I just graduated army basic training, AMA
I just graduated army basic training, AMA
I go to Sill in three weeks. Give tips
I just shotgunned 6 PBR's and now I'm fingerfucking my AR10, AMA indtead
Sounds a fuckload more interesting. What kind of AR10? What you drinking later?
I have a Masturbation addiction and cannot go a single day without jerking off to trap hentai. AMA
How many more will you drink? Do you promise not to ND?
Why should I care?
Got any suggestions on trap porn? Have you bought an onahole yet?
congrats hooah
Thank you for your service to Israel!
thank you for your service
Congrats. Go become a bad mother fucker
Anything in particular you're worried about? My best advice is to wake up at least 15 minutes before the posted wakeup time, eat as much as you physically can whenever you go to chow (get lots of nuts and bananas), and always check your uniform before you go to formation
Congrats, enjoy killing children in exchange for our freedoms
Good luck in AIT. Don't fuck with spec ops unless you literally want to get raped in the shower by tiny dicked manlets.
Am officer fag
How bad is the cardio?
Are you opposed to having /ourguys/ on the inside?
how many dicks have you sucked?
ready to die in some middle eastern shithole?
how easy was it
Not him but it's basic training. It is easy and nigh impossible to truly fail
2nd post best post
Not bad honestly. You wake up and do easy pt for about 1.5 hours then the rest of the day is ezpz as long as you don't get smoked. If you can do 30 pushups and 35 situps in a minute and run less than a 7 minute mile you'll be golden
Sure, why not? I'm sure they can use another food service specialist
Stop watching porn
>waking up before wake up
Absolute retard detected
Fuck you you fucking boot faggot
Thanks. In exchange here's one I always liked.
Damn i can't blame you. Good taste.
What mos, what post, and did you get phones, Facebook, or stress cards?
You degenerate fuck.
>get shit kicked out of you in the basement
>mod squads were allowed
>watch snuff films first day
>hitler speeches played backwards overlaid by static while trying to get your 4 hours of sleep
how was daycare newfag?
>not shotgunning Natty Lights to save calories
Never gonna make it.
Congrats dude
In the last 5 years I have failed BUD/S, SFAS, and RASP, AMA
What the fuck?
At BUD/S it turned out I had a disqualifying issue with pressure changes while diving, so I became undesignated for 2 years until I became a BM, then got out and joined the Army as 18x, was a 21 day non select, was given the option of going to RASP instead of big army, and slipped on the stairs outside RASP barracks in week 7.
Maybe this high speed stuff just isn't for me.
I recommend that you stop consuming trap porn
But if you don't stop I recommend that you watch Shonen Maid Kuro Kun, Boku no Pico, and Otokonoko Delivery.
How many of the others committed suicide due to the drill instructor?
Ella Hollywood
Nah, the army doesn't do cool army shit like that anymore. They weren't allowed to touch us (did have a DS that got around this by flinging people around by their equipment however) and the cadre risked getting in trouble every time they swore. Black dudes got counsellings for saying nigga, it was a very sensitive place
No sui sadly. There was a kid who had been stuck there for over a year and a half though. I think he was close
OP you’re a fucking faggot, graduating basic means next to nothing
Is it possible to smuggle gear out? Is there any chance to get like a rocket launcher or something to sell?
That explains why you made a thread dedicated to feeding your own ego for graduating basic
Have you ever contemplated the reliability of your rifle? How many rounds have you put through it?
>I just graduated army basic training, AMA
I'm opposed to /ourguys coming home with PTSD, alcoholism or without their arms or legs.
The ones that are already retarded are useful for simple cleaning tasks though and if they get killed it just reduces the cost to society of supporting them.