What's the best bear medicine?

What's the best bear medicine?

.375 h&h, .45-70, or 12 gauge?

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Honestly, all you need is shot placement and a .22lr

45/70 is the patrician's injun removal device, bears are pretty close to injuns. Closer than elephants, anyway.

Out of those, in order; .45-70, 12, .375
I'd take a BR with a 20 in RFN with a low power optic, preferably.
14.5" barrel if NFA did not exist.

.45-70, the only Government you can trust.

Honestly though OP in this day and age 12ga with 3" slugs is the go-to. Not because it's the best per se, it works well enough and is cheap.

Not really, even with out shot placement the .22 will bounce inside the bear and kill it

Little known fact .22 actually accelerates inside bears. They eventually explode from all the friction and heat of the bullet now reaching near light speed.

40mm RIP round

We know what. 22 does inside the bears, but what do the bears do inside you?

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Unironically brown bears went extinct in some places before firearms even became widespread.
In England that happened rougly in 16 th century

2 gauge

love and cuddles

What kind of bear? Black? Grizz? Polar?
Also, 375H&H is a great worldwide hunting rifle that you can legally use.

300 winmag ?

Wouldn't .308 do just fine for a bear?


790 grain hard cast out of a 3.5inch 10ga will make anything that walks this earth sit down.

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Fuck off Joe Rogan

>killing bears

Bears are based

Hunt in Oakland, pussy


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.458 socom

How did he manage that

I took this guy with milsurp 7.62 nato.
Black bears are overgrown raccoons. I don't get the whole mythos surrounding hunting them.
Sure, they have 5 pointy ends and could motherfuck you in a fistfight, but frankly so could a whitetail deer. They're still bags of meat and bones, and will die from trauma like anything else.

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Bears are bro tier

u culd shot ur mom with it and she wuld fel lik siting down

Tried to shoot a bear with a .22 and pissed it off. The bear took that object and crammed it right up his ass.

Keep your Barbie rifle shit out of this conversation.
375 h&h is the correct answer anyways.

> no .338 Win Mag
Ya'll yawl are poser pussies.

no one in this thread even hunts, its just a bunch of zoomers naming the biggest hunting round they can think of.

Did you have a stroke while typing that? Try again in english this time, I’m sure your post would have been hilarious if anyone could read it.

The biggest meanest kodiaks / polars