What does Jow Forums think?
Is it even allowed?
Are vests even allowed?
>inb4 "bulletproof"
What does Jow Forums think?
Is it even allowed?
Are vests even allowed?
>inb4 "bulletproof"
Chuck Schumer wants to ban body armor, so I'm assuming this would count.
If you've got an actual plate in it and not that millimeter thick kevlar flap that snake oil salesman was hawking sure itd work. And no I dont think a school would be too thrilled about someone rocking about in a plate carrier
Bulletproof backpacks are a retarded idea.
Also Chuckie can go and give fellatio to a cactus.
>ban body armor
What? Why? What?
i kept a ceramic plate in my backpack at college, little more weight for a little protection in case anything happened.
Any picture of how it looked like inside?
Also has anyone accidentally seen it?
why do the instructions leave vitals exposed??
Because its aimed at selling garbage to panicked soccer moms, not being a useful product
didn't look any different, chinese knockoff wolfskin jack pack had a laptop compartment or something that kept it padded and secure. no one knew.
>What? Why? What?
Please tell me you are not really this naive. An armed citizenry is the enemy of tyrants -- to put it another way, an armed victim is the enemy of the bully because they can hit the bully back. Governments exist to steal from the population. As the saying goes, there is nothing certain except for death and taxes. Theft is the primary purpose of government. Every branch of government, every department, division and bureau only exists to make this theft seem legitimate. Thieves tend to get a little unnerved when their victims don't just roll over and cough up resources.
Because majority of white mass shooters usually come wearing it when they start murdering civis
Very nice post
Because it's the size of a backpack? It seems like their focus is protecting the head
It's pretty important.
That is just untrue. Also, falling for the predominantly white mass shooter meme
I assume most of the other vitals stop functioning when it's hit
no they wear tac vests to hold mags and the media calls it armor.
Nice Jow Forums collage. A for effort. Now arrange them by by # of people killed and watch whitey go for the gold and then add up all the people whitey killed and subtract the number that the minorities killed
No, they wear armor to stay up as long as possible should the police arrive in time and you downplay it because even though you own guns, you fear politicians that don't
What ethnicity do you suppose Chuck is.
>hahah I said "pol" i win
>likely person of shade
Please dont shoot up a school.
>doesn't deny it's from Jow Forums
They were also all shot to death
Only jews care.
this guy was wearing some soft armor, but he didn't kill anyone. post up some mass shooters proven to wear armor, it'll need to be quite a few to prove your point based on how many mass shootings there have been.
fbi said micah was wearing plates. not very white though.
Didn't he go down in one shot via pistol? Even with soft armor that shouldn't be possible
Didn't stop the robot
Shot was right in the sternum. From a standing distance it looked almost perfectly centered
You'd be correct.
Easiest one is the white Dayton mass shooter
I'm not a doctor though so I cant confirm it
maybe he was rocking zylon, would be par for the course.
Jesus, what an unlucky son of a bitch
Greatest ally?
kek holy shit
I didn't want to say this, because I always get people sending me gross pictures of their anus and other infected nasty oraphases, but I AM a doctor. Trust me, you need your vital organs, including your brain.
Are you really suggesting whites are a problem because we are good at killings as opposed to other races?
>that fleeing pose
That's actually a bad idea. Headshots are very rare, and hard to pull off, especially on a moving target. Where gunmen are going to aim and hit is center mass- which, from behind, means your spine. Given the choice, I'd choose to protect my whole back instead of upper back and head, because my head is unlikely to be hit or even be targeted while a bullet to the spine means death or permanent disability and is much more likely.
Whitey is less likely to hold his gun sideways and more likely to have the resources required to procure more reliable and effective arms. Additionally, while SCHOOL shooters are predominantly white, mass shootings in general are mostly gang-related. Guess who makes up most gang membership?
Nigger are you suggesting that I do affirmative action for mass shooting statistics? I don’t care that jigaboos are bad at planning, they’re like half of the attempts therefore 13 do 50
>Given the choice
What do you think your odds are that you get shot in the spine vs shot in the head?
Sure, i'll concede they're are more likely to hit the whole lower abdomen, but what are the odds of still being able to move after this vs getting shot in the fucking head?
That's a flak jacket.
They're fucking great. I got a 3a white board for like $50 too. I'm not sending my wife's son to (((public school))) full of shitskins and crazy kids on meds without one.
are you suggesting flak jackets aren't soft armor?
You realize you just admitted whites are better and more competent than nigs and browns, right?
In the lower spine? Zero you moron. Plus he could hit other shit that'll kill you just not as quickly.
If you're unlucky enough to be domed then at least you die quick.
Several rounds to the lower back can kill you if help takes a while, and a hit to the spine is going to paralyze you for life
>the section of an imageboard the user who compiled this image visits makes the image and sources invalid
How many levels of subhuman intelligence are you on, my dude?
Just like amy (((schuemer)))
I'm sorry, are you worried about being shot at with flak?
At murdering innocent people? Yeah. I'm willing to admit whites are better at that. Congratz
I'd honestly love to see bulletproof backpacks put under body armor restrictions
i'm still not sure what your point is, i have a pasgt flak vest that has taken and stopped close range 9mm rounds.
You fucking nigger citizens should not be allowed to protect your vital organs from the tyranny of the state
They're the Jews of Jow Forums. So yeah, their locally sourced data can't be trusted to not be 700% bias. Unless you're gonna tell me the Jews can be trusted?
Shut the fuck up faggot
>ad hominem
pol is a board of peace and should not be conflated with jews
wow good catch captain obvious
>and then add up all the people whitey killed and subtract the number that the minorities killed
The number of deaths by black shooters is disproportionately higher? It's quantity over quality, for every 1 Sandyhook you have hundreds of thugs shooting dead a bunch of people in a grocery store or something while he robs it.
>this cherry picked image is disproven by my cherry picked image I've seen on facebook
Why bother categorizing shootings eh, why don't we just look at violent crime by racial demographic to make this easier for you?
I think he is white.
Trips of tolerable Jow Forums fag posting.
Keep it up user! I believe in you!
I didn't want to shill 150 bucks for some made in china bag, so made my own out of a cheap backpack and plate carrier for 50. I was attending a community college in Flint MI so I wasn't taking chances. Tested it at home and it was easy to wear and deploy. Worked fine for almost two years and no one knew what it was. Have since got my degree from there and retired it to the closet.
It also prevents you from seeing
Yes of course he is "white".
Fullsize AR plate is too heavy. Layers of kevlar over a fiberglass board is a great idea.
I don't even know which shooter this is...
Flak jackets are rated for...you guessed it flak! Not bullets.
Who are the two white guys in the upper middle with the neck tats. Surely they were together. What’s their story?
I just realized that those were positions and not step by step instructions.
Holy shit, this just got even more retarded than I thought.
Please tell me you had an MP5 in there
>Chuck Schumer
the mere utterance of that (((name))) causes my blood to simmer
military armor isn't rated by nij standards but armor is armor, i have two kevlar flak jackets that will stop handgun rounds.
I like how they used an airsoft gun as a model for that drawing.