Conceal carry: femanon edition

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Don't really see this thread going very far but I'll help. I got my girlfriend an LCP because she is small and prioritizes size over everything else, even if the gun hurts to shoot. She chose a fabriclip because she doesn't wear belts and she can actually carry with leggings on if she wanted. The holster is actually really neat. She wants to move up to an M&P Shield, but we're not too sure if the added weight will cause issues with how she carries because the LCP weighs nothing. She also wears a lot of dresses, but we haven't come up with a way to carry with a dress that isnt gay (i.e. bra holster)

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Holy shit user I've got my wife on Ruger lcp ii. .380 is perf for fems. She uses a can can holster. Sits right above hips.

Mine carries a 40sw p320 with a light/laser combo


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P938 really is the best.

I don't get why girls don't just get guy jeans. All their pants are retarded tight and have zero pocket space and are all more expensive. Plus to counteract the lack of pockets you also need a purse which is even more money.

Purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse purse.

Literally anywhere else and it will get snagged or stick out, I suppose a zipgun dildo can be hidden in vagoo and anus. but that's not really worth it.

Because, and bear with me here, women are shaped differently than men. Women's cut pants are always going to cost more than men's cut because they take more effort to make, regardless of material or fit.
Pic related is the closest thing to what you want, and it's more expensive than the equivalent men's cut. My wife has issues finding carhartts that aren't miserable to wear because she swims in men's cut and the women's cut expects her to have the calves of a toddler and the ass of a midwesterner.
Another thing is that it looks terrible, which brings me to my second point. Women want to look like women, not men. So unless she's hanging drywall or cutting fish, she's going to wear what's comfortable and flattering, i.e. mom jeans or leggings.
A purse is not a holster, and is an ideal way to give a criminal a gun.

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Kinda get your point but instead of getting girl version of guy jeans just get guy jeans. They're all in waist x length, just gotta get your size.
It'll look crap in comparison, sure, but I'm for function over form. Maybe that's it, there's just not as many autistic women

>femanon edition
Look, just come out and say “trap edition” because we all know that’s where this is really going.

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>but I'm for function over form.
That's fair, and honestly a gal dressed in bull-dyke-oflage is going to be left alone more often than tee shirt and leggings.
Still, sometimes form IS function, especially in a professional setting. My wife toyed with the idea of carrying at work (public health investigator. She deals with some shitty humans), but decided against it given that 1) she couldn't look the part when she did, and 2) she was always with a uniformed leo.
I guess it just does come down to autism in the end.

How are they so damn milky white and soft?

hormones turn people into a different species, feminists are wrong men and women are very different.

>also veet and ipl costing $50

I've thought a bit on this. Get rid of the lcp an get a p32. It's a titch smaller and lighter but most importantly it's enjoyable to shoot. P3at/lcp was a huge blunder desu famalam. Too many people buy em' but never shoot them because muh better stoppin powah of 380 vs 32.
Shield ez is great as well as the g42.
If they're better served with a snub get the lcr in .327 and feed it .32 h&r mag or even 32 long because 38s recoil too much from the lcr and the trigger pull on 22mag is like 20lbs.

Please speed up the timeline and kys now.

checked and frisked thoroughly

In that case it's a filter though.

My buddy is about to buy a P32 today hopefully, for $125.

I wouldn't advocate a .32 normally, but it's his first, he's poor, and the price is right.

My wife carries a G43 at 3oclock with a loose tshirt.

No one is looking at you. No one gives a shit about you.

It’s my deepest secret, user!

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my wife is also a fellow Jow Forumsommando so she has her own collection of stuff, just recently she picked up a shield ez 380. Hands down, one of the best and easiest guns I've ever handled.

ohhhhhh fuck

do want

That porcelain alabaster skin hnngh. These things are really starting to look attractive to me, I'm getting so tired of shitty, slutty women with their shitty fucking undeservingly bitchy attitude.

Thanks, anons.

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>Male feets
Unfortunately that's where I get lost on this

how the fuck is your skin so soft?

Would cuddle the fuck out of/10

I legit want to date this cuteness. One of the few guys that made me realize I was bi.

You realize these photos get posted all the time right?

>0 Results for Cumdumpster
Jow Forums has changed.

>i really don't get why girls don't sacrifice their wardrobe just so they can have a gun

literal, unironic male privilege showing

>optical illusions
>tricking your mind into thinking they're female because they're surrounded by female things

Women do 3 of those things and still play mind games and tricks but have the ability to fuck over your life and take your kids

your fault for marrying a roastie. plenty of people have successful marriages.

They are literal discord trannies samefagging with canned responses to give the illusion Jow Forums is tolerant of this faggotry. They post their mentally ill twink collection is to get attention. Report, ignore, and move on. This board was easy enough to troll before the 2016 critical thinking extinction, and now everyone here has forgotten the important rule: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS.

>to give the illusion Jow Forums is tolerant of this faggotry.

you're right. Jow Forums has always been a furry board.

1/4th of Jow Forums is faggots and trannies

>two glocks

The person in those pictures is in the US

Wanna see my NFA items, user?

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>B A L T I M O R E

I bet your ass is hairy and loaded with dried fecal matter

so is a different person from and ?
are you a brit who moved or do you just own the union jack for laughs?

Same person, note the bedsheet.

Protip: You don’t actually have to live in Britain to buy a Union Jack flag.


t. bussygate discord fag who came here in 2018
It's more like 1.4%

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no shit, the question is why you would want a union jack
I thought you were a bong at first because the traps usually are
are you an empireboo or is it just for some collection?

>wants to conceal a gun
>doesn't want to wear anything that conceals said gun effectively

Why is this man wearing women's underwear?

Vagina carry should be mandatory. The only time a woman should have to use lethal force is if she's being raped so pussy carry makes perfect sense. Double barrel .380 derringer should fit no problem, two shots is all you need for a single assailant. If you're about to be gang raped, well, you shouldn't have been a white woman in a brown area travelling alone.

This is the perfect solution for women that want to conceal carry and not make wardrobe adjustments. Prove me wrong.

>sacrifice wardrobe
literal, unironic female privilege showing

>I should be able to have unrealistic, difficult and diametrically opposed things just because I want them, without having to make any sacrifice or effort.

Female privilege showing.

Thanks, user.

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>would love tenderly

Its 4channel/rebbit 2.0 not 4chin anymore kiddo

What are the best options for super thin girls? I'm helping a friend find a good fit for her and she's tiny. She doesn't currently have a gun. I'm thinking a Glock 43 or 42 or maybe a Sig P365. Are those good or should I be looking elsewhere?

>i really don't get why girls don't sacrifice their wardrobe just so they can have a gun

But any CCW guide worth its salt will tell you to dress around the gun if at all possible. This means buying a decent gun belt rather than a shitty department store special, and often buying up a size of pants to have proper clearance for the pistol if carrying IWB. It may mean wearing a bigger shirt and light jacket even in hotter weather to avoid printing.

There's no "male privilege" here, it's just the usual female bitching about wanting the same privileges that men have with none of the responsibilities.

Smol guns for smol girls - but controllable.

Both the Glock 42/43 and Sig P365 are good; I'd have her rent and fire them if all possible so that she knows which one she can shoot adequately. The M&P Shield may also be good; it's retailing cheaper than either of those options and has pretty good ergos.

The Glock 42 may be a little more controllable (.380 ACP out of a tilt barrel locking system should be plenty soft and shooth), but you'd be sacrificing a good bit of bullet weight and velocity from 9mm, as well as increased cost of ammo. I would try to get her comfortable shooting a 9mm, and if that doesn't work, grab the 42.