When will Russia and China start building decent jet engines?

I can understand Russia being too poor to fund development but what is taking China so long?

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They have them.

What's wrong with their engines?

Because China has copied Russian aircraft to the fullest extent and doesn’t want to openly display their copied American aircraft too much because tariffs will quadruple

They're garbage compared to western ones. By the time an F-16 engine needs an overhaul a Mig-29 will be on it's third engines or something like that

MiG 29 didnt receive any engine updates for a 40 year period, they have them now and its ok given that they land on conpacted FOD all the time.

The difference is 8000 vs 7000 hrs since SMT upgrade, not that huge. If F16 landed on Russian airfields it would have a service life of 100 hours.

Shitty metallurgy and shitty tolerances.

Factuallywrong and vatnikpilled

Prove it.

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>muh propaganda infographics
Okay, retard.

>muh propaganda
Real cheeky when talking about russian hardware

>gets called pig, an animal that wallows in its poop
>responds by calling enemies the chad of farm animals
Support your assertions.

Attached: mhimages_SVHB--16081-0-00.jpg (800x800, 96K)

Do you think the life expectancy of a frontline fighter in WW3 would be 7000 hours ?

>lets just build cheap shit and use it forever!
Stay poor

New F16 guideline is 8000hrs, MiG35 is 7000hrs so.... Its more than worth the price.

A "rooster" is a lowest tier faggot, manwhore in rußian prison.
But You already know it, Dmitry

Roosters are proud and beautiful animals, also strong and virile. Try again.
Yet to see your proofs.

>jews dont fully spell out g-d out of respect and worship
>ukrainians dont fully spell out ru--ian out of respect and worship
as it should be.

I heard that they are praying to Putin, calling him a Huilo, an ancient Slavic deity personifying masculinity and male vigor.

Well, considering 0% of any frontline fighter’s time has ever been used to fight WWIII, perhaps it’s useful to design the aircraft to excel at other roles as well, such as being able to fly longer without engine replacements.

>grass growing between jagged slabs of concrete

Attached: tu-22M-831x516.jpg (831x516, 74K)

>clear and uneven subsidence

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They're round and don't have any heat dissipation.

YF-23 is a real man's plane.

Yeah, It's all about those square engines now :v)

When will the US start building decent jet engines?
I understand they don't have enough domestically educated, high IQ, engineers but come on.

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>high IQ engineers

Attached: Ka-52-Dzhankoi.jpg (697x372, 19K)

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You’d shoot yourself too if you didn’t have a fully flexible gun mount.

You can't discount the lack of good FADEC on Russian and Chinese engines. Most Russian fighters are still on analog systems for engine management.

I'd rather have the ability to have a flexible gun mount that shoots a huge caliber at high speed, letting me standoff, than have a tiny chin gun with garbage rounds or some fixed nonsense.

Too bad the 2A42 cannon is an inaccurate piece of shit

I hope you get the chance to prove that youself online tough guy.

they just need more of them

Well if they start another world war they can just steal them from whoever they defeat again.

Lol. Dumb.

Factually incorrect. China has produced fadecs since 2007.

Because of history, specifically WWII and the Cold War. During WWII, Russian planes were more likely to get shot down or crash long before the engines require overhauling. So, why design long lasting engines when you can pump out more of cheaper short-life engines. Those that survive were cheaper to just replace the entire engine with new ones. Then the Cold War came around + nukes. Again, jets are only supposed to last long enough to support the tank rush at the Fulda Gap before the nukes detonate. So no need for engine longevity too. This philosophy can only work if you have a strong heavy industry base, something the Russians have lost today. China does have it, but is too stupid to do anything beyond rote copying of outdated Russian tech or stealing American tech. This is why China will never surpass the US in tech advances. Their Confucian tradition prevents innovation while glorifying improvement through brute iteration.

This is so fucking based

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East bloc countries have had FADEC since 1980s you idiot.


My god Russians are pathetic

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>the state of vatniks in this thread

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Imagine the smell

I kinda like the trashy aesthetic of unmowed Russian air fields with trees growing off and in the taxi ways. Just looks so bleak and kool

Most Russian fighters use engines designed and in many cases built between 1975 and 1986. Russian FADEC took forever to mature because of the collapse of the USSR, and are still shit. It's part of why their engines go out of tolerance and kill themselves.

Yeah. And some day they will produce control systems that aren't bad, one assumes. That day still remains in the future.

Stop this is too much lol. Fuckin manlet faggot

>masculinity and male vigor
>a fucking manlet

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>Most Russian fighters use engines designed and in many cases built between 1975 and 1986.
What are you even talking about....

You’re letting your ass do all the talk. Stop, wipe all that shit away with toilet paper, and leave.

>China does have it, but is too stupid to do anything beyond rote copying of outdated Russian tech or stealing American tech. This is why China will never surpass the US in tech advances.

Imagine you are a country with 60's era tech, and then you steal some brand spanking new tech. What's more likely? You improve upon the tech that you just stolen because fuck it, you know better, or you reverse engineer the fuck out of it and then you put it into mass production for testing? The Chinese made a huge leap in tech, it won't be long before they start producing their own ideas. As it stands, even with stolen and unproven tech, they're already a threat.

>Most Russian fighters use engines designed and in many cases built between 1975 and 1986.
Pratt & Whitney F100 First run 1970s
General Electric F110 First run 1980s
General Electric F404 First run 1978
Well? Why are you squealing, amerishit?

You're not the real armatard you're only shitty bait.

Now do the F119 and F135

>Data is a "shitty bait"
Butthurt khokhol tier post.
F119 and F135 are way far from constituting the "most" of Amerishit fighter engines.

and yet they hold up just fine compared to slavtard garbage

The same reason they don't make top of the line computer chips. Shit is actually hard.

If they "hold up just fine", how come they suck so hard?
Thrust-to-weight ratio

And Russian engine thrust-to-weight ratios are?

Why are you squealing?


what engine?

Akshually the B looking letter means ss in Germany. It does not exist in swiss or austrian german.

Russia became from an agrarian shitholr into a superpower who reached space while it was communist. They got absolutely assfucked when SU was over and everything was stolen by people like putin

Proof is that I watched that video on YouTube too and therefore I know that YOUR only proof is second hand knowledge from a Russian pilot talking shit. You are literally and unironically just repeating something that superficially makes sense which you watched a man say on a video. There is precisely ZERO scientific rigor or evidence backing your post.

who are they going to steal from? Europe? Last I saw, they still can't decide whether to start developing their own new plane or just sleep on the comfy bed the US defense installments all over their nations have provided for them.

>European countries have F-35s, Typhoons and Rafales plus a mix of other US/European built planes
>Russia has upgraded 1980ies Soviet slavshit and wunderwaffen they can't afford

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RD-33MK and AL-41F-1S.

When they decide that it's worthwhile to fund random jets that'll never be used instead of maintaining a state of the art nuclear arsenal (in Russia's case)

i.e. never

>to fund random jets that'll never be used
That's pretty much what Americans have been doing in the last 35 years.

They're the world's second largest economy, they have had two generations of students return from abroad and there has been no sign of serious internal r&d. When are they going to change?

>They're the world's second largest economy
That's USA.

They have different priorities, like buying up global corporations and African infrastructure. Controlling resources through military might is an old meme.

you don't need a working nuclear arsenal, you just have to pretend.

How did their metallurgy and tolerances go to shit? They were on top of the world 40 years ago with rocket engines the west didn't consider possible.

He's talking bullshit out of butthurt, don't pay attention.

It still works I mean Ukraine has more tanks and aircraft than Germany and UK combined and Russians wrecked them as a joke. In one strike they wiped out more munitions than NATO has stocked in Europe.

If they wanted to administer and rule over a bunch of TRANNIES only France and its nukes would be an obstacle.

Thankfully when LePen gets in she will partition Europe with Putin.

Why do you get your info from fucking youtube?

>There is precisely ZERO scientific rigor or evidence backing your

>thedrive post a stupid article

You need to get your eyes checked.

What is wrong with Mig-29 engine? Why so smoky? Is that engine or fuel problem??

Attached: holy_smoke.jpg (1500x1009, 127K)

>there has been no sign of serious internal r&d
Talking out of your ass again, retard.

7:8 = 1:3
Common core math I guess

Dumps more fuel into engine to cool it down, unburnt fuel causes smoke. Extends service life, most of their engines are higher performance and have shit service lives for it.


With this most recent achievement, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. With the blessings of Chinese quantum direct-current electricity, quantum aircraft carriers and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.

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They didn't go to shit. They just didn't progress as well as the US and by comparison to Western available engines are now measurably inferior. And with Russia's GDP barely equivalent to a single large American State they have no real dream of competing in the near to long term future.

China is doing well with funding. Their challenge is innovation. Education and social norms tend not to foster the same level of to support to creative endeavors and out of the box problem solving. Their industry is built upon copycatting and outright theft of other intellectual propteries and ventures. Copying others work will naturally keep you in 2nd place.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-22 GDP, PPP (current international $) Data.png (788x713, 38K)

Literally no such thing user. Btw you're obviously not Chinese. If you were Chinese you'd know that China doesn't use nor care about PPP, only hopeless third world countries like India do.

>third world
not what it means, retard

>Is that engine or fuel problem?
It happens when engine receives more fuel than it can burn. It's an old design and they got rid of it in modern modifications, but even the most modern engines like F-22's F119 can smoke. It's just a thing that jet engines do in certain flight regimes.

Attached: b-52 (2).jpg (2850x1890, 591K)

There obviously is such a thing as PPP.

>Education and social norms tend not to foster the same level of to support to creative endeavors and out of the box problem solving.
This oft repeated adage is only ever used by retards who have never actually worked in engineering design.


That pic is of a 'wet' engine take off. Where they inject water into the exhaust to provide more thrust

No. Only nominal GDP exists for real.

Do you even know what PPP is? PPP means you pretend (it's literally make believe) that a given poor country has a larger GDP than it does, based on the fact that in poor countries, goods and services cost less than in rich countries.

Besides the fact that PPP is make believe, there is one very big flaw in the basic premise of PPP, which renders it completely moot. Which is why no serious economist uses it (of course, shitholes and globalist orgs use it for feel good reasons).

Go away Pajeet. Everyone knows your country is a hopeless third world shithole.

Yeah no, u retarded.

Yes. There's no such thing as "nominal" GDP.

He's right. It's called MIPPC you stupid nigger.

>There's no such thing as "nominal" GDP.
LOL, read a book Pajeet, preferably one written by a first world economist.