Need nonlethal ideas

So word is that there will be some rallies/demonstrations in my city over the next year where antifa has allegedly claimed they'll show up to cause trouble. Some friends and myself with mildly disposable income and minimal sense had an idea. We're going to dress as knights templar (mail, helm, gambeson, shield, etc) and escort folks from their cars to the rally. We need a defensive weapon to handle the antifa tards effectively yet as non-lethal as possible. We're thinking axe handles, but we're stumped from there. What would you lot use?

Attached: crusades.jpg (800x450, 216K)

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Because we are all weebs here, a Sasumata wouldn't be a bad option. It was a nonlethal design used by the Japanese in the Edo period (this is a modern version).

Having said all that, doing anything of any sort will likely get you in big trouble. You paint a big target on your back for a DA looking to make a name for themselves, and you won't get any support from conservative organizations for your defense (antifa, on the other hand, will have extensive support networks ready to assist them in a trial). It's not 2016 anymore.

Attached: Japanese_non-lethal_police_weapon.jpg (778x1230, 302K)

To add, this is in MO where defensive actions get a fuck ton of leeway. I've literally had cops I know tell me "just drag their feet in your doorway and we'll take care of it" in regards to home invaders.
Again, I'm not talking us going out and picking a fight. I'm talking us (on camera btw) literally walking people to and from their vehicles and only engaging if they get within swinging distance and strike first. The armor and shields should let us shrug off the first hit

Just carry a ballistic shield and defend and push them away. Let them be violent assaulting assholes.
You don't want to go to jail or get sued for breaking someone's hand or arm with a baton.

.300blk subsonic with an oil filter screwed over the muzzle.
Fuck Antifa. They need to be taught a lesson.

We all cc, but we're not going to start a firefight. While I agree with your sentiment, that's not what we're doing here

I should have added. This is in MO where self defense gets a shit ton of leeway.

In that case the Sasumata might be okay- I mean, you just use it to hold them away from you and watch them flail around trying to get closer.

This desu senpai baka. LARP as Romans with ballistic shields instead for maximum safety. You need a shield wall here, not knight-style combat, which is much different - also, most medieval kit out there that is reasonably priced is factually incorrect and looks like ass.

Attached: 1568767770468.jpg (1024x768, 181K)

Get a pool noodle and slip a pvc pipe into it. Make a cross section with other pvc parts so it looks like a sword with a pool noodle blade. You can beat those antifa folks as hard as you want.

Attached: d496ecf49995cfe432b37a9d362bfde6.jpg (474x294, 32K)

We'll check them out. Thank you for the advice

Lol, we may just do that betwixt us. Good look though, thank you

Full disclosure, we've only got like 10 guys for this. I don't think that's enough for a two sided moving shield wall. Unless you think otherwise

get a taser shield

Our income isn't that disposable

You're welcome, but on second thought, I think has the best idea. It has the least chance of looking like you're going on the offense.

Regardless. Opening your guard to strike with a cudgel leaves vulnerability for a counter strike especially if you're outnumbered and pepperspray in tight quarters will probably get you too.
Also it would be filmed and it would hurt leftists pretty bad if it's just guys with shields resisting leftist assaulters.

Like I told him, only problem is we've only got like 10 guys. Most of them are prior military so the idea of moving in formation isn't foreign to them but I still don't think that's enough for a two sided moving shield wall
Unless you have evidence to the contrary and I'll check it out

1. Fair point
2..we were going to have a camera man ourselves
3. Most of us have been oc sprayed in training. Not saying it wouldn't suck but we've learned to somewhat handle it
4. We're thinking small and clear plastic over the eye slits and cheesecloth filters over the breathing holes.

Thoughts and what other concerns do you have? Better to plan now than scramble later

Nah m8, 5 guys would be good for a shield wall.
The wall gets its strength by interlocking shields, so the forces of combat aren’t pinned on a single person.
With so few people, threats from above would be a problem. IE Molotov, bricks, and other thrown objects.

Pad up your head, face, forearms, hands, shins, and collar bones/shoulder.

Football and catcher's pads are pretty cheap at a goodwill or other 2nd hand store.
If you still want a weapon; maybe something to jab at them from behind cover and push them away with could be good.

I don't think molotov will be much of an issue here. The local "revolutionaries" are pretty soft. Rocks, fists, and piss bottles are the most likely weapons. Fortunately most of us have worked livestock at one point or the other so piss doesn't bother us too much

pepper spray. tonfa or other blunt weapon if they persist. if you dont want to fuck them up too bad then whack only the extremities, not the head or spine, that shit can kill.

Like I said
Gambeson (padding)
Arming caps
We'll be fully protected

We were thinking arms, shins, stomach, shoulders/collar bones
No heads

Idk if those will be thick enough. The costume stuff seems really flimsy. I would wear protection even under all that but you probably know better what your specific equipment can tolerate. Hope it all goes well.

Not butted mail. Riveted. We're reinforcing the joints and adding internal padding (think football helmet) to the helms. I think it will work but more testing may be needed

You think this is a fucking game?

In fairness, I did say LARP. He may have thought we were going full retard

It can be hard and expensive to gather a full, functional, knights templar armor set.
A few costume grade pieces wouldn't surprise me.

Totally fair assumption

Mix pesto bismol and water, cant remember the exact ratio but 50/50 should work, and keep it in a spray bottle. It inerts pepper spray and lacrimating agents.

Someone post the webm of the Chad patriot knocking the fuck out of an antifag with a collapsible baton.

have the slowmo version

Attached: 1563571646206.webm (1500x1000, 2.2M)

See, we're planning on
1. Full armored helm
2. Arming cap
3. Riveted mail
4. Not living on a diet of purse onions

Thank you


The windup is the best part.

since you are already dressing up as knights speak to your local SCA or HEMA chapter and look into some of their practice weapons

Lube. Lots of lube. Or if you want to get more professional-sounding, "Anti-Traction Mobility Denial Coating". Basically, hose down them all with the substance they use to lubricate their asspussies so much they'll slip whenever they try to stand or walk. No kidding, this is a serious nonlethal option the Army was interested on.

Imagine bukkake-ing em all with synthetic jizz

Get an aluminum monopod. One thats like 3 or feet. I got a mega sturdy kne for only $15. Its basically a baton.

For extra damage maybe you can cast a fake point and shoot camera to attach at the end and give you some swinging weight.

It wont look like you brought a weapon on purpose

Also i used to have some mallets when i played the xylophone. The handle were made of some weird fiberglass material that would hurt and itch like hell if it rubbed against your skin. Even just a soft rub.

Make a sword our of that.

>Seasoning isle
>Crab boil sauce
>Pesticide sprayer or SuperSoaker
>Add even more goodies
>Have fun
Maybe coyote urine

How does that make any sense as a material for a handle, a portion of a tool designed to contact skin?

Relatedly those telescoping fishing rod props are an option and make decent cheap shooting sticks if you squat, kneel or place it on a log or similar.

Find some fiber glass type material and make a baton out of it.

You wont need ti strike with it. Simply rubbing against it would make someone back away.

Its an awful feeling. Like microscopic shards. Like rubbing your teeth on a cheese grater.

Shit like this. Just find the material

don't do it. You'll get arrested, charged with assault, fired from everything, and generally liferuined.

just make pepper spray drones and gas antifa anonymously from the back of a van.

What if you instead of opposing them dressed like them and did little legal things to disrupt them. Pour itching powder into their clothes when not looking, “accidentally” trip people, throw an elbow by mistake, etc. If any Antifa comrades get upset with you just pretend to cry inside of your mask and mumble something about gender identity.

assassin > knights templar

>Non lethal
Why would you ever want that ?
Also Antifa are a bunch of pussies (at least where I live) just look menacing and they will leave you alone (Try to wear dehumanizing apparels and wear weapons in sight) that's what lots of buisness owners did.

Mancatchers minus the spikes like one user posted.

Or just use wooden swords. They are basically riot batons. For a lethal-er weapon you'd have your shields. And nobody would bat more of an eye at a guy in knight's armor if he had a shield anyway.

>inb4 raw footage of Antifa getting skull fucked by Solaire's round shield painted with the Jow Forumsube's likeness.

that nigga turned into a vegetable from that

Wait hold up im in MO too, when and where is this antifa rally? Im trying to avoid it, i got my window smashed while trying to go home during the ferguson riots

Shields, batons, pepper spray

have you priced this user? Even crappy armor that looks decent ain't cheap.

10 guys is more than enough, get some fun Roman helmets to go with the ballistic Shields!

Attached: 6t55quwqh2831.jpg (640x848, 80K)

Could also do a shield wall with Viking round Shields, or even kite Shields if you want to go for battle of Hastings style knights

Water balloons with foul smelling liquids that won't cause health issues if in contact with open wounds or permanently damage clothes.