Going innawoods alone tomorrow to shoot

I'm going out tomorrow afternoon/evening about 15 miles into the national forest to set up and shoot in a clearing I found.

I won't be leaving til it starts to get dark, and since its a hike down the mountain i'll probably be getting out after dusk.

What should I do to keep safe from the spoops while i'm out there?

Also skinwalker thread.

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Heres some of my shit groupings with a new Taurus G2C at 7-10 yards.

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/x/ threads were fun once a week or month. Every day they're just a slog.


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>that skinwalker will laugh at your taurus

Probably, but I'm also bringing muh ayy arr, and a fuddy five.

Climb some stairs for me.

What ur loadout

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Basic bitch Anderson lower AR with leapers upper and chromoly barrel

Mag's in backpack, two mag on belt taco

Springfield 1911 government chambered in pure stopping power.
One mag in fun, one on belt

G2c in backpack with mag's.

Boker urban trapper and ka-bar kukri for knives.

No stairs round here, got some steep ass hills though. Regularly walk them with four legged battle buddy.


How do acquisition


brb gensokyo

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>walking 15 miles through the woods at night just to go shooting
What are you actually doing out there, user? Got something on your mind?

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pick your terrain strategically.
an advantageous positions could have: higher elevations than surroundings, only approachable from a few directions, and expanses of barren ground between camp and approach routes.

however the campsight will probably be barren of tree cover, which means windy and cold.

when you make a fire, rub your bullets and blades in the whitest ash in the pit

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This whole post screams "guns r toys"

Please, pick up all sleeves and garbage which you took with you. And don't shoot trees.

To fight Skinwalkers?

Southern Oregon

I generally bring a trashbag and pack my targets out.

hike from NF road to spot is only 2 or 3 miles. It's just all game trails tho.

Drive about 10 or so miles in and pull off the road for the walk.

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Fuck you fudd, git out.

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Is it legal to shoot in the NFs? And just camp there, you can just sleep in yer car.

of course. Bullets kill regular animals too user

Don't do this, you might damage the bullet and it will make your steel rust. Skinwalkers aren't even real and even if we were we don't want to hurt you.

I play with my funs everyday.

>Don't do this, you might damage the bullet and it will make your steel rust. Skinwalkers aren't even real and even if we were we don't want to hurt you.
skinwalker please go

nice truck user
ive got the same one

I can't comment on the skinwalker bit, but shooting on your own out in the wilderness is totally fucking liberating. Get ready to never like indoor ranges again.

I shoot at night all the time. I did here to see the flames coming out of this. When I see skinwalkers I immediately turn around and fire even when they are right in front of me. They do that teleports behind you shit.

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Thanks, I like it too. A little sad that they're discontinuing it though.

Here's a pic from today

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OP here, it was a good time.

It was fun being able to practice shooting while moving, rifle->pistol transitioning and emergency reloads.

My groupings were dismal because I was more just having fun and doing weapon manipulation rather than going for accuracy.

I should have taken more pictures, but here is one of the shoot spot before I strung up more targets with cardboard, duct tape and Paracord.

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What gloves? I'm looking for a good pair of gloves for shooting. Only pair I have are my mechanix breachers, which are for being onnamotorcycle, and despite being called "breachers" are too fuckin' bulky for shooting.

Shit yeah dude, you can do whatever the fuck you want out there which makes things much more interesting.

I recognize that area. You were being observed.