How do you cope with life long disease?

>Be me
>type 1 diabetic
>non juvenile T1 (found out in adulthood)
>non fat
>healthy otherwise
>boogaloo is death sentence due to dependency on insulin

Any stock piling I do in a full grid down, all medical services non functioning means I am literally a loot box for some faggot with a tapco'd SKS. Either shot which is likely, or long term, slow death due to lack of insulin. If some services function I will go to florida to raid the fat fuck boomers of their stockpile of insulin

How many of you Jow Forumsunts are utterly fucked in full grid down/no medical services boog? IE long term illness that means death without medication.

inb4 don't eat sugar faggot:
I still die because body needs insulin no matter what and I produce none. Post funs in lieu of discussion. Pic related: some of mine+family heirlooms(dud rocket) + my diabeetums shit.

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inb4 yeah poster


I know a couple type 1s and boy are they fucked.

Insulin has a ~30 day shelf life unrefrigerated and at most 4 refrigerated. One of them got fired from a job and lost her insurance so she stockpiled as much as possible in advance, but unless she gets insurance from her new job soon (she was unemployed for only 7 hours) she'll have to open a loan in order to afford both insulin full price out of pocket and rent.

It's really predatory how the few manufacturers of insulin in the US price fix it as-is. I'm surprised the various cartels aren't importing foreign insulin illegally since it would be way more profitable than cocaine or heroin at this rate.

Raise pigs and learn how to harvest their pancreas for insulin.

I just barely managed to get insurance after I found out I was type1. Its retarded how expensive it is, even with insurance. Hope shes okay

I've thought about that if its viable at all. I live near some of the largest pig farms in the US but how sustainable is it for one person? Doubt it is at all.

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Sounds like you use your stash up then go out Kamakazi style in a blaze of glory and VBIED. See you in Valhalla

Learn biochem and manufacture your own.

Impossible? Fuck no. I made testosterone from YAMS motherfucker.

so? you fantasize about violent uprising yet can’t stomach the idea of dying? get a fucking clue you faggot. not everyone gets to be a rambo hero, especially not genetic dead end homunculi kept artificially alive by the medical industry.

That's the most retarted shit I've read in awhile. Here's your (you).

sickfags and disabilityfags completely dependent on the system are part of the problem

>TFW Medicare

feels good, zero co-pays on anything

what happens if you dont take meds, what if you stop all sugar also.

goly if there were only some sort of social medical system

She's not. Besides the Type 1 she has many other health problems that are stacking up. Not only is her pancreas toast but her kidneys are both close behind and shed need a donor soon if she's going to live more than a year. Her brother volunteered but all the healthcare providers are pushing for a thing where they take and sell his kidney to someone else (highest bidder probably) and "promise" to give her someone else's in exchange "eventually". This is even though they have the same blood type and she can easily accept a direct transfer.

Fucking vultures are just trying to steal it. Not to mention they'd bill her 50k for the operation and her brother another 20k for donating. At this point they're saving up for a trip to Canada to have it done. Or maybe Mexico if they run out of options...

I don't want to live forever. I don't want to die via diabetic ketoacidosis. Shits lame nigga. And I don't fantasize, I just get moderately ready. I'm not a prepper, but I have basic shit for hurricanes/societal collapse.

Not sure if trolling or retarded. Nothing I could do to stop it. Type2 are the fatties that bring it on themselves.

This shit actually possible? Gonna look into it.

Dubs of ignorance
>I still die because body needs insulin no matter what and I produce none.

>catching diabeetus


I've looked into it quite extensively and it appears I still die.

I have considered running CAREFUL tests myself. For example just eating pure meat or plant material. Anything that has zero carbs/sugars.

Still curious about other niggers that have long term illnesses that are contingent upon medication. What are your plans if it happens?

Sorry to hear senpai. I am thinking due to the new(er) area I moved, the local water might have contributed to my Type1. No one in my family has it, and it came out of nowhere.

Might peruse a class action butt fuck it.

>Its retarded how expensive it is, even with insurance.
Actually, if you have private insurance that doesn't cover your beetus pens then you're eligible for the manufacturer's discount card. Good for 3-4 boxes a month for 12 months. Ranges from free to $20 depending on the manufacturer.

(My brother has LADA aka slow-ass Type 1)

Start working on your beetus cache, grab a chicom inverter generator, get some fuel cans. Maybe get a solar-fed battery bank to feed a 12v portable fridge if you want to go mobile.

You're not a dead man.

Attached: 12v-fridge-freezer-1.jpg (600x439, 33K)

>>boogaloo is death sentence due to dependency on insulin
I don't have an SKS
But I'd sure like your address
I'd be on your gear like a pox
You're my Loot Box
Loot Box
Loot Box

You die.

that's the dumbest fucking shit I've ever read in here since 2009, congratulations

I live in a poor third world country with very shitty government funded healthcare and I gotta say that at this point I'm completely surprise you people haven't started to burn heatlhcare executives and shareholders in the streets alive.

how, why.

I have cancer.
I wish I had a needle that injected a days worth if life into me, but I don't.
I blame genetics.
3 of 4 grandparents died of cancer.
Dad died of cancer.
Mom survived cancer.
I've had cancer cut out already.
I have this thing on my toe (Grandpa died of bone cancer, they took his big toe and 5 years later he was in a box).
So do I just say fuck it and take the hatchet to Mr pinky or go into debt for another $120k?
It might just be a fucked up wart...
>Real talk and I haven't told wife/mom/friends.

You are considering cutting off a finger because you think it might be cancer instead of even going to the doctor and confirming that first?

Why don't you shoot yourself because you are suffering the disease of extreme stupidity.

I'll be the one with the blonde mohawk when you come to join us in the fields.
Welcome my friend.

I cope with antibiotics for my Lyme disease. I would suffer a long descent to death with horrible symptoms without antibiotics if society went to shit. My only exercise is walking and my gut has paralysis sometimes so I'll want to vomit after eating and this is with antibiotics still.

>Says the guy that has never payed for cancer treatment.
It's a toe.
I'm a republican (for some fucked up reason) and I might break even on my bills from my last cancer treatment.
I own property.
So what would you do-
Sell the farm and save a toe or leave the farm to your child and be buried with one less digit (?)

Get a biopsy and diagnosis. With bone cancer, like you mentioned, there comes a point when the cancer cells travel through the blood stream and create tumors all inside the entire body. If you're early enough and get it checked out, you could theoretically cut off your toe and little more and maybe make it.

Everyone on Jow Forums takes some kind of medication
Unless someone in our igloo crew is based and has the resources for this synthesis of an SSRI, we're all screwed.

>I made testosterone from YAMS motherfucker.
How did your transition go?

Yeah dude they are literally going to steal her brother's kidney, charge them both a fortune, let her die and make another million bucks selling that kidney to someone with money and insurance.

Those are the kind of people the day of the rope is for.

>burn heatlhcare executives
this would be awesome to see in minecraft

Fuck off with your coming to Canada bullshit
It’s not free

>Implying a big igloo wouldn't snap most of the sad faggots here out of their collective melancholic funk, finally giving them something worthwhile to do with their lives
You don't need SSRIs in a WROL scenario, getting back to the basics, living off the land and fighting alongside your fellow patriots just to survive will get your mind right fucking quick.


See you there brother. Let's toast to the gods and the busty maidens who await

>It might just be a fucked up wart...
That stuff does not survive as well as healthy tissue. Fuck with it. Cut at it if there is enough to warrant. Sand it with sandpaper otherwise. Looooonnngg soaks in brine will put a hurt on it. Eventually it will die. If it does not, then keep the hatchet sharp.

don't forget lesser issues like glassesfags and contactanons

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>Be fortunate enough to live in a time where your crippling disease is manageable through medication
>Ponder every possible way it will get fucked up

Are you neurotic? Relax - you're definitely going to die in a SHTF fantasy, but you can be glad it's probably never going to happen where you are. Go shoot more.

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Go to Jow Forums someone will be able to help you in between brojobs. Thoses guys have some neat ways to reverse insulin resistance. If you're immune just kill yourself your bodies been fucked either by god or your diet.

>since 2009
What happen before?

Get it checked, make sure it’s cancer.
Then? If it is? Have a hunting accident. 12 gauge directly to affected area.

Point is it's within the realm of something they can afford without getting robbed, left to die and in debt for the rest of their lives if they don't.

My best friend from highschool died of skin cancer when it went to his brain.
I'm glad I was there when he passed.
I cut it off yesterday, no blood, some pain, I'll check tomorrow to see if it's growing again (telltale sign).
I bought a box of birdshot, you pay for the biopsy and we're good.

Tommy was 39 btw

>I bought a box of birdshot, you pay for the biopsy and we're good.
>The Dick Cheney School of Oncology

I was depressed my entire adolescence and it was cured when I got deployed to Iraq in 2005. 2 tours in Iraq and 2 in Afghanistan were legitimately what I needed to pull myself out of the depths of depression. It puts life into a clear picture. You realized what's important. What is bullshit. And what you actually should be sad about. It sounds edgy but I believe it legitimately saved my life

Jow Forums doesn't reverse Type1 at all.

Because it's a small percentage of the population, if it was a larger percentage of the population that had to deal with it then you'll see something happen.

Achieving clarity is a really common story. Do you think the danger and goal-driven lifestyle just push back all the noise?

Think of me if you hear any bugle-loo stories about a bearded giant driving around the Great White North in a beaten up Explorer with a stash of dialysis supplies. I don't expect to last long, but I'll just keep moving until I die.

I'm not sure I can coalesce it into a nice post but I'll try.

My theory is, at leas for me, that I was overloaded with society/life and was aimless. I remember being told by plenty of people what to do and how to do it when it came to happiness and life, but all those people were miserable and at best middle management fucktards. They were all about muh car, mortgage, 1/6 of an acre, and keeping up with neighbor's. Go to school. Why? Because a degree will get you a good job. Well I've worked many jobs growing up and it was punching a clock to get pay to spend on shit that was supposed to make me "happy". But I felt alone in a room full of people.

When I went into the Army I figured it would at least allow me to play with firearms while I was making beer money or bang prostitutes or some such. But I remember vividly 2/3rds of the way through BCT watching these 2 guys who had talked so much shit punk out. I decided I was really going to try to make this something at least worth my time.

Deploying was where it all came together. I had a few friends, we were scared/excited/full of ourselves. First tour was fucking rough. Spent most of it in or around Karbala trying to throw down with the mahdi army. The chaos of that shit, the stress, the unfiltered raw emotion really has a way of setting things into a distinct clarity. It's a strange feeling to be doing exactly what you've been trained to do and excel at it. You know who you are, why you're there, and there are only 2 endings. You live or they live. Its surreal. Rhe whole thing builds. You realize you rely on the people who matter to you, you prove to yourself daily what you can do, and you can see the effects of your work. It can be gruesome and sad, but its 100% unfiltered raw and real.

Hope that sort of makes sense. I could talk for a couple hours on how it wffects you psychologically, but it has a sense of stripping away the bullshit and exposing what real not only in you but in humanity.

Never thought there’d be this many of us Type 1s on here. Started buying in insulin from Canuckland. 3 months supply for lest than half a months worth here in Michigan. Fuckers oughta burn.

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I have had C. Diff and if it came back during the boog (like it does for most people who get it) I'd slowly shit myself to death.

Front line son
Be the hero we need

Take solace in the fact that bogaloo will never happen in the us.

And if it does happen in the US (and it wont) take solace in the fact that we will drag the world down with us.

I died and got pulled back user
Most of "you" fucks right off
But a small piece goes to a source of comfy not found on this rock

lol jfc

If I'm not on my medication I go mad and make worse decisions than I already do now.

Most insulin is good to last it's lifespan at room temp. Chilling just helps extend longevity. Most insulin "expires" after 6 months. Expiration is an FDA term meaning it is now

>Sorry to hear senpai. I am thinking due to the new(er) area I moved, the local water might have contributed to my Type1. No one in my family has it, and it came out of nowhere.
Wut it's caused by a viral activator combined with predisposed genetic factors. Jesus Christ read

Diabetes is now one of the most common diseases in the entire world

My cousin lives out in the Carolina boonies, in a real old house that was in his gf's family. They had a big summer storm cut power for a long time, and they just moved his insulin into the old spring. So he could keep out on the coon patrol.
Figure you got at least a year. Some country doctor will be pulling it out of pigs by then.

By not having shit genes

The present method of preparation is as follows. The beef or pork pancreas is finely minced in a larger grinder and the minced material is then treated with 5 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid, appropriately diluted, per pound of glands. The mixture is stirred for a period of three or four hours and 95% alcohol is added until the concentration of alcohol is 60% to 70%. Two extractions of the glands are made. The solid material is then partially removed by centrifuging the mixture and the solution is further clarified by filtering through paper. The filtrate is practically neutralized with Sodium Hydroxide. The clear filtrate is concentrated in vacuo to about 1/15 of its original volume.

The concentrate is then heated to 50o degrees Centigrade, which results in the separation of lipoid and other materials, which are removed by filtration. Ammonium sulphate (37 grams. per 100 c.c.) is then added to the concentrate and a protein material containing all the Insulin floats to the top of the liquid. The precipitate is skimmed off and dissolved in hot acid alcohol. When the precipitate has completely dissolved, 10 volumes of warm alcohol are added. The solution is then neutralized with NaOH and cooled to room temperature, and kept in a refrigerator at 5oC for two days. At the end of this time the dark coloured supernatant alcohol is decanted off. The alcohol contains practically no potency. The precipitate is dried in vacuo to remove all trace of the alcohol. It is then dissolved in acid water, in which it is readily soluble. The solution is made alkaline with NaOH to PH 7.3 to 7.5. At this alkalinity a dark coloured precipitate settles out, and is immediately centrifuged off. This precipitate is washed once or twice with alkaline water of PH 9.0 and the washings are added to the main liquid.

It is important that this process be carried out fairly quickly as Insulin is destroyed in alkaline solution. The acidity is adjusted to PH 5.0 and a white precipitate readily settles out. Tricresol is added to a concentration of 0.3% in order to assist in the isoelectric precipitation and to act as a preservative. After standing one week in the ice chest the supernatant liquid is decanted off and the resultant liquid is removed by centrifuging. The precipitate is then dissolved in a small quantity of acid water.

A second isoelectric precipitation is carried out by adjusting the acidity to a PH of approximately 5.0. After standing over night the resultant precipitate is removed by centrifuging. The precipitate, which contains the active principle in a comparatively pure form, is dissolved in acid water and the hydrogen ion concentration adjusted to PH 2.5. The material is carefully tested to determine the potency and is then diluted to the desired strength of 10, 20, 40 or 80 units per c.c. Tricresol is added to secure a concentration of 0.1 percent. Sufficient sodium chloride is added to make the solution isotonic. The Insulin solution is passed through a Mandler filter. After passing through the filter the Insulin is retested carefully to determine its potency. There is practically no loss in berkefelding. The tested Insulin is poured into sterile glass vials with aseptic precautions and the sterility of the final product thoroughly tested by approved methods

Godspeed OP

Expiration and date it literally cannot be used anymore are two very different things, it’s just another FDA and American medical (((trick))).

>0 copays
For you asshole, we have to eat those copays that you dont pay, and thats on top of the fact that we could be losing money on the script as is with how expensive it is to stock
T. Pharmacy student who's business gets fucked by this all the time

Raise many rabbits, buy lab equipment and stockpile the neccessary chemicals. Learn how to isolate and purify from rabbit pancreas. Profit.

This, but without raising pigs. Get a lab set up to make insulin from the pancreases of your enemies.

Ok so in the boogaloo we need to have a laboratory in our compound to keep OP alive. We can power it by having hundreds of rabbits running on wheels and every day OP takes some rabbits out and filters their pancreas.

OP you’re gonna die bro there’s no way