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New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:
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Guncels btfo
Stfu nigger
Based stealing-my-post poster. I wish there was another infographic that showed the number of deaths too
Sorry you weren't about to accumulate the you's and attention you woman.
my course is in 1 month, do i need to study the manual first or is it all covered there?
are guns gonna be banned in the next 3-4 months?
Trudeau, plz. I don't want to whip out my ceinture fléchée and my tuque. Don't make me do it, I swear to god!
To some extent. No but soon if the liberals get in
Worst case scenario libs win and present law right away. Will tale 1 pass then 2 year amnesty. So you realistically habe a year
okay I have to admit this one's pretty funny
I want this FAMAS in .22 WMR
I told you no in the last thread stop asking the same dumb question.
mean and rude, just wanted a second opinion
are a svt40 and tt33 good first guns?
and sks for the perfect trio
Find a friend that you trust give him the right amount of money and tell him to buy all of the non-restricted semi-autos that you want to hold onto for you until you get your license.
Good luck getting an SVT40 without getting ripped off these days.
I'm usually one to say get what you want, but with a potential ban on short notice, get a more well rounded NR magazine fed semi auto.
you can stop now, we get it
Kriss Vectors with 19" barrels look fucking ridiculous, I'd be ashamed to even sell that thing.
GUuuuys can you STOP bostting black fuce
like a vz58 or t81 or something?
I actually like how it looks with the barrel shroud desu
I'll give you 10 hundred dollars for it?
vz is a better rifle in all the measures that matter so yeah.
You could always do an sks with a synthetic stock with 20 round detachable mags and then put the difference of the $1, 000 that you would save from buying a VZ 58 or a type 81 and by 4500 rounds.
If you are into Slavshit I suppose.
>do i need to study the manual first
You can check the table of content, I guess, but the course is the easiest shit ever. If you're on Jow Forums, you probably know enough to pass. By that, I mean you know about the band-switch, the boom-hole, and the cheetos-stackbox.
The course is literally going through the book step by step (and skipping some little bits. If you actually study it in advance, you'll be sitting in there for HOURS bored out of your mind.
I'm warning you.
Never gonna materialize. Just a desperate grab before election and to detract from black face
Honestly the hardest part is the practical test, I'm sure some autist out there fucked it up cause they were so nervous. I was super newguns when I did it, and I was doing it for a retired cop who took everything very seriously.
Anyone who actually votes PPC now is a spook
I think you are underestimating the stupidity of the Canadian voting public.
Yep. PPC is a Lib psy op to weaken the Cons
stop encouraging poorfag solutions, nobody here approves of dumping money into accessorized sks's
What's going on in this painting?
Explain why? I vote for the party I value.
Its a parody of a very famous painting based on the Letter of the cossaks to the Ottoman Sultan
nth for trudeau a fuck
I was nervous too, and I flubbed at least once, but as long as you hold your spaget together it's easy.
Based and patriotpilled
The conservatives aren't conservative, you think the Libs put together a more attractive candidate knowing what the right-wing was looking for in a leader? On top of that, know people who vote conservative are complete pussies, and void personal values, and would rather vote like a woman, and vote someone out than vote for something that matters?
Too much credit, my nigga.
Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!
O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are thou, that canst not slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil shits, and your army eats. Thou shalt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Christian sons; we have no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck thy mother.
Thou Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw thine own mother!
So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!
- Koshovyi otaman Ivan Sirko, with the whole Zaporozhian Host.
So when lose your shit because Max couldn't take the L and had to split the vote , landing us another 4 years under JR ?
Unfortunately we're in the year of the strategic vote
If you're not a mouthbreathing retard the course is piss easy. Just take the necessary time to learn how to clear every one of the guns they have in the class and you're good.
It's a pastiche of "Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks" by Ilya Repin depicting Novarossiyan separatists in Eastern Ukraine in lieu of the Cossacks found in the original. As far as paintings go, the original is also pretty Jow Forums.
3 left wing parties, but PPC are splitting the right wing vote. This dude reads the CBC
Thank you for posting that and props for knowing such history.
Their letter was a great example of pre-digital shitposting.
I have never voted strategically and I don't plan on starting now. I just want to see Bernier beat the greens and BQ and I will be happy. I am not enthusiastic about any of the other parties.
The Tories are Right wing as far as Canada goes, they're very soft right but for the most part they just want to leave us all alone. Trust me Id rather what the PPC offers but as it stands right now at 4% of the vote all thats doing is building room for 4 more years under Trudeau
Thanks guys!
Greens are gonna over take the NDP this year, Screencap this.
I call it this way
Trudeau wins a minority
Tories fall just sort,
Greens at 15%
NDP and PPC at 10~12% each
BQ 4~5%
The conservative would not claim a majority government regardless if the PPC existed. It'd be Harper all over again, and there would be another election in 2 years. More right wing parties is good, specially since the PPC actually has a shot to win seats. Vote for your values.
At this point I'll gladly take anything except trudeau majority
Can we get these here?
I don't want to give the kikes money for a tavor.
Pretty accurate to what I was thinking, I just feel like the Tories will win, and the Libs will fall short.
Nope. Prohibited by name because of Die Hard.
I just realized that the greens and oranges would vote in favor of any kind of gun laws without even asking questions so scratch that.
Fuck man
Funny cause true.
Fucking stupid niggers. Can you give me the name of the kike that is responsible for having this banned?
So I have a Valmet
Would my OIC protection protect it from any future bans ?
You no good retards! I’ve been saying it for over a year, yes max would have been great but we need a CON win this election!!! Let’s get the Cons in and then give Max 4 Years to figure his shit out. If the Cons don’t win we will lose our semi autos!! Fuck anyone who doesn’t vote Conservative this election!!!
specially when our senate "independents" all voted in favor of bill C-71, we're screwed regardless of the election outcome, anything the left-wing brings up will pass in the house.
Scheer wants to make the senate an elected position. Which is pretty based and good pilled imo
It was my fathers, So yeah I kinda wanna keep it
Western secessionists to the Canadian prime minister!
O Socks, Cuban devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are thou, that canst not slay a beaver with your naked arse? The devil shits, and your caucus eats. Thou shalt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Christian sons; we have no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck thy mother, just like the Rolling Stones did.
Thou Brampton scullion, Ottawa wheelwright, brewer of East Hastings, goat-fucker of Quebec, swineherd of Upper & Lower Canada, pig of Papineau, Pepsi thief, catamite of Timmons, hang-glider of the Kootenays, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw thine own mother!
So the Westerners declare, you lowlife. You won't even be fluffing dicks for the (((merchants))) Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!
- The West.
>Jow Forums
>also that godawful image quality
I forgive you.
Incidentally, the next print I'm hanging up in my house is gonna be of that painting.
I thought this for a moment. But strategic voting is stupid. I'm voting by values.
It's incredible to see how the US and Canada/Britain can be so different in the rights they grant and still share common law. It's almost like there is a neo common law that has overtaken you guys where you can only have a bolt action rifle and saying nigger gets you investigated and America is how common law was actually supposed to develop in a free country. It's a sad state of affairs for you guys. You guys should have kicked the British out with force 300 years ago you could have been a free country like the United States.
We all want to keep our guns user. Some of us will get eager to be cucks and hand them in when the day comes. Others will hold out and eventually capitulate after some time, other heros will go it with a fight. The only thing that's guaranteed, is that your ownership of it will become prohibited in the near future 2-12 years.
That's our sad reality. If we don't fight for our own freedoms, nobody will.
So, when do we start panic buying?
several months ago, before C71 .
Four years ago when fuckstick junior was elected
Tory Minority is ciming boys
Lets hope max can play ball with the Tories
How strong do you think Justin's opposition will be durong the upcoming debate? They could nail him pretty hard on the fact that his ban will only affect law abiding citizens and will not change gun violence at all. Do you think any of the public will be swayed?
Why do you think he founded PPC in the first place
Are AR 15s in Canada registered? No point in panic buying something that's registered unless they grandfather the ARs which seems unlikely with your globohomo faggot prime minister.
>Do you think any of the public will be swayed?
The GUNS BAD indoctrination and basic partisanship are so deeply ingrained very few people if any are gonna change their minds about this.
to be a subversive kike and make sure the conservatives lose out of spite, of course.
>Thinking it's just gonna be AR-15s
It's pretty hinted that they're going for all semi-autos.
based pre-internet shitposters and kebab removers
I assume its going to be more than AR15s but the 250,000 gun number they site is how many AR15s are in the country. If its "assault style" which I assume means detachable magazine semi auto that looks "scary" then its a lot more than 250,000k in the country.
75,000 AR15s are registered to individuals. no idea where you're getting 250k from.
I'm sure that's just a statistic they want to cite to evoke emotions out of their readers. They really are dumbasses and will go for anything that remotely looks scary, IE. it has polymer construction and/or has rails on it. They have also said explicitly that they want to go for any variant or even lookalike to an AR-15, so that definitely includes NRs.
I've seen them mention banning "military-style" as well as just saying semi-automatics. They don't understand firearms, so you'll never know what the fuck they are thinking until you read the legislation
My bad, I just remember that number getting tossed around on here a lot during the C71 Panic Buy™
If anyone is a subversive kik, it's Scheer. His party will conserve nothing. He bought his way from LITERALLY WHO status with griefing money from the dairy lobby for the party leadership vote, and now the party is center left. Max isn't the interloper here.
Like Bill C-71 and all its glory, basically added a back door registry that will probably never be used but just inconvenience gun stores, and "confirmation numbers" for NR private sales, that no one follows (sold 2 guns since Bill-71, no one asked)
These retards this these things prevent gun crime/murder
max losing cpc leadership is water under the bridge, you don't have a time machine, accept it and move on. saying this as someone who had bernier down as my first pick in the cpc race. there is only one acceptable course of action here and that's all votes on deck for sheer.
I'm in agreement with you. Water under the bridge. But if user is going to suck Scheers cock and claim max is the subversive, that's demonstrably false, and if people are going to vote for Scheer they should know that he's the kike here.
the fact that he entered the race, is still in it, and can pull enough votes from CPC in swing ridings that would give Liberals the victory is as subversive to the cause as possible.
So is your point that Scheer shouldn't have bought his way into office and then immediately destroy all the ballots? I don't know how any of this can be blamed on Max.
They'll probably start with an OIC prohibition of whatever they find scary, and work on the confiscation legislation. As for what they will ban, they will probably do it like the 90s and just pick whatever looks scary. So lots of cheap turkish shotguns are going to get the axe, along with actually decent stuff.