Is there a bias against ruger?

why do people hate ruger?

Attached: freedomfries.png (929x198, 127K)

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Bill Ruger was an anti-gun asshole is the reason as far as I know. There may well be more current reasons to hate them, but that's the big one I'm aware of.

Because it sounds like a nip with a krautgun

audibly kek'd

is it the same situation as sig sauer where it's really they want the monopoly on the gun market?

Lol who cares?

But once Bill croaked and his kids took over, they started making ARs and hi cap mags, so the general gun audience has forgiven them.

so if i buy a ruger i won't get shunned at the range?

>why do people hate ruger?

When did this happen? Outside of this board that is, where the mystical garbage rod reigned king until it crossed the 200 dollar threshold.

I've been into guns for 10 yrs and Rugers has always been thought of as the working mans gunco. Their guns aren't elegant, but they are affordable, reliable and durable.
I think they should stop making full sized pistols and start making lever guns.

What are you? Some faggot who cares what fudds think?

Ruger revolvers > Minis > their other offerings

Fudds agreed with Ruger, its zoomers who get asshurt he was pro-nfa

This is the reason, Bill was a faggot, but Bill also died before most of the people on this board were born, and the company did a 180 on his policies before his body was cold.
Ever since, they've been exemplary.

I laughed.


I don't think they do

A lot of people love their Budget ARs. Their revolvers are great. Most of their shit is good. If you don't want to spend a lot, but get a lot of capability, Ruger probably has you covered.

I still think they missed a huge opportunity to get into Lever rifles and pump shotguns when Remington was down in the dumps from 2011-2015/16. Huge market opportunity to come in with a pump shotgun to supplant the 870s with their horrible QC, and Marlins with their horrible QC. Oh well.

No. Ruger makes good products. In fact, I've never seen anyone make fun of anyone else at a range ever. Usually people are just happy you're exercising your constitutional duty/right.

I've actually got into more interesting conversations with people shooting cheaper stuff than more expensive stuff.

I think the stigma against Ruger is long gone. They make good products. Here's my 22wmr its a tac-driver I love it

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Supposedly Bill sent arms to Rhodies

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He wasn't rotten to the core (hell, he did some weapon designs of his own which weren't bad), he was just a fudd asshole.

because they refuse to make a mini 14 variant that takes ar mags

Nobody wants a Mini-14 with an ugly protrustion on the bottom to slap AR mags into. Stop being a fucking poorfag.

>stop making full sized pistols
Why do you want to put the slaves in Prescott out of work?

Used to be because Bill was a hyper fudd who wouldn't let anyone buy a mag over 10 rounds, now anyone who hates them is someone that doesn't like that people can get good guns for reasonable prices, or someone that can't get over Bill being a shit despite the man being dead and the company being totally different now

I’m not paying $50 a magazine for mini mags you fucking kike

So buy Tapcos, you fucking hobo.

tapcos are fucking gay you long nosed nigger

I fucked your mom with that long nose, I paid her a nickle and she worshiped me for my generosity.

The only people who shout about how the Mini should take STANAG mags are people who would never buy a Mini even if they did.

Bill Ruger masterminded magazine capacity limits.
Last I heard, Ruger was being forced to have a stockholder vote on whether to create a private firearms registry they'll turn over to the ATF at its request.

Did you mix them up with Colt? I don't think anyone hates Ruger..

Well then.

I don't know where you're looking, but Mini-14 mags can be had for like $32.... and they're steel.

I 350 odd bucks is a lot of money to you, I think you might be in the wrong hobby.

We hate(d) Ruger for its role in the 1994 AWB.

I have a chance to cop a gp100 with the 4" barrel for $500. Condition is pretty good. Yes or no?

7 shot or 6 shot?

The only people who still hate Ruger are the same kind of people that think a vintage 1960's Remington Wingmaster is the same quality level as a 870 Express; low-IQ imbeciles who do not understand that companies can and do change.

That's fine with me. If a lot of people are too stupid to realize when a thing is good and when a thing is bad, that's great! Demand stays low and I get a good price on a great gun.

Just like I did with this LC9s Pro.

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And what would that registry do, besides tell the government which dealers purchased ruger weapons?

You just plain don't think. I wonder how shocked you'll be to learn that people hold a grudge against Smith and Wesson, too!

Gosh, who knew all you had to do was couch a lot of ad hominems in with your assumptions masquerading as arguments and suddenly you can feel like you win EVERY argument.

I'm not arguing. I'm just stating facts.
You can bash yourself against them all you like, but they're just facts. You can't change them, you can only change your mind.

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>9mm luger
>it’s a ruger
they made a typo on their gun

I don't hate ruger, I just don't care for most of their guns as there are other companies making guns in the same categories they do that I like more. I do own a 10/22, but only because it was a really good deal.

Yeah I think that's why I got such a discount.

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>Bill Ruger masterminded magazine capacity limits.
Bill Ruger is also dead, and they shat on that part of his legacy pretty hard.

>Last I heard, Ruger was being forced to have a stockholder vote on whether to create a private firearms registry they'll turn over to the ATF at its request.
Is that so? Can you provide a source on that?

The fact that Henry's have been so successful and the Marlin 1894 CST got a lot of coverage and hype when it was announced should have been a clear sign to Ruger that they need to bring back the 96 series.
Who doesn't want a Mare's Leg in 22lr with 25 round magazines or even a drum? Ruger would have a money printer if they brought the 96/22 back and made a 96/357.

>they shat on that part of his legacy pretty hard
On their end. It's firmly in Dianne Feinstein's mind until she graces us with her death.
I was wrong, they were forced to put a "gun safety report" out on what they're doing to "mitigate harm associated" with their products.
The report demand was pushed after Parkland to create an argument that gun companies are responsible for some faggot reducing the population of people with more of a life than him.
It's pretty obvious the nuns who pushed it are salty Ruger and American Outdoor didn't say "our bad".

6 shot,I didn't even know they made a 7.

>private firearms registry
Yeah, that would pretty much be impossible. Once a manufacturer sells inventory to a wholesaler, they really have no way of knowing where it goes after that.

Both Ruger and American Outdoor say just that in their reports, but the nuns who pushed for this responded with "I don't get it. Drug companies can do this shit, so why can't you?"
This is all just a thinly veiled attempt to push for repealing the PLCAA and forcing everyone to use smart guns.

Yup. Every great moral system, whether religious or not, includes some kind of me mechanism for repentance and forgiveness. They have to. If there’s no incentive for improving one’s behavior, then nobody will ever do it.

Ever tried any of their cowboy revolvers? I think they're quite nice, particularly the one which can shoot 9mm Luger with a conversion cylinder, very appealing given the prices even .38 Special can exhibit sometimes.

Attached: Blackhawk Convertible, .357 Magnum + 9mm Luger.jpg (1024x531, 58K)

That's unusually smart from coming outta you, Zed.

>he comes to an anonymous imageboard to post with a name and a tripcode
>he calls other people imbeciles

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He's a known idiot around here, but a broken clock is right twice a day.

I'm just saying, if someone set up a machine that reads through Jow Forums's name and tripfags, then cracks and posts their tripcodes, I'd buy the dude a brand-new H&K pistol.

I'd buy him one of their cool old rifles.

Same, although I think Ruger makes the best single-action revolvers. I prefer DA/SA revolvers myself, but if I were buying a single-action, I'd buy Ruger.

Their quality control is non-existent. People often reply by pointing out that their customer service is excellent and that they will pay to have your gun shipped to them and back, but you're, in my experience, almost certainly going to be required to have to use that customer service if you buy one of their products new.

When did that start happening?

Hasn't been my experience.

I've got a new Vaquero in .45LC. It's actually really high quality. The part fitment is excellent. honestly, the fit and finish is right up there with some other brands that charge $1,200 for an 1873 repro. Sure, it's not 100% period accurate, but it has a lot of small features that quite honestly make it a better gun.

I'm not sure I'd say they make the best SAs, but they're good.
I was about to say that USFA makes the best 1873 clones, but then I remember they wanked their entire company away on that stupid plastic deathtrap and I got sad.

What companies make the best authentic style copies these days?
Ruger makes a good modern interpretation, the same goes for Freedom Arms and Magnum Research, excellent Big Irons, but not particularly authentic.

>Sure, it's not 100% period accurate, but it has a lot of small features that quite honestly make it a better gun.
Well yeah, it's a modernized take on the 1873.
Some people complain about how it affects the trigger, but I honestly think the transfer bar is an excellent addition from a utilitarian perspective (safely carrying six), and I love the adjustable sights on the Blackhawk, and the caliber options.

Only if it's pre-2000. No good revolvers have been made since the turn of the century. Pic related, my 6" gp100 from 1987. S&W .500 for scale.

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What the fuck are you talking about you fucking boomer faggot?
Ruger's QC improved after Bill died, if anything.

>thinks he's Anonymous.
ohhh tee hee. Yeah, youre the imbecile alright.

I think I'll samefag as user, send you my tripcode, get my H&K... then just make a new tripcode and carry on.

You're a dumbass lol.

Wait are you really zed?
I swear I haven't seen you for couple years

I kinda left for a while, it got old. You kind of outgrow Jow Forums, you know?

I'm just back to goof off a little. Not sure if I will stay or not.

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t. boomer trying to arbitrarily mark up his gay gunbroker listing

True enough.
Still waiting for my time to leave. Sigh.

You'll know it's time when you come here more of habit than of enjoyment.

I hate Ruger because they won't offer a RAR (at all) or the 77/17 in 17 WSM with a fucking threaded barrel.

At this point I'd take a .22 or 17 Hornet factory threaded.

22 auto loaders> revolvers> mini > anything

For years now. Between my father, my brother in law, and myself we've bought 8 new Ruger firearms in the past 5 or so years. 6 of them had to be sent back to the factory for repairs. Of those 6, only 2 were properly fixed on the first time back. Of the 4 that had to be sent back to the factory more than once to be fixed, 2 had to be replaced entirely. They're your typical corporation that pumps out shit in high volume with little to no QC; they just hope that most people don't actually use their firearms enough to notice something is wrong with them.

There stuff is often considered lower tier quality. It really is too. I worked at a fun shop for 4 years and had ridiculous amounts of returns for their:
LCP gen 1 ( used to literally fall apart under normal range use with reasonable ammo)

GP100 .357 (consistent issues with cylinders going out of time or small springs breaking)

MK 3, 4 .22 series ( .22s in general didn't seem to hold up very well but these shit the bed.)

AR 556 (5 out of five had the front sight gas blocks come loose in only a couple of mags)

Their 10/22 and PC9s did well for us. Most of their guns were of definitely inferior quality and would often ship rusted and were subject to numerous "voluntary upgrades" which were simple recalls.

He's actually not wrong. Revolvers made today are done without any craftsmenship whatsoever.

I would strongly disagree with this. Like I said in a previous post I sent back 5 out of 5 of their AR 556 rifles before we stopped carrying them.

I wish I still had access to the company logs but I'd guess we sent back 2or 3 of every 10 LCP we ever sold. Granted they seem to have had better luck with th LCP 2. I'm far from impressed by the lack of QC by that company.

Anything bad about the Ruger precision? I'm considering one and am acutely aware its at the lower end of the precision rifle market, but kind of hope its decent.

Again, hasn't been my experience, and it's not what I usually hear. If you still have problems, take it up with their customer service.

That because your shop only carried shit.

This is that shit you always read online and never see in real life.

There are people who post these made-up stories against every brand of everything, everywhere.

I'm willing to bet that the 7 to 8 of those 10 LCP pistols you sold had a decent portion of them also defective, but the owners just didn't bother to actually take their pistols out to shoot. I'm convinced that firearm corporations like Ruger rely on this fact to pump out their garbage at a profit.

t. samefagging boomer

>I worked at a fun shop for 4 years
Yeah, trained monkeys working the counter sure have the best insight into guns.

I'm 100% not just shitting on Ruger to be a douchebag or anything. I've genuinely just bought a ton of new Ruger products and struck out on almost everything I've bought from them. I'll go through a list of the different firearms, if that does anything to convince you I'm not just a troll.
>1: Ruger GP100 (6 inch barrel 6 shot stainless steel). After ~200 dry fires the trigger stopped returning forward without manually pushing it forward. It was fixed on the first trip back to the factory.
>2: My Dad's Ruger SP101 (Wiley Clap). Same trigger return issue as my gp100. It returned back from the factory both with the issue reappearing after another ~200 dry fires and also with a huge scratch on the frame where clearly someone at the factory let the hammer pivot pin slide along the frame to create a perfectly circular scratch on the frame. It was then sent to a manager at the plant and returned from the factory fully-fixed the second time.
>3: My SP101 (3.06" barrel 5 shot .357 magnum). It had the same trigger return issues as the other revolvers, wasn't fixed on the first trip back from the factory, and somehow the hammer pivot pin (a part which should be so loose as to almost fall out of the gun with the grips off and the hammer strut assembly removed) was stuck in the frame so hard that the part actually bent when I attempted to remove it with a screwdriver for leverage. This gun was replaced entirely by Ruger, and then its replacement had trigger return issues and therefore had to be sent back to the factory. The replacement SP101 was then fixed on its first trip back from the factory.
>4 My dad's GP100 (22lr 5.5" barrel)
Same trigger return issues as the other revolvers. It was fixed on its first trip back from the factory
>5 My Vaquero (.357 magnum stainless steel 5.5" barrel) They installed a spring/plunger in backwards (instead of spring then plunger sticking outwards they did plunger in backwards then spring). I sent it in for them to remove/fix.

>6: My first 10/22 (Classic V rifle. It's a "sporter" model). The front sight was so loose in its dovetail that it few off the gun from recoil. They sent me a new front sight in the mail, but I quickly replaced it with some Skinner peep sights.
>7: My second 10/22 is one of the two Ruger firearms that worked perfectly from the factory. I don't know if its front sight was installed properly because I replaced it with some Skinner peep sights before I ever shot the thing, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it would have worked fine.
>8: My sister's 10/22 worked fine, but one of her BX-25 magazines had an issue.
>9 (actually 9 not 8, my bad) My brother in law's 10/22 also worked fine from the factory.
Actually 6/9 with an issue not 6/8. Whoops. Still bad though. Pic is of my GP100.

Attached: Ruger gp100 (polished).jpg (4802x1873, 3.11M)

You mean people stopped doing shit like the Colt Python, which was ludicrously inefficient in cost, required outright tribal knowledge to be made, and is notorious for timing issues.

Ruger does revolvers like they've done them since always, they make investment castings, finish them with CNC machines, then heat treat them to get the right tensile strength, and if anything they're better at it now then they were in the past, compare the strength and lockup of their old Security Six to a modern day GP100 or Super Redhawk, not to mention the quality control.

they make garbage

Most guns don't tolerate huge amounts of repeated dryfiring, fuckhead, why aren't you using snapcaps?

Poorfags wouldn't know about Korth

Seriously, Ruger doesn't have the clout to force distributors to force their dealer customersto submit copies of every 4473 with a new Ruger on it.
Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
>t. FFL desknigger

1: They're Ruger firearms. With very, very few exceptions, Ruger firearms are safe to dry fire. It even says in the instruction manuals for all of the revolvers I bought that not only is it safe to dry fire the firearms, but they actually encourage doing so to smooth out the trigger pull.
2: Dry firing, if it does damage a firearm, would damage the firing pin. It wouldn't cause trigger reset issues as I had on every single double-action Ruger revolver my family and I have purchased.

Hey now, not that monkey but some of us other trained monkeys actually take advantage of our position and learn about guns first hand. Hell, some of us even shoot guns once in a while.

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If KAC, LMT, NOVESKE, BCM, LWRC, is all shit than yeah we fucking sucked

I have some armorer certs but I'm not acting like a know it all. I'm saying that our large sample size provided poor results.

Other brands, CZ, Glock, S&W, Some FN and Beretta pistols did amazingly well with few to zero returns even outselling Ruger and being shot considerably more.

We were fortunate enough to have over 60 rental pistols and the above mentioned were shot a ton! I lm talking like a couple thousand rounds every week and we kept them for a year. The above mentioned brands all did great but I never had any ruger pistol make it through that year without numerous returns. Also 5 for 5 Ruger rifle returns has nothing to do with any lack of training I had, simply a quality control issue.

No, actually they seemed pretty good from the probably 6-10 I sold. Only issue I saw was rust that was fairly easy to remove on the barrel. This was consistently a thing with their precision series. Also they had one bolt upgrade but they new gems ought to be good to go. Most of my customers talked about how accurate they were but their level of experience or expectations are varying.

The Ruger precision is amazing for the price. Watched my boss piss off a lot of people with 7k custom rifles with his 2k set up. Granted that's partially the difference between someone who thinks spending money makes you a better shot being actually practiced..

Ruger = pooger?