can i just remove moo near my uncles farm?
Do you think boomer farmers will freak if i shot one of their cows
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Poor thing was suffering for so long. I ain't about to say don't eat meat or something faggy like that, but don't be a dick like that and kill it quickly, yeesh.
Welcome to charges of animal cruelty, destruction of private property, and possibly even attempted cattle rustling. Considering a good beef carcass costs $3k+, you're looking at a bare minimum or a fucking manhunt of all wealthy people in the countys, vet bills, the cost of the dead animal at retail value, and getting your house burned down in the night by an electrical accident.
Imagine shooting an animal you don't intend to eat or even kill. Are bowfags even human?
Don't get caught.
>tfw that looks like my dead cat that got run over
also cat-"hunters" should be culled
Of course they'll get mad faggot. That's twenty fucking grand out grazing in the field. Fucking subhumans pulling that shit need to be drawn and quartered.
You'll get caught and then this will happen and you won't get a proper job with such a criminal register.
Why would you ever even consider such idiotism?
>tfw started killing cats in the neighborhood with my noiseless supressed .22
>got 4 already
>barbequed them a few days ago
The only heat theyre in now is kitty hell
>Eating cat meat
People like this unironically deserve to be tortured and killed
Eh, if you're shooting pet cats - definitely.
If you're shooting feral cats though, you deserve a pat on the back. Those things definitely fuck with wildlife and local ecosystems.
Pest control is a real thing. Your statement is also false. Animals do not have a soul. Human beings are the only mortal creatures on this Earth that possess souls. My statement doesn't advocate disrespect and torture of God's creatures however.
If you shoot every cat that comes in sight then kys
If just collarless then I am ok with that
My kitti is collarless. Lucky we got a lot of land, don’t you dare come on my land.
Just think. There is probably some guy somewhere in America who puts on full tactical gear and hunts people’s pets with a suppressed .22 just for fun.
and we love him for it
My grandpa has probably upwards of 100 feral barn cats on his land that started out as 4-5 that my poor misguided grandma started feeding so they stuck around. Now they've started killing the fuck out of his chickens because they can't buy cat food for 100+ cats. So yes, I cull them when I can but I don't use a .22 because I'm not some broke hillbilly. I use a high end suppressed .17 HMR and only headshots count.
Now ask me again how I know you're a city boi
Cats are fucked
Put collar on it
Collar is best way to make difference between feral and pet
Even my country has small problem with feral cats that is caused solely by identification difficulties
That's a big ol cat
Toughen the fuck up you bunch of hysterical faggots. Sometimes animals need culling, I've shot feral dogs, cats, and even killed a baby possum because he got separated from mama and was starving to death. Not everyone lives in suburbia where all animals live in harmony with people.
Shut the fuck up. You nu-catholic faggots and your proselytizing are the worst.
This guy is absolutely right, your pets should be collared. I know cats aren't particularly fond of them, but it's the best way to avoid any mix ups. Plus if kitty goes out on a pussy hunt (pun intended) odds are that someone will call you and bring your cat back. I reunited nearly a dozen animals with their families when I was delivering pizzas believe it or not.
If I caught someone doing this to my cat they'd have some incoming fire real fucking quick.
What kind of man shoots a cat, posts pictures of it online and tells people to toughen up? That’s pretty pathetic
BASED. Fuck cats
PSA for all the whiny fucks, not all cats are pets.
Sometimes they're nuisance animals who can fuck with your stock. Cats have killed my chickens.
They're actively hunted in Australia due to massive overpopulation where their numbers are damaging to the ecosystem.
if you think we differ spiritually from animals in any way you’re a retard. using religion to justify being a n*gger is absolute arab tier shitassery
cats are damaging to the local wildlife and if your animal goes onto other people's land where livestock of value, chickens and pheasant, are in danger, they have every right to kill your unrestrained predator.
Same for dogs. If your dog enters private property unaccompanied, their life is forfeit.
I hope you die
>let your animal trespass onto private property without permission
You violated the NAP. Cats and dogs are potentially damaging animals.
If your cats on my property shitting all over my garden or killing local fauna, fair game. Don't let your cats run around you nigger.
a very specific user. i dont think the user itt is the actual one, but he has quite a few pics of dead cats.
some anons are fucked so don't be too shocked.
the anons who do this stuff always try to paint themselves as doing a public service
That doesn't mean the cat in the pic was being a nuisance lol
If you knew the context you'd know the user isn't killing feral barn cats or anything.
Shooting ferals because you live as a backwater hillbilly farmer is okay.
Shooting your neighbours cat however, makes you a nigger because you take their property away.
And Niggers get shot.
You have no right to kill my cat
Doesn’t matter if it’s on “your” property
what is this fucking thread
>Doesn’t matter if it’s on “your” property
>Doesn't matter
Kind of does matter where it happens. If it happened in my high fenced backyard and your animal is repeatedly there like all day destroying shit. I'm not wasting time / resources to have animal control pick up what will be defined as a "nuisance animal" by local ordinances.
Can always just use night vision optics and popping it with silenced air rifle at 3am. Will be done and gone. Nobody will notice.
i can’t believe there are grown ass men who think that is even somewhat acceptable. Imagine shooting some little girls best friend because a 10lb critter is mildly annoying. kill yourself you absolute nigger.
>“your” property
>have no right to own living dwelling and anti-landlord
>obnoxious cat owner
>my rights trump your rights on your property cause of feels when I violate local law.
Blue haired CTR insufferable faggot by any chance?
>my property destroying your property on your property is only mildly annoying to you and you should deal with
Not really.
>Do you think a business owner will care if I casually destroy thousands of dollars worth of his inventory for the lulz?
>He would? What a Boomer fudd! Amirite?
Go join the Heaven’s Gate Away Team.
Based and rationalpilled
that’s fine, you can go ahead and shoot my cat if you want to, but i’m gunna fuck you up for it.
Stop me, faggot. I hope someone does end up killing your pest. Cat owners are niggers
Sure thing, lardass. I'd like to see you waddle over and give me the business, LARPtard
>i’m gunna fuck you up for it.
Not that user, but KeK. What is night vision and silenced air rifle at 1am for nuisance animals? How the fuck you going to know who did it? Are you one of those toxic ass paranoid skitzo neighbors everybody hates?
wonder if you’ll have the same confidence when your girl slurpin on my fat nuts after i abuse you in front of her lmao
based and thispilled
Jokes on you, faggot. I don't have a girlfriend!
We spiritually do differ from animals. If you think you're just an animal and it's okay to just mindlessly pursue hedonistic pleasures, you become a slave to your desires. We can abstain from our ego's desire for instant gratification in exchange for a greater purpose. I can lift weights and run instead of watching tv so I can be fit. I can not fuck some slag that's hitting on me so that I maintain a good relationship with my wife. Moral obligations are what give us freedom. Hedonism is what makes us slaves or animals. Humans have a certain dignity we don't afford to simple animals. Why is it more wrong legally to kill a human than a chimpanzee for example? It doesn't justify animal cruelty in the least, it's just the way it is.
Joke's on you.
If your animal steps on my property uninvited and i decide it's a threat to me, my family, or my animals I have 0 problem wasting it. And I have no problem wasting you if you do the same. The toxoplasmosis is well settled in this retard who thinks his stupid parasite carrying animal is above the literal law and concept of private property. If you want to live in a lawless land where your cat can roam free then I suggest a one way ticket to subsaharan Africa cause civilization is beyond your mental capacity at this point.
Yep, found the canadian.
Yeah, pretty sure he won the argument right when your only response is a one worded meme. This is your brain on toxoplasma.
>do you think someone will get mad if I shoot their property?
Gee user, I just don't know
A future serial killer most likely
>can i just remove moo near my uncles farm?
They used to hang cattle rustlers.
Wouldn't feel bad if it happened to you.
Cats roam. If you don't let them go outisde the house the never develop mentally. If you want a normal cat and not an retarded kitten it needs to have the freedom to move around.
I wish there were ways to let dogs roam more freely as well, but thats where daily walks are necessary. If i ever find someone like you I'll fuck with everything you care about in every single way I can get away with.
We had a neighbor’s cat that used to tear holes in our porch screen just to attack our indoor cat
We finally got fed up with it, caught it one day, and drove it out to the Shenandoah and left it in the fucking mountains
If you have an “outdoor cat” that you let out for hours on end and have no idea what it’s doing, you shouldn’t be AT ALL surprised when it doesn’t come home one day. Cat owners who go “you can’t touch my cat he a good boy” are equivalent to shitbull owners who leave their asshole dogs unleashed in their front yard
Thats what you faggots get for killing raccoons
>attempted cattle rustling
No joke on this, depending on your state. I believe attempted cattle theft is still a 2nd degree felony in OK and TX.
Toxoplasma is already present in the spoil in most places, cats arent the only host animal, most domesticated animals carry it too.
Even if it weren't explicitly a felony, cattle are worth a lot anyway and in Texas the owner can defend them with deadly force as I understand it.
t. not a lawyer
Though cattle theft nowadays would be a huge pain in the ass because you'd need a truck and trailer. You can't just herd them off to the stockyard or something.
>Cats roam. If you don't let them go outisde the house the never develop mentally. If you want a normal cat and not an retarded kitten it needs to have the freedom to move around.
Mr. cat psychologist here telling people his cat will catch the autism if he doesn’t let it traipse around in your yard.
>I wish there were ways to let dogs roam more freely as well, but thats where daily walks are necessary.
It’s called owning 30 acres of fenced land. Most dog owners don’t have a complex and so keep their fucking animals controlled and off of other peoples property. You’ll notice no one here sheds a tear when a shitbull gets ventilated for fucking around on another person’s property
>t. Infested cat freak tranny faggot
>stupid parasite carrying animal is above the literal law and concept of private property
>animal above the law and concept of private property
>animal and concept of private property
>animal above the law
this is incredibly stupid.
Animals do not abide by human laws and are not expected to. Animals are so beneath the law that it's not a concept to them.
Animals don't respect property because animals don't treat "property" the same as humans, with legally denoted borders.
If a dog trespasses and destroys property you don't charge the dog for the crime, you charge the owner, you fucking retard.
Holy shit am I recently becoming aware of how fucking dumb this place is or is it getting dumber?
>Noooooo don't kill cats, they are so cute
>muh kitty cats can do whatever they want
Obviously you don't want to contract toxo if you can avoid it, my point is just that the soil wouldn't be free of it just because you slaughtered all nearby cats.
Thank you. I like being able to hear birds in the morning.
>You can't just herd them off to the stockyard or something.
I think you actually can. Most of them aren't branded anymore, and there's effectively zero tracking of animals unless the ranchers do it themselves. If you move the cattle a county over, it's not like you can't put the animals on your own land and sell them come fall.
That's not even the big money anymore anyway. Instead you find guys who know ag tax law, get them to work the system for loans based on cattle you don't even own to commit wire fraud.
you re a fucking degenerate
The bottom line is that, apart from shitbulls, if a dog finds his way onto your property somehow, usually he’s standing at your door going “HI I DONT KNOW WHERE I AM, CAN YOU HELP ME GET HOME FREN?”
Cats traipse through your yard with their disgusting buttholes totally exposed, basically saying “fuck you I’ll go where I want”
If a Starling nests in my siding, I’m going to fucking kill it because it’s an annoying invasive animal that kills local birds and destroys my siding, I’m not going to leave it be because “animals don’t understand the law maaaan”
Same goes with cats. I don’t want your fucking cat in my yard shitting and pissing and killing my Cardinals.
If he’s friendly and comes up to me wanting some attention, that’s a different story.
i dont get how he derived that from the statement, that's believed by every denomination that isnt a protestant temple of satan that does fag marriages with lesbian priests
By that I meant you can't just do a cattle drive with your stolen head. You'd have to load them up on in trailers because of all the property and shit you'd have to go through.
Barbed wire ruined mass cattle theft forever.
>The cat violated muh NAP! I can do whatever the fuck I want if its on muh property
This is your brain on lolbertarianism
>all of this text and he missed my point
I am saying being mad animals don't obey laws or property is fucking stupid.
If anything you could probably get a free pass too and your parents would be charged if you trespassed because you're incapable of thinking at a human level.
>If he’s friendly and comes up to me wanting some attention, that’s a different story.
My shit head cat got over the fence somehow, scratched at a neighbor's door until they opened it, and then strolled inside and went to sleep on their couch until they checked her collar and called us. Cats are on an entirely different level of not giving a fuck.
The difference being that dog owners generally will do something about their dog and and a cat owner won’t. Also,
unironically yes, keep your vermin away from whats rightfully mine.
Friendly reminder that libertarians get the bullet too
> Barbed wire ruined mass cattle theft forever.
Clay County Ranch just reported over 500 head of Black Angus cattle stolen this season. Yeah, maybe the romance is gone, but the money is still out there if you want it. Follow your dreams user.
I'd like anons to stop pretending they're fighting a good fight with all the animals they kill and be honest with themselves.
"I don't like cats" is better than "I am protecting the environment! :DDD"
It's like saying you help farmers by killing random hogs who show up on your property. Unless you happen to have entire herds on your property and you devote hours to their hogicide then you're not doing shit. Same thing with cats.
Casually shooting something every now and then isn't helping shit in the grand scheme so let's not fool ourselves by saying we're doing any good in the grand scheme, here.
retardo logic. you can kill both raccoons and cats.
LARP harder, retard
reminder: cats are an invasive species. Killing them on your property is the right thing to do to protect our planet.
Cat owners are niggers. End of story
That animal is doing it's job in becoming food for people. Why?
>maladjusted psychopath
Can you cretins stop giving fuel for red flag laws?
>If your animal steps on my property uninvited and i decide it's a threat to me, my family, or my animals
At what point does it become a threat? The moment it takes a step on your property? At what point can I excuse killing you and your family because I decided you're a threat?
Removing pest may be justified, but this picture and the way it's posted screams a different message. When someone keeps posting their gun next to a football sized "game" telling other people to "toughen up" and "cry more" you just know it's either a nigger or a repressed violent incel type behind the keyboard desperately seeking validation but have no real achievements to brag about. When people say guns and big trucks are compensation of insecurities, this shit is what they meant.