>manages to achieve a 1-1 k-d ratio against the semi-trained, fuel-starved dregs of the Luftwaffe which had been ground down on the eastern front
Bravo, Mustang. You sure showed them.
>manages to achieve a 1-1 k-d ratio against the semi-trained, fuel-starved dregs of the Luftwaffe which had been ground down on the eastern front
Bravo, Mustang. You sure showed them.
It's a 2:1 K/D and more aces were made in P-51s than in any other aircraft in WWII.
>my source: Jane's fighting aircraft of the 20th century
>your source: trust me bro
Don't be salty you'll never be as good looking as the fat birds.
bbut muh Red Tails
When you factor in losses to ground fire its a ratio closer to 1.5 to 2.
You forgot it flew mind blowing distances for a little fighter, but still have enough fuel to rape Ghermons and strafe ground targets to spare. Also, is it America's fault that Hitler et al. are poor strategists and logisticians?
I wanna fug a Jug.
2:1 according to the US pilots, which you can safely cut in half to find something like the true figure. All air forces greatly exaggerated the number of aircraft they shot down.
Mustang's greatest attribute was that it could accompany bombers all the way into homeland Germany while still being combat effective.
Plus it is aesthetic af.
Suprisingly small wound/damage channels for taking direct fire from an aircraft armed with 30mm cannons.
> Testing verified that the autocannon was well-suited to this role, requiring on average just four hits with its 85g RDX-load (in a 330g shell) and a resulting strongly brisant high-explosive ammunition, to bring down a heavy bomber such as a B-17 Flying Fortress or B-24 Liberator, and just a single "shattering" hit to down a fighter. In comparison, the otherwise excellent 20 mm MG 151/20 (3g of HE in 57g shell) required an average of 25 hits to down a B-17.
3 ounces of RDX?
Muh dick.
Baby got (razor)back
cite your souces
Ok they coubt 'kill' as anything that smokes and limps away from the fight.
They count 'death' an aircraft that is crashed by enemy air to air fire and the aircraft cant be relaired. If the aircraft parts are found and its smelted into another mustang then its not really dead.
Reminds me of all those Dushka caused Apache malfunctions and pilot errors in Afghanistan.
What plane shot those rounds?
ah, so this is what black wish fulfillment looks like
Some Bf 109s, the Fw 190 D-12, Me 262s, and various heavy fighters.
It could be mounted in most Luftwaffe fighters, not the easiest weapon to use though.
lol he looks like hes taking .22 short to his body not 30mm
>takes one 30mm hit to chest cavity
>explodes inside
>ribs are now shrapnel traveling fast enough to shred the airplane
>no source
But the bullet is only 30mm long, surely that can't hurt too much.
Its a joke relax
Daily reminder that most of that "fat" is nothing but air ducts.
Me-262 carried 4 of them.
It was a significantly heavy aircraft that stored energy as potential energy for boom and zoom tactics.
Boom and zoom.
Only time boomers and zoomers agreed on anything.
Meh... Of it will look like that when no-money British decided to used fabric canvas instead of American alloy for aircraft skins.
Blenheim had an all-metal skin. It was one of the first combat aircraft in the RAF to use one
Motor kanon
It's problem was the slow speed of the shell compared to the 20mm
>that wasn`t even the largest caliber used by the Me 262
They mounted a 50mm canon on it for some reason.
As trustworthy as the claim of destroying more German heavy tanks in the West than Germany ever produced.
I think they were getting fairly tired of being bombed.
>more aces than any other plane in WW2
This is how I know you're retarded.
>the RAF mounted a semi-auto six-pounder in a Mosquito
>Jerry also put 7.5cm's on Ju88's and HS129's
>the Italians put a modified 90mm (102mm) in a four engined bomber
>the Americans put a 75mm in the B25 and the USAAF still operates the AC-130 with that is essentially a 105mm howitzer as a waist-mounted weapon
i wonder what goes through ones mind when firing a fucking artillery piece whilst diving into a storm of flak
Amazing. Thots have been thots since time immemorial.
P-38 made more US aces.
>time immemorial
>literal midwest farmers who drove tractors most of their life vs german aristocracy
user pilots were commissioned officers with college degrees, i wouldn't describe them like that
The Luftwaffe was meritocratic. And by this stage they were often inexperienced, half-trained pilots.
>user pilots were commissioned officers with college degrees
Nowadays your correct, but pilots in WW2 weren't always college educated.
Chuck Yeager started out as an enlisted mechanic, iirc.
bravo lucas
I would. Many WW2 pilots were enlisted.
The C-model made up for it and thrashed the zeroes, which were more of a serious problem to American forces than the Luftwaffe ever were.
Here's a list of numerous instances of this happening
>citing Wikipedia
Click the references, dipshit
>The USAAF claimed that they had inflicted on the Luftwaffe the following: 56 kills, 26 probable kills, and 20 aircraft severely damaged. PresidentFranklin Delano Rooseveltreported these numbers to the Amerian public in a nationwide broadcast. In fact, the Luftwaffe suffered 1 loss.
>all of its losses were to enemy aircraft
OP is confirmed for dumb
>wikipedia just use the references lmao
>my citation is secondarily sourced single anecdote which I will apply as a rule
You're lazy and a dumb ass, big surprise from a wehraboo..
t h i c c
There were prototypes that trimmed the ducting
>Yeah you have sources but I don't like them so they don't count
Also if you note the luftwaffe has lots of overclaiming kills too you spastic faggot
Considering the thickness of WWII alloy airplane skins I would wager the difference would be negligible.
>Early 1940s, pre-GI bill
>College graduates
X (Doubt)
>I have sources
you don't, you gaynigger, I'm failing you from the class.
nigga PROVE me wrong
*enters your airspace*
The Bf-109 had the most aces, though this had more to do with the German policy of keeping their most experienced pilots in the field than the performance of the aircraft.
top fuggin kek
>back to base for a software patch
Was this ever mounted on land vehicles?
Seems like it would really shine on a pintle/turret mount for anti-personnel AFV use.
Basically a Mk19.
Neither of those pictures had fabric on the fuselage.
Those aircraft have semi-monocoque construction.
Imagine being stuck in volcanic rock somewhere in the Pacific. Now imagine being engaged. Then your fiancee marries some guy who returned from Europe. You hear from this in a letter from a friend. In same mail shipment you also receive a letter sent to you by your fiancee that was sent few days earlier. Everything is fine and she says she will love you forever.
I don't think we can go much further than that with aircraft nose art, just to first world war, but whores being whores goes back further than that. A lot further than that.
USN jealous it didn't get to fly the most prestigious US WW2 fighter? Enjoy your F4 Coffincats?
Corsair would like a word.
nice brazilshit
I know one thing:
Perhaps the single most overrated aircraft of the entire war.
>Perhaps the single most overrated aircraft of the entire war.
Objectively wrong. Early war planes are always forgotten in favor of the big three - the P-51D, the Spitfire IX, and the ME-262.
People only talk about the ME-262 so much because it was the first real jet powered fighter.
Even among early war fighters its pretty lack luster. The P-38, Spitfire, Hurricane, Bf-109, Mc-202,and A6M were either more technically impressive or made much more important contributions during the war.
Mid war, but still pretty fantastic
Undergunned until Hispano's, overheated in Africa, incredibly short range
Under armored paper kite flown by veteran pilots, defeated by tactics, not performance
The 109 was still a great a early war fighter, though. Too bad it gets overlooked in favor of germany's wunderwaffe
>i wonder what goes through ones mind when firing a fucking artillery piece whilst diving into a storm of flak
Deafening vibrations
post yfw 1940 was over 100 years ago
First this.
Then this.
It was quite effective for its time. Even the best allied fighters struggled to effectively combat it, such as the P-51s constantly trying to engage them in a dive and relying on numbers to avoid any other sort of fight
>gets ass handed by ki-61s so pilots cry for more p-38s
"If you flew wisely, the P-40 was a very capable aircraft. [It] could outturn a P-38, a fact that some pilots didn't realize when they made the transition between the two aircraft. [...] The real problem with it was lack of range. As we pushed the Japanese back, P-40 pilots were slowly left out of the war. So when I moved to P-38s, an excellent aircraft, I did not [believe] that the P-40 was an inferior fighter, but because I knew the P-38 would allow us to reach the enemy. I was a fighter pilot and that was what I was supposed to do." - Robert DeHaven
"[Y]ou could fight a Jap on even terms, but you had to make him fight your way. He could outturn you at slow speed. You could outturn him at high speed. When you got into a turning fight with him, you dropped your nose down so you kept your airspeed up, you could outturn him. At low speed he could outroll you because of those big ailerons ... on the Zero. If your speed was up over 275, you could outroll [a Zero]. His big ailerons didn't have the strength to make high speed rolls... You could push things, too. Because ... [i]f you decided to go home, you could go home. He couldn't because you could outrun him. [...] That left you in control of the fight." - DeHaven
Is he aware that he is racist?
>Vast majority of the aces, especially the 100+ kill ones, strictly used the BF109
>bro, the plane had nothing to do with it
Did lindybiege just make a video on WW2 aircraft or something? Sure are alot of buttfuck retarded autists pulling out boomer tier factoids in this thread.
>also built to British specifications, Americans didn't feel they needed it in the first place
>was already considered under-powered and obsolete upon arrival in Europe
>didn't become combat effective until some Brit engineers figured they could install a proper Rolls-Royce engine inside of it
>its claim to fame was when drop tanks were installed, allowing it to escort heavy bombers and easily fend of the paltry resistance gang-pressed aircraft mechanics/flight school rejects turned pilots that the late war Luftwaffe used on the western front
All in all a quite good plane all-around but arguably the most overrated one as well.