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Act like you've been on Jow Forums for more than a week and check the catalog before posting dipshit.
cant stop eating the sugar. wtf do i do?
>inb4 stop buying it
its not me guys, and no im dont go to DQ that was someone else. come on help me out here.
Eat more natural sugars, like fresh fruits. Likit other sweets
Use it as a reward, pretty sure sugar triggers dopamine
Another thing that helps is high protein diet
Maybe this is a question for /f/it, but I intended on enlisting so I'll ask it here. Are those public fitness parks a good way to get in shape, specifically for boot camp? I don't shill out the ass for a gym membership but I need to do more than just running and pushups (which is all I've been doing so far).
All you need is running and push-ups.
Any body weight based exercise really.
>Can't stop eating sugar
>It's not me
Is someone force feeding you sugar?
substitute it for something else like most addictions
Those parks are based.
What about lifting. I'm not a fatass, complete opposite actually. I'm very small so I feel like I need to bulk up.
Honestly if you can do 4 pullups and learn to run you'll be fine
Assuming you live in the northern hemisphere now is the time to prepare to bulk.
You are looking for +250-500kcal over TDEE and a minimum of 0.8gram protein per lean pound of bodyweight/1 gram per kilo of total.
100 grams a day is also an acceptable and easy guideline.
Borderline retarded, but could be viable with extreme dedication and exertion and progressive overload.
how about this?
just stop
it takes willpower
no one wants to hear it but theres no shortcut
just stop eating it
dont drink soda either
Those parks are great. I used them when I couldn’t afford a gym membership
In general the best way to get in shape is to avoid fast food, soda, and do some sort of physical exercise.
>minimize carb intake
>laughing powerlifters
Hate these threads. I run 5k's 4 times a week and do yoga and calisthenics daily.
I also don't eat like trash.
It's very easy to keep going after week 1.
But I'm on Jow Forums so i must look like a guy from the oper8or chan meet-up.
If you do look like that; get it together, you won't miss ice cream and cookies as much as you think.
Work out more to offset diet. Do high intensity interval training.
Once you get used to it it's pretty easy too. You won't miss it as much as you think. Occasionally you'll lapse and you'll physically and mentally feel like such garbage you wont lapse again for a long time.
The trick is to spread out your daily caloric intake enough to avoid times of extreme hunger.
>eat fruit
>chew gum instead of popping candies
Legs and chest need more work.