My sister got this sks stock for 10 bucks at goodwill, she's no guns but wants to turn this into an actual rifle. Can anyone give me a rundown on parts needed, I've put together a couple ARs but never touched an sks.
My sister got this sks stock for 10 bucks at goodwill, she's no guns but wants to turn this into an actual rifle...
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Stop painting your nails faggot
Buy a cheap SKS in a tapco stock, put it in that. then sell it to a Californian for 800 bucks
Unless you’re a leaf it would be cheaper to just buy a PSA AR than it would sourcing every single part and then dealing with the hassle of putting it together
Post underside (of the stock, not you)
Show side view. I saw norinco barreled receivers for a while. SKS parts are really hard to find, I had a 49 Tula and all I wanted for it was a front sight base since the PO filed the bayonet lug off. Couldn't find one.
Sisters hands in pic. Did you read?
post more sister hands. and feet if possible
What if I've already found a front and rear sighted barrel?
You don't really... build an SKS. You have one, or you do not. Like said, your best bet is to buy another SKS and put it in that stock. Maybe not one sitting in an aftermarket stock, as nobody is willing to sell them for less than the total amount of money that went into their own little abominations.
What you've got is a spare SKS stock. A spare, for an SKS, which you do not have. That stock is a bit battered, but not crumbling to pieces so I'd say 10 dollars was not a bad buy. So, what I'd do if I were you is put that stock somewhere dry and leave it there until the stock for whatever other SKS you're about to buy shits the bed, if it ever does within your lifetime.
You mean, the barrel alone? I don't think anyone would bother fixing the barrel to an empty receiver unless it was one of the very rare/unicorn SKS variants. Even then, I doubt they'd go for a mismatch. Even now, they're just too cheap to be worthwhile project guns so good luck building up one from scraps.
Buy sks with shitty cracked stock
Put sks in your new stock
Give old stock to goodwill
Thanks man.
you need the entire gun.
What if i buy this to throw in it. What other pieces would i need?
You still need piston and magazine among various other things. Again, you need essentially a whole rifle. Least check the stock to see if cleaning kit is there.
It is.
Bolt, carrier, mainspring, top cover, trigger assembly, magazine, gas piston, gas piston housing, maybe short stroke piston (sits under the rear sight so I don't know if it's there). For that price it'll probably cost $500-600 by the time you get everything.
I think it's best to hunt around for a chicom SKS that some bubba put in a shitty plastic stock, haggle it down and transfer it over.
Bolt+carrier, magazine, receiver cover, gas-piston, a bunch of springs.
Seriously, just buy a new one. The bid alone is already above what I'd have paid for an SKS three years ago. Even considering how the prices have risen since, that's still way overpriced.
Maybe this. You could quite possibly stumble upon an SKS that got fuckered, but then again people tend to just swap the stocks for after-market plastic ones in these cases (and which they won't sell to you for anything less than the value of your kidneys if you're lucky).
I've seen a few listed pretty cheap because they were in shitty gun show special stocks. It does happen.
You are right that most fudds think it improves the value of the gun and then list it for "$1000 firm, Rooshian SpersNazi SKS with custom Gen-U-Wine Montie Carlos stock. No tire kickers ah know wut I got!"
Keep looking and you'll find some pawn shop that took one in from the fatasses meth-smoking hellspawn for $50 when he finally died of the beetus and are totally willing to move it for ~$300 or so.
>$225 and you dont even have a bolt or carrier or any other small parts or gas tube
you realize you can buy a complete chink SKS for like $300-$350 right? and maybe $250 on the secondary market if its in a shitty tapco stock
That's a bubba dumbass. Fudds abhor anything semi automatic.
Please don't do this; the parts you'd need to complete it would add up to hundreds of dollars. Fixed magazine assemblies nowadays are going for $70, trigger groups even more. By the time you throw in a bolt carrier/bolt and gas tube, you're breaking hundreds of dollars.
I highly recommend that you buy an SKS in a shitty Choate or Tapco stock for like $300, then replace the stock yourself - like other anons mentioned.
Or, go on Aimsurplus and buy a Chinese SKS there complete for the $400 or so, and keep this as a spare for if your stock breaks or arrives completely fucked and unusable.
>I have this rifle stock, how to turn into rifle
Why do these threads show up more and more often?
sell it on armslist for $30. youve tripled your invested money. move on.
ya fucking fruitbowl
you illiterate nigger
Bolt, that big spring behind the bolt... you're better off googling a parts list and checking stuff off.
as others have said
just buy a whole rifle
keep the stock as a spare
this is about the going rate
Hold on a second there.
>OP, send me your sister.
There's so many sporterized SKS's that having a full stock could actually turn into an amazing deal on GunBroker.
The $90 milsurp crowd is done, and the folks that bought all our shit went to the range once and realized that stripper clips suck.
Would you want to buy a bubba'd SKS? (Well ya, because you collect crap in hopes of finding an SKS stock in a pawn shop for $10, but you never do...)
So OP.
Go on gunbroker.
I guarantee that if you spend one month browsing, you'll find a jacked up SKS that nobody will touch because the wood is AIDS and you after your $145 money order you'll have a cool rifle in the closet.
What color are your sisters toenails? Need pics to verify
>weed vaporizer in picture
Your sister is a nigger who is prohibited from owning guns
Put a dildo on your nugget and go fuck yourself
That looks like a nicotine vape to me, but I'll give you a pass for posting that webm of a nigger doing funny nigger shit.
>parts needed,
the entire gun dipshit