Why dont any mass shooters use this weapon?
Why dont any mass shooters use this weapon?
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>he doesn't know
Idk why don't any mass shooters use atomic bombs?
Because mass shooters are Jow Forums homos who are bluepilled by cnn, see the 100 round chink jamming drum used in the le kiddie massacre, and think "that's the one for me!". They probably listen to spundcloud and have niggeroid mutt lips drspite being "Shiite" I mean whiiite
Does this look like someone who could hold up, much less effectively use, a 25lbs 1000+ rpm machine gun?
>11kg and 1000rpm
They're skinny bois not rambo.
are generous amounts of 8mm mauser easy to acquire?
what about spare barrels
If you have the money for the gun in the first place, then the answer to those questions is yes
It shoots 7,92 mm IS at 1200-1500 rounds per minute.
It is next to impossible to shoot individual shots with it.
It is quite heavy.
It is too large to be of much use indoors
It is expensive.
It is hard to get.
It overheats rather quickly.
Reloading takes some time.
This gun was never meant to be used by a single person, but by a machine gun oriented platoon.
8mm Mauser is still available, lots of people still own K98s and shoot them.
Spare barrels will be harder as the old MG-42 and new MG-3 barrels aren't identical, though it could still work.
Main issue will probably be that these aren't realy sold as far as I known...
Ultimately, if you can afford an MG42 you can afford to pay someone to make spare barrels. But if you can afford an MG42 then you have something to live for
Probably, but it's still a terrible choice for that purpose.
It's way too large, heavy and uses way to much ammunition by weight.
Any SMG would do a much better job, assuming it doesn't jam or overheat.
Truth most mass shooters are leftists.
Probably too lazy to put on back together
why do they all look the same? its so fucking weird.
if they were attractive they'd be less angry
I dont have a picture at the moment, but my buddy had purchased one of those kits back in the day. He just finished it recently. He used a G3 barrel with a little Fab work. Ended up with a binary switch for it. It's pretty heckin' sweet.
Sounds hot user
Any vids?
it's the incel phenotype
Too big and heavy to move and shoot.
Two problems with my lack of videos; I don't have FB and he doesn't post em to FB. I'll see if I can't snag some pictures next time I go over there.
He said the hardest thing was having to "stitch" the gun back together with tack welds. You gotta do it a few at a time so it doesn't warp. He said he had to grind em apart several times to get the bolt to true up to the floating barrel.
>not swapping the top cover for the 7.62 MG3 version
>too poor to afford spare barrels
Not even gonna make the fabricated CNN retelling
squad shit nigga
Generally part jewish.
>scam g36
Because they're just like you: fucking stupid.
mass shooters have no class.
gotta be a true playa pimp to roll with a fucking MG42
Because autistic people like OP get stuck in the planning phase
White incels look the same.
Because they cost like 50k
CIA glowniggers profile and target a specific type of individual for their MK ultra shit
Because the last time somebody tried that, he accidentally put .30-06 in it and a bunch of New York hoodlums stole it from him.
the MG42 is literally the plebeian's choice, the MG34 what true connoisseurs choose.
>tfw no mg42
>tfw no power armor
>not the fg42
Because they cost as much as a new Tesla and the license to get one requires a background check so deep none of these faggots would ever get near one.
>not using a miniuature MG34
It's no wonder why incels do what they do.
>ywn mow down commies with your RWDS buddies
why live?
>doesnt expand his mind with hemp
WTF did u just say?
He propped that dot way to close to the charging handle
Because you can't shoot atomic bomb dumbo
The real question is why no werhmacht 1940's squad shooters yet
because natsocs realize that acts of terror don't make people friendly to your cause. the only way forward is to act peaceably within the system until the system degrades on it's own. when the state collapses under the weight of it's judeo-bolshevik baggage, then we take to the streets to protect our people from the resultant chaos. natsocs believe in natural order and continuity of tradition, they are not a rabble of violent scum intent on sowing discord and pulling down the remainders of our heritage. the masses have had no choice but to be exposed to judeo-bolshevik cultural hegemony and that culture has permeated them through no choice of their own. they are victims not enemies, people in need of rescue not destruction.
Get ahold of one and then we’ll talk.
>Because you can't shoot atomic bomb dumbo
davy crockett nuke
Iirc it can be set to fire as slow as 450 rpm
>5'10" 150 lbs
Detective, I believe we found the suspect's motive
Quality post with perfect dubs.
MG's aren't exactly readily available in vending machines OP.
[spoiler]They should be though.[/spoiler]
Digits don't lie
>mg15 is the patricians choice
Because it's strictly controlled. It's almost like legislating against something makes it harder for people to own it. Isn't that fucking crazy?
>tfw 5"9 and I've just made it back up to 140
>not using the MG08/15 for maximum sustained fire
The tasteless need not apply.
Too long to reload
Because you keep posting the same fucking guy.
how bad a shot are you? those things are huge
Bit too nullachtfünfzehn for me.
Sounding like a Drudge report comments section lately around here
>Imagine not using the correct MG for all purposes
Most of them are paid shills.
correct, I cringe every time the "fact" that it has OMFG over 1200RPM!! gets mentioned
It could fire that fast, when it was specifically set to an anti-air role and sometimes in the heavy machinegun config.(when it was mounted on a hefty tripod frame), the RPM on the mg your average wehrmacht foot-slogger would haul around was usually more around 850-900rpm, much more controllable and less ammo thirsty