Thoughts on skallagrim?

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I really hope he isn’t a furry

A literal furry cuck commie who makes cringy videos. He's probably responsible for a lot of the popularization of HEMA these days so I can pat him on the back for that but nonetheless as a person I judge him very harshly. Not as cringy as Metatron but at least Metatron talks about things of substance sometimes even if he's 2 millimeters away from being a fedora tipper. He's about on the same tier as Shadiversity or however you spell his channel name. Low tier content made to suit popcorn eaters looking to feel as if they know something more than the average pleb without doing proper research. The type of people who'll smugly say "actually suits of armor were only about 50lbs and were easy to move around in." as if that's something to be proud of knowing when it takes a 30 second google search. Hell, actually I'd say Shadiversity is better because at least he talks about less popular topics like castle design.

Nonetheless the three are infotainment, surface level things just meant to cure boredom without thought, so you can't expect much. Scholagladiatoria, Knight Errant, and Tod's Workshop are better for actual information and an introduction to the topics if you're completely and utterly new with no previous knowledge and you want a place to start for actual research.

Total fag, confirmed furry. Entertaining at times, but hasn't really made a decent vid in years. Seems like his heart isn't really in it anymore, kind of like Ashens. Skall is the huffpost or of swords.

how is he a furry?

he has weak and cowardly looking eyes so I don’t trust anything he says

What an ugly faggot

Ah man I miss the old Ashens

by being a furry

He met his partner on Furaffinity, so unless normal people are using that as a dating site now, its safe to say hes a furry.

He brought his European leftism with him into Canada and I think it's a crime that he's allowed to be here.

>He brought his European leftism with him into Canada and I think it's a crime that he's allowed to be here.

Youd think the "whites" on here would be more concerned with chinks, Africans and Indians being severely more anti gun than Europeans.

Since we have the same thread every fucking day let me break it down

-Literal furry(YT pic is his fursona)
-Wife dresses up as a rat when they fuck


80% of based Asians and Mexicans are anti gun

we have not been hanging around the same spics

>we have not been hanging around the same spics

I am not going to bother googling and reposting the same chart which was posted here 10000 times and a few dozen times by me personally.

"Non whites" in America are majority anti gun with Asians being the highest followed by Mexicans and blacks which are both above 70% anti gun.

You can hang with "based mexicans" but these are indisputable facts.

>"based mexicans"
gross. Im just saying your point doesnt really make sense when tied to the eurocuck thing, yeah shitskins are the majority force for gun control here but how does that make him being from noguns Europe invalid?

>but how does that make him being from noguns Europe invalid?

The fact that he is bitching about "Europeans bringing in anti gun sentiment" when in fact majority of the migrants are Asian and Europeans actually assimilate to local culture

I wish youtubers could just be normal. Has Lindybeige turned out to be a pedo or something yet?

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As wrong as Lindybeige is about 90% of topics he talks about he sure is enjoyable to listen to.

>"Europeans bringing in anti gun sentiment"
I've never said this, "bring" where? he lives in canada. all I was saying is that there is a huge disparity of rights between the free world and europe

Anyone talking about anything historical is bound to be at least 90% wrong, I'm ok with that.

BTFO 45 fanbois with his shooting video

What? He actually talked about how canada weapon laws are retarded.

>Lindybeige turned out to be a pedo

Pretty sure someone has to watch his videos for them to be btfo'd by them.


hes a nigger but i still sub tho

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His voice and cadence are literally nightmarish, it makes me want to punch my own eardrums just listening to a second of that contrarian, pseudo-intellectual shitlord.

he definitely is a furry

his channel icon and his intros are literally his fursona, a fucking bear viking. Hes always wearing furry shirts in his videos.

Just as bad as lindy beiege and shadversity & metatron.
Lindy seriously makes me sperg out.
He's such a fuck.
Who's the other one? Schola gladitoria?
All of their content makes me want to die.

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Schola gladiatoria is based

Fuck you and your gay opinion

I kinda like him. I mean, I don't really like or sub ANYONE unless it's really amazing, but I'll watch a Skallagrim vid every once in a while if it looks interesting.

Same with lindybeige and hickock and all the rest.

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>We're not very deeply involved in the fandom at this point but we definitely have some connection to specific animals, we appreciate anthro art and we've enjoyed talking to the few furries we've encountered so far, which were nice, open-minded people. As you can tell from my avatar I'm a bear (not in the gay sense of the term ;)) and my spouse is a rattie.

Attached: furry.png (150x150, 34K)

Unironically liked his content. Was comfy and interesting, even though I'm not really into HEMA and don't own any swords. Thought he was a just a sensible libertarian leaning guy that moved to Canada to escape the cuckoldry of Europe due to his videos about stupid weapon bans and his pro firearm videos.

Unfortunately I stuck around to find out he's actually cringe neo-pagan, a furry and apparently also a literal cuck. His ugly as fuck wife is some sort of feminist psychologist also into paganism and black cock.

I read somewhere he's not even Norwegian, he's a guilt ridden German LARPing as a Norwegian LARPing as as some anthropomorphic viking bear.

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He still seems to have a good heart about it, but all the loot crate shit is killing him, Idk why people request that shit

Stop letting them in dumbass

Geneva convention doesn't say anything about gas

>he's 2 millimeters away from being a fedora tipper

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Any excuse I can get to post pic related is a welcome one.

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>retard fails to understand a simple sentence
no surprise

I mean is he real pedo or he just finds jailbait attractive

fuck off

Nice seething tardo

>Has Lindybeige turned out to be a pedo or something yet?
"Has" and the "?" indicate that this sentence is a question. This means the speaker is looking for knowledge others might have. "a pedo or something" is a part of the sentence because the speaker wants to know is the subject (Lindybeige) is known to be "a pedo or something", with the "or something" being the more important as it further implies that the speaker does not know is the subject (Lindybeige) is or is not "a pedo or something."

Hopefully after that short lesson, you are just that much closer to learning English! No matter your native language, English can be difficult for all learners, so don't get discouraged.

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Now read my question again brodude

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stop being retarded

Fuck off

He probably owns more weapons than you do, so he's objectively more Jow Forums than you are. Couldn't give less of a shit about his opinions on other matters or what he jacks off to.

Why don't you like Metatron?

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Nigga I was laughing at how brutally condescending was, not agreeing with the tripfag or pretending that he isn't on par with a 2nd grader in reading comprehension.

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Where is that user with the fetlife screencaps of his partner in grime Devrat?

His significant other literally gives people handjobs for money whilst wearing a rat mask.

Fuck off retard. Trips should be banned so these retards start using anime reactions as responses again.

You really should google that, in the last few years gun popularity has exploded In the non white community, specially with blacks.

Oink oink

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Massive homosexual, completely useless when it comes to content too. I'm pretty sure he bought most of his subs anyway.

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Wtf. Schola is godtier content. The guy knows his stuff. Also, "context"

If he's not Norwegian he has spent alot of time in norway because when using scandinavian words his pronounciation is way too good to be a german who larps. t.Swede

Skallagrim absolutely bought subscribers to hit 1mil. At 1.2 million subs he was averaging 50k views a video. And of course he's a furry cuck as everybody else already knows.