It'll be so epic and awesome
>shitty Muslim country
>Africa-tier army mostly conscripts lol won't even kill a single American soldier
>shitty backwards air force with slavshit and Chinese made crap
>a navy that barely works lol
The war will be over in two weeks with no American causalities. The left will get triggered and will start to whine about "muh evil America" but they'll shut up once the bombing starts and if they don't, well I'm sure Gitmo is ready to take the traitors in.
I can't wait until we start bombing Iran
There's not gonna be a war.
We said that about Iraq and Afghanistan. Sure enough we bent the Iraqis over and spanked their military pretty quickly, but all the shit that went down after the fact is where the bodies and wasted tax payer dollars started to really stack up.
There isn't much question about being able to roll Iran's military and government. The real problem is what to do next.
Leave, come back, and roll the next military and government? Repeat until bored.
That's kinda what happened with Saddam the first time around, and we ended up having to come back and clean up the mess a decade later. Funnily enough, at the time, Cheney was one of the biggest advocates of not pressing the attack and allowing Saddam to maintain power, due to concerns about destabilizing the region.
He was pretty smart back then!
>shitty Muslim country
>Africa-tier army mostly conscripts lol won't even kill a single American soldier
>shitty backwards air force with slavshit and Chinese made crap
>a navy that barely works lol
burgers, how is this different from half of your NATO allies in Europe?
Better equipment and less reliance on conscripts, but otherwise, not all that different.
It's not really? Being a super power has its perks. Might as well use them while we are on top. Of course China could swoop in and we won't say a word. Trump will angrily tweet but he won't go to war with China
>africa-tier army
Glass houses, etc.
Fuck off Avraham.
oh fuck on off shareblue
top kek
t. John Bolton.
Give a rest Johnny. You got fired, get over it.
A 21st century superpower talking on a regional power that has been in decline since the 1980s. Come on, admit it, it would be hilarious.
Vietnam 2.0 Chinese boogaloo when?
Iroquois you say?
it will be like iraq. good for ten minutes of fun and then a decade of autism because someone forgot you actually have to fill the power vacuum with something
A true bait shitpost would be mostly wrong, rather than mostly right.
With the exception of "Won't kill a single American soldier", everything you wrote is on the money.
In fact, if we don't put boots down, we might legitimately lose nobody, or something next to it.
Bush said we would be home from Yugo before Thanksgiving... then Christmas. I had a friend in Yugo for a few years.
I wonder if cheeseburger kike will come to this thread.
Maybe, maybe not. The actual fighting will be over quickly and decisively. There may not be a power vacuum since the Iranian regime has been one of the major sponsors of insurgencies and so if they were removed then who else would fill that role? I could be misreading the situation but there doesn't seem to be a group as organized or well-funded that would try to support guerillas and terrorists in Iran. It would allow the Iranian population to return to a more secular government if they felt empowered (and not like they had been defeated and subjugated.)
Yipee, another reason to stay in the shitheap that is the middle east; one more country to destroy, so we can figuratively and literally smash ants with a hammer.
lol not even him but posting it just to piss you off
> dare you call arabs fat! you must be a jew!
yikes ahmed
>tfw you don't care about Iran or saudis but just want to see them bombed so all the Jow Forums muslim shills chimp out
On one hand, I suspect a prolonged, Iraq-style insurgency could be avoided due to Iran's long history of relatively stable governance and a appreciation for modern amenities. On the other, because of that fairly well-developed sense of nationalism, a US invasion could very well lead to a much more hard-fought insurgency than anyone had planned for.
Iran, along with their Qatari enablers, represent the foremost threat to global stability in the 21st century. Their multifaceted approach to undermining global stability will continue to expand its reaches as the desperate regime acts out in desperation, pushing the limits of what they can get away with.
as long as they can gas the kikes first
Go away Ben Shapiro
I think the biggest concern would be elements of the IRGC having strongholds and encouraging/forcing the populace to keep fighting. If it could be spun that a war (or worst case, an invasion) was the result of Americans/Israelis/Saudis wanting to control Iran then it would be difficult to dissuade everyone a resistance. One would not have to be a fanatic to want to preserve their country's independence.
A war would have to be waged with a fine balance of knocking out the government & military but not affecting the civilian population too much. They would have to be allowed to live how they wanted. I don't think that would necessarily be a problem for the US but some of the allies may try to impose harsher terms onto the Iranian people and control them. Which would confirm the propaganda they had been told.
>I had a friend in Yugo for a few years.
So basically a fate worse than death.
not gonna happen, rabbi mohammed.
fight your own wars.
Why is the Left so deeply anti-Semitic and want to wipe Israel off the map?
Called it.
(((They're))) here
>there doesn't seem to be a group as organized or well-funded that would try to support guerillas and terrorists in Iran.
Saudi Arabia perhaps? They're really not a monolithic entity so much as a bunch of princes with their own agendas and substantial petroshekels.
I'm MAGA. I don't give a fuck about Israel or KSA. And guess waht, shithead, Neocons are now with the democrat party.
Like I said, go fight your own fucking wars, dispshit! And diaf.
Post your guns, you vampiric kikels
Couldn't we just bomb them into submission and then force their existing government officials into becoming our puppets under threat of a Saddam-style sham trial and execution if they refused?
You break it, you bought it.
>I don't give a fuck about Israel or KSA
>the leftist is in denial of his hatred of Israel
Oh dear, it seems like TDS has this one really badly. Tell you what, why don't you go live in Iran while Trump works on defeating the deep-state and works on his plan to take George Soros who is working with Iran as we speak.
>couldn't we bomb them into submission
And you don't think that they will retaliate?
eat pig shit
Reeeeee orange man bad. Iran good. Israel bad. EU good. America bad.
Neck yourself, you Christ killing vampire
People who want to appease Iran right now and take the easy way out, not going to war, are the same people who would have appeased Hitler in the 1930s. We all saw where that ended.
The word Iran has its roots in the same word as Aryan. Take from that what you will.
Yes and Hitler ripped off the Swastika from Asian cultures. What's your point?
Go tell the IDF to invade then. They're just dumb Arabs right? Should be easy for the Jews.
>'mericans chanting for a war they don't understand
>support it because the media told them to
>complain about refugees fleeing the middle east
The US is the Lennie of the west, big strong and retarded.
Anyone who thinks that a war with Iran doesn’t result in America losing its tenuous grasp as international top dog is kidding themselves. Iran alone could certainly bloody America’s nose, and I’d be willing to bet they could sink a carrier. Then just consider the fact that other countries like CHYNA and Russia are going to do their best to see the US suffer. And now add in any other country that feels it has an axe to grind. I’m not talking direct, military intervention but even uncoordinated cyber/electronic warfare attacks launched from both Russia and China, not to mention all the other aspects of hindrance/warfare available to China, Russia, or any other country that has a score to settle.
How many times will this go nowhere before people realize there won't be a war?
Sorry baby dick sucker, there won't be a war.
>he thinks that there won't be a war
The (((vampires))) will stop at nothing to achieve their goals of a New World Order and Greater Israel
America forgot the concept that war is the continuation of politics by other means long ago. Accordingly, we can fight, but are horrendous at nation building and preserving our successes.
Americas understanding of global politics can best be summed up by looking at their attempt at colonialism, Liberia.
I really hope not; I don't much care for the Iranians but I care for DA JOOS even less.
we tried that. everything just fell apart
>le 56% joke
>Third guy in line literally looks like Mussolini
>Vietnam 2.0 Chinese boogaloo when?
Nah the Vietnamese nowadays are cool but they would probably jump at the chance to kill Chinks for some payback.
This. Unlike Iraq, Iran has a lot more important position, and better relations with both. Watch Chinese and Russians slip them the tools to make American experience there hellish. It's a VERY cheap option for them to fuck with America. An opportunity they wouldn't let slip past them.
Watch American allies reconsider the alliance. Anyone notice Merkel openly saying "why do we feed American troops?"? How many will follow USA? Israel, UK, Poland...yeah. Maybe not even Poland.
And while many Iranians don't like their government, that doesn't mean they like USA. In fact, majority hate it.
US global position is shaky right now, and invading Iran would be the equivalent of shooting up school.
However there will be no war yet. American leadership still haven't descended into lunacy. They know they gain virtually nothing. They don't have the position they had in 90's/early 00's. Most probable event are limited air strikes.
By the way, disruption in oil supply that this war would inevitably cause means HUGE profit to Russia. You literally knock out 2 out of 3 biggest oil producers. You would indirectly strengthen Putin's regime as he now has enough cash to buy popularity.
>complain about refugees fleeing the middle east
Nobody in America gives a shit about Middle Eastern refugees. That's 100% Europe's problem.
I ain’t complaining about about refugees fleeing the Middle East
t. got to molest one
I think November 4th 2020 is going to be a very bad day for them.
>The war will be over in two weeks with no American causalities.
You know, there were even morons who said similar things about Japan before Pearl Harbour.
>conscripts lol won't even kill a single American soldier
Do it 1991 style.
Leave them without a military and a functioning government and dont even thi k about sticking around. No boots on the ground more than a 100 km inland.
Essentially just give them the military equivalent to a pump and dump.
>aryan conscripts defending their homeland
>women, "women", nigs, mexicans, and bottom of the barrel whites that were too stupid to do literally any other job fighting for a measly paycheque
lmao if you think your equipment is going to make any difference. if 70iq shitskins in saudi arabia with billions of dollars of fighter jets and weapons cant even beat a few thousand houthis with aks, what are 70iq shitskins from america going to do against an army 1000x more powerful?
>Leave them without a military and a functioning government
That ended up so well last few times.
thats the idea. chinks try to get uppity in vietnam and we go back and push them out. only this time its okay because were taking on a conventional power instead of a lame ass insurgency.
Couldn't be too hard if the Russian's made it to Berlin using American equipment in WWII.
Reminds me of the Battle of First Manassas. There were spectators and Congressmen who brought their families with them to have a picnic while observing the battle, thinking the Union would win and that the war would be wrapped up afterwards. But the Confederates ended up winning. I'm sure Iran paid attention to what we did to their neighbors, and I hope to god these planners aren't dumb enough to try the same tricks twice. The war shouldn't be done all together, fuck Saudi Arabia. And fuck Israel. If Israel thinks Iran is that much of a threat, they can go take them own by themselves. They have F35's, don't they? Why doesn't Israel show us how war is done.
>hmm russia has won in stalingrad and is clearly on the path to victory, better send them a ton of equipment
ah, so this is the fabled american military strategy
The US isn't pushing anyone out of anywhere. It's a third world hellhole with room temperature IQs across the board that is barely hanging onto its position in Afghanistan, which is maintained solely to cultivate opium.
>lets go to fight for zog
Kys yourself asap user please
Fuck off kike
>Soviets fighting the Germans in Europe: Takes four years to get to Berlin
>America lands in Europe and gets there in less than a year
Wow, so this is the fabled soviet power
>Implying theres anything at all wrong with Hitler
Its time to go back nigger
>mfw hungary, romania, croatia and yugoslavia had more of an impact on ww2 than amerisharts
>Impotently throwing lives away means you're contributing!
Textbook bitch mentality.
He's just as smart, he just changed his mind
>yeah dude america killing a couple hundred thousand germans was way more impactful than soviets killing 5 and a half million trust me dude mr noseberg from my history class told me
That edge
Grow up kiddo
>Fighting a desperate war of attrition on your own soil is better than a quick and decisive invasion that results in much less lower loss of life
Absolutely pathetic.
The Iranian army is no match for the US military. It can be bombed to smithereens by the US Air Force easily. No doubt about it. But the occupation is going to be a fucking mess. Iran has twice the population of Iraq. The country is large and fairly mountainous. Large parts of the Iranian military are trained for irregular warfare. Iranians can be turned into suicidal zealots if their country is attacked.
Fucking morons.
These kids don't remember Iraq, much less the Gulf War. Do you really expect them to know anything?
Larping faggot
see afghanistan and iraq, not even old soviet could take out afghanistan despite having land connection
considering the sanctions against russia after crimea and their support of assad, a war in the region would be in their best interest
Israel has nuclear weapons. The Jews are more than capable of defending themselves this time around if it comes to that.
Why has Trump been so inconsistent on this whole thing? He keeps talking about how strong the US is then backing down whenever the Iranians do anything. Isn't that just going to make the Iranians do whatever the fuck they like?
Why is America cucked by arms manufacturers?
A war with Iran would be an absolute nightmare and a fuckload of people would die so that the Saudis can get even richer.
The west is about to jump to the defense of the nation that bankrolled the 9/11 attacks.
Also >implying anything will actually happen.
Well the only common factor in every jewish expulsion was the behavior of the jews themselves. Maybe that has something to do with it.