Why are nations still investing in large surface warships if AShM are so advanced?

Why are nations still investing in large surface warships if AShM are so advanced?

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I get it, OP. It's a Chink thread. You had me for a second.

Because countries plan to use the ships to bully nations without AShM. Its all Tranny navy ever does lol.

because you overestimate the threat
because peacetime
because a missile can't deploy marines, locate and hunt pirates and provide a show of force thousands of miles away.

Because they're a pretty good platform for launching anti ship missiles.

Because where else do you launch those missiles from

Because the capabilities of most AShMs are vastly overstated.

>t. Aircraft Carrier Sailor

Okay bud

Because you still need something to carry the AShMs.

This. Also, having a mobile launch platform for missiles is a good thing.