How to Survive a Financial Collapse

So, when the Big One comes, and it will come, how do us Jow Forumsommandos survive? Let's look to Venezuela and Argentine when their fiat currency was wiped out overnight. You can't buy shit. Can you imagine when the GIBS run out and the goyim can't purchase food? Absolute chaos.
How do we prepare and secure our assets?
Pls post lists for urban survival and growing your own food.

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Raid kill and rape neighbors and then repeat.

yeah but what if they r my frens?

Friends and Neighbors. Go from having a passive community that you're friendly with on a part time basis (weekends and holidays) to an active community that you're friendly with on a full time basis. Trust, cohesion, and aligned outlooks are paramount to survival.

The neighborhoods in New Orleans that didn't get ransacked were the ones where the communities came together and formed armed patrols and made sure everyone was supporting everyone else in the ways that they were apt.

>how to survive a financial collapse
Learn skills now
Get all the essential gear and supplies you need now
Acquire barter items
Buy ammo now
Buy long term foods for storage now
Get training now
Go innawoods and practice survival
Get likeminded group of people together and prepare together.

Also if you live in a city plan an exit strategy. Buy some cheap land in a rural area on the outskirts the suburbs. Build a small house on it, store supplies, practice camping out, harvesting game, Learn how to make a garden.

>How to Survive a Financial Collapse

ETFS in dividend paying funds in the USA and EU
Dividend paying financials
Corporate bonds
Gold and Silver
Property in more than one major currency zone
Tenanted agricultural and rental property
Some crypto
Off book assets like antiques, gold and silver jewellery, quality gemstones and art
Foreign currency holdings
Residency rights, banking, cash deposits and property in more than one country

>Go innawoods and practice survival
And here the urbanite larper who thinks other people won't shoot him for tresspass

Read a book called ‘aftershock’

Written by the same people who called 2008

Yeah, I'm just worried about my parents who live in a large city here in Texas. Fucking interstates will be a no go. Might have to plan a back route incase shit does go nuclear.

Fuck corp bonds. DSCRs are going to plummet. Look at GE... (i'm fairly convinced they might be the catalyst).

>dividend paying financials
Maybe. It depends.

For me, I want really uncorrelated shit, so no ETFs. in financial collapse I just want to store money, so anything, be it index/etf/bond that has a beta more volatile than the market or the portfolio in general in which it exists will get axed.


Best option for the city is to hunker down. You think people will get out with that traffic?

thanks, fren. will buy soon.

San Antonio. But I'm sure most of the mexicans will be too lazy to actually do anything lel
You think the US will get invaded once the army calls it quits when their paychecks are worth nothing?
scary times ahead, frens

This. It wouldn’t be out of the question for China to invade if the system collapses

You don’t have to buy, but get into shit that protects assets. So land, gold, silver, business, etc. Methods to preserve wealth. In economic collapse though, diversify your shit in terms of preps. Don’t go in too deep and not enjoy life a little though.

would we get raped by bug men?

If they're socially willing to commit to relatively high attrition, then yes. If not, no.

Do it even harder

They would have their own problems.

>You think the US will get invaded once the army calls it quits when their paychecks are worth nothing?
The DoD probably has a plan for that

Live in a high trust community with some food stocks and some seeds and some knowledge of farming/herding.

>tfw zoomer with 300 dollars and no job
I guess I'll die then

Does anyone have that article of how that Bosnian man survived the fall of Yugoslavia? I found that was the most insightful resource when it came to surviving a societal breakdown.

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I think I remember that one, but would love to read through it again. If I remember correctly, he mainly talked about how money was worthless and that the "economy" reverted to a barter system. You traded with people either with goods like food, water, clothes, etc, or services, like medical attention and such.

Guns and ammo became the two premium items of worth, unsurprisingly, and if you didn't have a gun you would be a target sooner rather than later.

>Following Bosnia and Herzegovina's declaration of independence, Bosnian Serb militias mobilized in different parts of the country. Government forces were poorly equipped and unprepared for the war.
>poorly equipped and unprepared for the war
This is why a SHTF seems unlikely to be an insurgency to me in current year USA

>lel yeh let's just pay 'em with rocks
>fuck, you're a genius. that's a promotion for you, Col. Shekelstein

uh, have you seen the US military these days?

worst case scenario they get paid in food and shot if they leave.

Yeah, but they're human too, fren
I just hope they wake up from the ZOG brainwashing.
And when they do It'll be like AI gaining consciousness for the first time. It'll spread and we can't stop it.
Then some turbo autist on a nuclear sub is gonna light this party nice and pretty.

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China has literally no reason to ever invade the US.

>America has literally no reason to ever invade Yemen

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It’s been debunked countless times. Why do people still talk about this?

gold and ammo

Maybe we're the baddies Hanz?

Yeah, other countries generally aren't warmongering cunts like Amerimutts.

>never happened
>oil and opium
>never happened

When the fuck did we invade cuba?

>burger education
holy fuck yeah maybe china does need to invade us and rape some sense into us mongs

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Necessary skills like electrician and welder are gold during the happening, physical assets would be guns/ammo and drugs
People will always look to the fasted way to kill eachother
People will always be looking to get high and escape their shit reality

china is slapping pretty much every country in asia with their dick at every opportunity. the only reason they wouldn't attack the us given half an opportunity is because they can't inot force projection.

dear fucking god i've only ben out of school for less than a decade and learned all this shit

you some kind of public school fuck up?

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and then that other time


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and that other time we almost 9/11'd ourselves in the 60's

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Haha let's just get some murderous Nazi scientist and sent them to the moon. That'll be funny haha.

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Heh, let's give these camel jockies some funs to fight the soviets. it totally won't come back to bite us in the butt
Hahah let's kill their leader who we paid is US taxpayer goy bucks and totally say we buried him out sea in a "traditional muslim burial" when some president with HUSSEIN as a middle name

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Relax Harry you made your money off the short GE is fine.

Lame ass samefag trolling is still shitposting, even if all you’re doing is talking to yourself.

More to the point, they don’t have the capability to invade. If the US economy tanks, it’s taking China with it.

> how do us Jow Forumsommandos survive? Let's look to Venezuela and Argentine when their fiat currency was wiped out overnight. You can't buy shit.
Argentinian here...
it is not the first time that this shit happens (right now we are in recession and hiper-inflation). but in this scenario you cant compare a piece of shit country vs the imperium that holds the petro-dollar.

Argentina goes down? oh noes! massive riots again! (postly reminder that this shit happened in 1985 hyper-inflation and 2001 economic crisis too)

EEUU goes down? from my country burning to the ground (ANOTHER REMINDER: we have A LOT OF DOLLARS in circulation in our economy... since the 2001 crisis) to.... you know, some fags steal some nice nukes and blow the shit out of commiefornia.

>How do we prepare and secure our assets?
just try to hide it... what more else?
ah! and only criminals (and someone of them have badges, A.K.A. """cops""") can have guns. the rest? WE-ARE-FUCKED.

>Pls post lists for urban survival and growing your own food.
well, Argentina exports x10 foods compared to our consumption ...
but yea, the big cities gonna burn baby!
brb, gonna check my onions if still growing up hehe

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You're in luck. SA isn't a strategic nuclear target. Only Dallas (AT&T) and Denton (FEMA) are (yes, it sounds crazy, but both serve as comms nodes for nuclear launch orders from DC). Abilene isn't a target right now, but will be again in a few years once nuclear-capable B-21s are housed there. Anything else is less important than hitting our ICBMs, boomer and bomber bases, and nuclear HQs/comms nodes.

On, the other hand, you live at the southern end of the I-35 metro corridor, so any crisis, particularly if it endangers the urban power grids, is life-threatening for you. Financial disaster, plague, cyber attack, EMP; the details only differ a little, and the response to each should be largely the same at the family level.

Buying bulk food, currently, is absurdly cheap. You can buy a years worth of food for only a few hundred dollars. So, stock up on lots of stuff you will use even if there is no massive financial collapse.

A MASSIVELY over-looked point is that in spite of any kind of "collapse" there will always be a demand for the basics: clean water, electricity, food, transportation, medical, security. If you can fill that demand, you will have a lot less problems "surviving" compared to some city-dwelling idiot with a liberal arts degree.

Have you watched any of Peter Zeihan's presentations? He actually has y'all as one of the countries that should survive the coming decades, based largely on your agriculture, and in spite of your government's best efforts.

get a motorcycle and get out early, otherwise wait out the initial chaos

Quite repulsive.

nah, i dont even knew that name...
now, thinking again, a lot of usable land for agriculture had been used intensively (not rotating crops), and without fertilizers... OH BOI....
S 0 Y crops definely gonna choke the lands man...

personally, im very worried what or who gonna fuck it up hard first... politicians ,or mother nature gonna give us the toll...

btw sorry for bad english...

USA have big cities, or even megalopolis... you would wait weeks or more... a bad idea IMO.

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Here you go

People say that this article has been debunked multiple times, but I think the information it presents is still valid. Buy lots of lighters apparently.

or, start learning how to make fire with a stick and some dry wood.

According to the article the lighters were more of a barter item, but ok.

Vegetable garden, chainsaw-axe-woodstove, chickens, books, water well, and C wire perimeter.

True, aggies economy going down is a Argentinian tradition like their fine wine. If I lived in Venezuela I would fighting back. I know i would end up dead but at least it's better than what spineless Guaido is doing in opposition.


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if that happens that would be an absolute hell over there... like a zombie outbreak , w/o zombies...
whatever happens, keep your toys at hand , Jow Forumsommandos...

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