/brg/ - Battle Rifle General #37 - Colonel Cathcart Raises the Number of Missions edition

Now I know you're all excited for the new BREN 2 and we want to give it to you but the General has decided to raise the number of bump limited threads in a row from 5 to 10. Now I know you all can rise to the challenge and complete your missions for God and country. Now get out there and bump some threads!

No Century, no traps, no Discord.
MAS49 admitted on temporary status pending review.
Creature features: an examination of NJ featureless laws. Buy a SCAR!
Just the tip - - suppressor mounts compared.
Case conundrums, a curious consortium of commie chink containers or how I learned to stop cheaping and buy Pelican.
BR/DMRs: sacrifice cash to the MOA gods.
PSG1 and SCAR 20 admitted to /brg/ for the forseable future. RIP in peace /dmr/
6.5 Mememore battle rifles. For what purpose.
Hunting loads: turn Jacksons into dinner.
Caliberlets, when will /arg/ learn.
PTRs returning to stock. Brassjews in tears.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no BREN 2

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Question for fellow scar fags.

Is it worth getting a rail extension so I can run a bipod plus an angled foregrip or should I just go with a broomstick and forego the extension?
Altogether I think that rail and bipod hardware adds roughly a pound to the end of my 17.



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no to much weight. scar already balnced well. I keep my vertical foregrip and rail and still remains balanced around thr mag. feels great for me at least. Unless you really like the aesthetic Id skip it for now.

because aspies sit like vultures on pg 10 sending toby back to the field

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What grip do you use?
I haven't been able to find one I really like.

Check again

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So we're letting /dmr/ come hang out right? As long as they fire a full-sized rifle cartridge?

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Its an outreach program for at risk credit card owners

Semi auto also required

Motion to allow semi auto full sized DMRs into /brg/ has been recognized

some would say that is pretty fucking gay

how much does your >dmr weight /brg/?

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I put a coat hangar in my AR10 and now it won't reset the trigger please help????

Try the Discord

How bad do PTRs recoil?

more than your bitch ass can handle probs

I need help figuring out magazine patterns for .308 guns /brg/. A boomer relative wants a drum magazine for a Colt CM762-16s and bought a Pro-Mag Lr-308 but it didn't fit.
Will this work? magpul.com/products/pmag-d-50-lr-sr-gen-m3?ProductColor=VO343

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Nobody calls me a bitch. Buying one with my next thousand

New ptr's are a slow controlled push. Very nice. Other HK clones with worn parts and springs have been known to kick pretty hard. There's quite the discrepancy between user recoil experience over the various 91's and there part combinations that are out there.

Someone make a wood SCAR stock plz

nigger I have never been more sceptical of a plan in my life. But if you are this determined. God speed

It can be a blonde wood to go w the 50 shades of FDE

Got a surplus mag from 80s. Latest one yet. I really might start collecting these fuckers and try to get every year of production.


I have one from 64

could maybe get away with replacing a basic SCAR stock cheekrest with a wooden copy, get those extended MLOK rails and slap on some of those wooden covers. might look ok on a black SCAR


Replace the stock with a wood FAL stock, keep the handguard

We're gonna need a shop of this. Does Jow Forums work?

The shape of a SCAR is too damn thicc for a 100% wooden stock to look good on it. It'd be graphics clipping in a game. Best you could shoot for is one of those zoomer meme builds where they slap wooden shit on a gucci AR.

It'd be like*

Thinking of buying a PTR91 A3R Arya Bill Springfield trigger and spurh stock. Yay or nay?

Depends how drunk he was when he did the trigger job.

Nogunz here, is there a guide image for FAL buying? Anything I should avoid?

Check pastebin. Atlantic firearms if you want a DSA within a week. Can also try and find a non Century one on gunbroker.
You probably don't want build one from a parts kit.
Decide if you want a folding stock b4 buying cuz it's expensive to change later.
Decide if you care about a bipod and make sure it has the proper barrel to accept one.
If you want to use optics get the DSA rail and dobt cheap out on tubes. Get an ACOG or Jap glass so it doesn't get eaten by x51 recoil.
Don't get a carbine if you care about accuracy.
Don't get Korean mags. DSA new mags can require bending the feed lips to prevent FTF jams.

Easiest option is DSA, and I'd recommend that route if you don't know what you're doing.

Voyager DSAs are missing a lot of distinct features compared to the "standard" ones, but as far as I've heard are functionally the same. Keep in mind folding stocks require a different bolt carrier, lower receiver, and top cover, so it's generally best to pick whatever type you want from the start.

Be aware that there's significant differences between inch and metric pattern guns and very little parts commonality between the two.

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Hows that longboi feed?

Buy one. I love mine.

Yeah, tell that to my severely bruised shoulder shaped with the grooves of my stock.

look 1988. This must have been one of the last production runs.

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nevermind im retarded. Didnt realize that Germany was still ordering mags years after the cold war ended. Still newest ive seen so far.

>severely bruised shoulder
ffs learn to shoot and eat a steak

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Which BR is hardest to charge?
They can be Coomer, with the giant left arm.

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What is superior? Comp or flash hider for scar 17?


Morning anons

Does DSA take long periods where they don't make anything? It seems like a lot of their stock is on waiting lists and they're out of stock on a few sites.

"8-10 weeks" for them to build you a rifle - which probably won't feed properly when you get it and will need to be sent back for repairs. This will take an additional 8-10 weeks.

That's what they said over the phone, I didn't know if that was the usual wait time for all of their rifles or just the variant I ordered.

So I don't think DSA keeps anything in stock at their actual workshop. They make a batch, ship them out to distributors, then start the process over again. The ones that were listed on Atlantic evaporated the same day, so I can't imagine it's an issue of demand.

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I guess I'll just wait, any recommendations on making it not a lemon? Or is it just luck of the draw?

Haven't really had any issues with it, though I rarely shoot the fully-loaded 30.I will say that, when I was digging through a pile of mags trying them out on my FAL, the DSA 30s like the ones in the pic consistently had the best fit compared to the non-DSA surplus 20s that were the rest of the pile.

"newest" one I have and I have 3 more still in their original wrap that I'm not sure of their age

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What's up homos

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There was no "stupid questions that dont deserve their own thread" thread so I figured here is the next best place. When I was looking at parts for my PTR I found that some stores offered both semi auto and full auto BCGs. Anyone know what the difference is? I didnt think there would be any. Maybe the weight or dimensional tolerance? Thanks in advance.

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I have an autistic urge for a sbr .308 with a huge brake. Purely for dumping mags into dirt and hurting people at indoor ranges. I have $1500 to accomplish this not including stamp. What's the best way to go about it?

ptr 91 pistol, that way you also get to launch brass into space

Howdy folks. Just picked up this C308 CETME for about $575 out the door. The foreend isn't finished super well but the bore looks amazing. Shoots everything I put in it without any malfunctions. I like it already

Inb4 LmaoCentury

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If you're looking to refinish wood, I'd recommend following an AK guide. That's what I did for the FAL. Use Minwax pre-stain and wood stain - it's pretty idiot-proof.

PTR is hungry

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hmmmmm looks delicious

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Y no steel? That's all I'd shoot if I had a PTR. That works well in my FAL Though

Ok fellas. i gonna shoot my PTR for the first time next weekend. Is it going to disappoint me when compared to my SCAR. Yes I know SCAR better in all aspects what I mean is will it be not a joy to just fuck around with. OR will it make my balls tingle bc Im using a FULL POWER CATRIGES as a man should.

Cuz it was on sale

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>he got the THICC handguard

How do you like it?

Probably not coming to us peasants for at least another year or two.
Hardest to charge? Probably the G3 series of rifles. Still, as long as you aren't a less than 5'6" manlet, or a chick, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Fucking looking good, bro!
That's some decent break-in/range ammo.

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It’s nice for shooting cuz it doesn’t get hot as quick but honestly the slim one is more aesthetic and all the cool pics of militaries using G3s they’re always using slim handguards. I’m not going to get rid of it but if I was doing it again I wouldnt bother buying it 2bh

>least another year or two.

Does this mean the slavs are officially worse than sig? Im still wating on my 357 and 40 conversion kit for my MPX

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Honestly, Sig is more likely to catch up on shit than CZ is to release the Bren 2 BR anytime soon, and that pains me to say that.

>probably not coming for 2y
That crazy general keeps raising the number of missions! He's gonna kill us all!

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This, and the people of Spokane are rude as fuck!

I've never shot a boring gun. Just because I have a scar doesn't make everything else inferior.

The only thing my scar kinda ruined for me is disassembly and cleaning. It's so simple and easy that I get pissed off at even mildly annoying disassemblies and/or complicated internals.

Welp looks like /brg/ found a new rule. Spokaneposters are not allowed due to rudeness.

I'm okay with this.

Motion seconded. Resolution to rangeban Spokane due to rudeness adpoted.
Is there a Judge Apu?

Can we at least get a statement from the defense first?

you have one post to respond. You may proceed fren.

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I suck too many cocks to be held accountable, your honor

I'm not actually from Spokane - never been west of NOLA - just a fan of due process.

I've only driven through Spokane a couple of times. However, I have spent some time in northern Idaho and everyone there is nice and based. Anyway, I will jump on the Spokane-hate bandwagon.

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you're a good man user with a strong sense of justice. But that is unfortunately that is an awful defense. For fairness sake we'll put it to a vote. Polling will conclude some time tonight.


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I think the results speak for themselves.

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The Ayes have it

After much deliberation the motion carries. Spokaneposters are banned due to rudeness and are hereby desginated NOT FRENS. This motion will carry for the next 3 threads that hit bump limit at which point this matter is reviewed.

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Are there any other resolutions on the docket or can we adjourn and start the Whiskey?

No. You can't feel like you're about to kill commies in 1970s central Africa with a SCAR. You also can't feel like Val Kilmer cool guy in Heat.

its getting late. Any further matters can be adressed later. Time to adjourn. Break out Jameson and enjoy the rest of the night before the Monday grind.

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Never had 18, how is she?

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Like heaven. Smooth as can be. With just a hint of classic whiskey burn going down to bring out that brings out the flavor. Get it when you see it. I haven't bought one in a year or so because theres been a shortage.

I'll say, i've'nt seent it. Despite my negligible Irish heritage

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Wood FALs make me hard.


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how are MLS games?

*goes deaf*