"No Such Thing as Overkill" Tread

Post rediculously overpowered weapons.
>not carrying a 1-inch Spanish revolver
It's like you want to get murdered.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>iron has reached maximum possible
Texas Red never stood a chance.

For the off-chance that the Indian SS division has elephants.

1. Is this real?
2. Are there any of these guns still around?

i hear these are complete 100 percent unobtainium. i want one

They have a new model...

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It's okay. I didn't need healthy wrists anyway.

Every time someone says that we find a crate of Prvi Partizan ammo for it. Its a meme for gunshops to charge $100 a round.

Might as well post a flamethrower

MIL inc. Thunder Five.

.45-70 revolver.

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Tranter man stopper...

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She chonk.

Attached: Mars01.jpg (2000x1304, 307K)


Thanks. I guess.


Attached: SUPER BOOM..jpg (2560x1920, 996K)

Low brass for that payload.


.50bmg single shot pistol.

Attached: 7BCA0054-886A-473B-ADD3-595F2E45617E.jpg (500x332, 22K)

Please dont get 50bmg ap ammo banned. Please please please stop posting this image, somebody will make one eventually

.950 JDJ

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>also available in 5.5mm

I think he means the rifle itself.

Цapь пyшкa, блять

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For what purpose?

Fake & Gay

Are there somewhat less ludicrous M1 rechamberings, like .300WinMag?

I think it's mere existence is it's purpose.

It's marketed as a sporting/target shooting round, so I guess it's for when you absolutely must put a .950 inch hole in some paper 300yds away

Attached: 50-BMG-Desert-Eagle-deagle.jpg (1000x449, 73K)

If that distance isnt missing a zero then what's the point?

You guys like a little children..


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Virgin Barrett vs Chad Anzio

Attached: Anzio20mm.jpg (639x477, 128K)

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>truly an ideal weapon

I'm not exact on the distance. I don't own one, but that's the only use I can imagine for it.


Will this actually work? Why won’t this just blow up the barrel?

No, it's not real
They're ancient meme drawings that a gun writer published back in the 1940's as a joke.

The one user posted is not the .577, though the one on Forgotten Weapons was. Tranter revolvers came in a variety of calibers.

Too many unknown variables. If it was a slow powder, and you had a custom gun that could actually chamber that thing, then it could theoretically be fired without anything exploding. That said, the gun would be impractically heavy, and the shot pattern would suck balls. Shotguns work best when the shot fills the cartridge/barrel to a length roughly equal to the barrel's diameter, or perhaps a little bit longer. Long skinny charges of shot make for shitty patterns. If you wanted to fire that much shot it would make more sense to do it from a much larger bore, like a 4-bore or even a punt gun.

So yeah, that's just a silly novelty, assuming it's not a 'shoop.

>Also in 5.5 velodog

Yeah, that tranter looks like the .500 model, not the .577

Because fuck yeah
That's why

>The cartridge began as a 20mm Vulcan round
Holy fuck

Maybe this?

Attached: 1920px-Карабин_специальный_КС-23М_Дрозд,_вид_справа_без_при (1920x1249, 532K)

Looks familiar. Wtf is that?

KS-23 if I remember correctly.

Attached: compton_handmodel_sample.jpg (900x597, 96K)

eight gauge, right?

>Thread theme

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There was a gunsmith who specialized in them, and he's now dead, so if you want one of *his* then yeah, those are unobtanium. Otherwise it's something any competent gunsmith can do.
>buy .458 cal barrel blank
>machine to M1 garand specification
>swap barrel
The ammo is the same length and case heads very similar in shape so I don't think anything other than minor tweaks would need to be made to any other parts. Pressures are the same too, so if the action can handle a .30-06 it can also handle the .458. You'd either have to experiment to get the correct gas port size, or just install an adjustable gas block (a common thing for M1 owners anyway). IIRC the original guy also put a mercury recoil reducer in the stock; that's probably wise given the caliber.

I love the Mars pistol. Too bad they're mad expensive.

IIRC, they call it a "4 bore" under the current Euro standards, but if you go by the traditional British/American system (# of spheres of pure lead to the pound) it's more like a 6.5 bore or something like that. The originals were made by repurposing 23mm aircraft cannon barrels. A true 4-bore (by the American/Brit system) measures slightly over 1 inch (25.4mm)

Dinosaur hunting.

*heavy slavic breathing*

Honestly, could it be shoulder fired?


>Dat flip up Vernier sight with ~4” sight radius

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Oops wrong pic

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Typical Greek.

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