Nose art thread

Attached: A-10_nose_art_06.jpg (900x606, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 0 1 35th FG Mustang.jpg (1305x949, 161K)

Attached: Big_Nigger_nose_art_-_DC-3_-_Catamia_-_Sicily_-_Oct_43-685x475.jpg (685x475, 22K)

Attached: 290116-48.jpg (600x416, 103K)

what the fuck is that gun?

I think it was an attempt at a thompson
reminds me of the riot shottie from new vegas tho

Attached: RiotShotgun.png (2000x656, 682K)

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Attached: IMG_0672.jpg (700x517, 72K)

Attached: IMG_1516.jpg (600x800, 252K)


Attached: IMG_0671.jpg (640x299, 59K)

Attached: IMG_0843.jpg (1024x485, 89K)

when people draw stuff from memory without references they tend to forget details and stuff, user

Attached: 1530371832724.jpg (732x468, 126K)

Attached: IMG_3007.jpg (3020x2016, 1.81M)

Attached: IMG_0464.jpg (1280x854, 672K)

Attached: IMG_1517.jpg (900x720, 108K)

Carefull, tranny jannies banned me for this one before

Attached: IMG_3390.jpg (2700x1949, 1.32M)

Who does the nose art? How do you decide who gets to have nose art??

Attached: 1560815905493.jpg (480x360, 24K)

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Attached: IMG_0807.jpg (1640x976, 153K)

Attached: IMG_0835.jpg (700x525, 97K)

>Who does the nose art?
you have to do it yourself
>How do you decide who gets to have nose art??
you have to ask for permission and if they don't like you they tell you no

US Airfags banned it decades ago

Is this real?

Attached: Dus_x0MU0AE51RO.jpg (1200x739, 155K)

>T I G E R S

>Begone, you foul sky demons!

I want a plane with Toobs on it.

New planes in old camos make me harder than Tungsten

Attached: F18 Navy.jpg (600x375, 31K)

Imagine if these were the planes hijacked on 9/11...

Attached: 1568608200633.jpg (386x486, 250K)

Attached: 1554779601357.jpg (800x482, 162K)

Attached: 1548902277410.jpg (737x843, 89K)

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>she couldnt wait

Attached: 1554599850241.jpg (583x583, 33K)

Some one better

Attached: dropit.jpg (2560x1440, 1.08M)


It is. Think it's from a buff outa Barksdale after DS or OIF

Attached: TopBun.jpg (400x323, 17K)