distortion so bad I couldn't watch it.

I want a SASH


But user, no one died at Sandy Hook

>Submitting false or misclassified reports will result in a ban.
Big oof if you did, enjoy your ban.

Ditto. Fuck Mac and his Jewish cocksuckery

I hope SF brings the VHS so bad

>Sub 1000$
Lmao stop being poor, it makes you say pretty stupid things

>it could be the CZ Bren 2 of bullpup rifles.
a piece of shit?

Can't say I know what a VHS is, but I hope it turns out well.
Who makes them and where are they importing from?
I did get to talk to a rep at my LGS and they said they were thinking of making M1 Garands again, but I don't know if that is what they tell everyone

See the vid.

Also see:
Croatian service rifle. Fully-ambi bullpup g36 more or less.

That actually looks pretty awesome. Great find user, thanks for the info

Very excited

Why? DVDs are cheap, I'm not going to spend top dollar to consume ((their)) propaganda.
Relatedly; 4k looks like fake trash.

Meant for

The only Beta that is alpha
>Just pay what we say, goy.

Give me the option of 6.5 Swede/Mememoore, or .300/.458WinMag and I am there all day.

But will it have a GRIP ZONE?

Attached: Gripzone-gun.jpg (999x594, 261K)

>and proprietary mags are gay.
Kill yourself.

Does it come in .308? We don't need more cucked .223 guns saturating the market. Army is already switching to a 6mm round, this varmint caliber meme will die soon.

....are those different things?

Attached: neat.jpg (492x478, 27K)

because they sell product no one else does

No, it doesn’t.

is it a FAMAS

gun would be 10x better at 1500-1600 but you poorfags never stop crying

Springfield did nothing wrong.

Aside from donating money to known gun grabbers in the naive hope that it would dissuade them from their traitorous ways.

don't compare it to the gay36 it doesn't have a trunnion sitting in bare plastic

Proof that they authorized that? Oh, wait, you don't have any because they didn't condone that. The dude that did it was employed by a third party and when Springfield found out about it he got shitcanned so fast his head spun.


I'm heading off to take a violent shit and go to bed. Have nice night, user. May the kube visit you in your dreams.

PS: Btw, I don't think we should hold that grudge against them for so long, I'm posting the link for the sake of being pedantic. Springfield makes great guns.

Oh, shit, I didn't know about that. I was wrong, I'm sorry. Ave Nex Alea, user, and sleep well.

never understood the conglomerate of boomers and retards that hate the xd pistol passionately, the only bad design choice is the grip safety and that was just to get around glock's jewish lawyers

Literally the only people I've ever met who owned XDs were boomers and retards.

Why wouldn't you want it stanag compatible? Is this some vapid hipster thing, so you can feel some shallow sense of superiority over everyone else just because your mags cost 50 bucks more than everyone elses pmags and have to be ordered in from MA? Very sad, be your own man instead of having a vicarious personality through your possessions.

i see you have special needs

It's ok user, I understand they're usually pretty cheap because no one wants them, I don't blame you for owning an XD.

If they do import it, hopefully they bring in both the railed version and integrated optics version.
Integrated optics tickle my fancy.

Attached: Bd0c2jZ.jpg (1620x1080, 376K)

>you do realize they cost around the same as a new glock 17 and older gen glocks are often cheaper

I'm gonna join Springfield as and make a line of pistols as a follow-up to the XD. The XP, the :), the :D, the ;), the :^), and a Japanese exclusive ^_^.

Well, sorry to crush your meme dreams but Springfield, being the incompetent sacks of shit they are, do not make the XD. They import them. That's why it's halfway decent.