Is this the best way to store ammo?
Is this the best way to store ammo?
Best way to store ammo is sealed container 7ft under ground.
A thread died for this dumb question
Are you fucking retarded? Premeditated murder would be leaving your garage door open and shooting the first idiot who walks inside. Storing ammo in a metal box isn't gonna make the jury think you're a fucking murderer, it's gonna make them think you have a hard on for military shit
Can with air tight seal, with silica gel packs inside.
what if i paint the ammo can "SJW Rainbow Pride" and accidentally mixed up my stamp collection with my ammo?
Lol you took it so hard.
Anyone who buys real military ammo cans obviously wants to commit violence like the military they glorify. Hunters and sportsmen only use eco-friendly wooden crates to store their ammo.
Are you stupid? Wanting to preserve ammunition is a clear sign that you want to stockpile weapons and ammo for use in a future massacre. If you ever get involved in a defensive shooting they'll nail you for sure.
Oh hey I was wondering when you'd be back. Good luck getting more (You)s this time, I know it petered off towards the end there.
can ammo be stored in a shed (successfully) that gets up to 120F during the summer?
If it’s time to bury your guns, then it’s time to dig them up.
No. Plastic ammo cans are lighter, cheaper, and plenty durable for basically every use a civilian would have for ammo storage.
Big fan of .30 cal cans for range trips and .50 or ordinance ones for storage
I find the american made ones feel cheaper than the brown UK ones but can actually take more of a beating and the hinges don't wear out or bend as easily
Also they are cheaper by a large margin
Good job burgers
On ammo storage:
We've seen ancient shitty russian ammoboxes that were stored in sheds during massive humidity and temperature changes tested and fire nearly 70 years after they were placed. Any .50cal can with a proper seal and silica packet will long outlast you, and if stored in a cellar or temperature-regulated space, that ammo will likely be good for 200 years.
Modern brass-cased ammunition is of great quality and will last excellently in any storage condition, far better than 70yo russian surplus. But considering how well the Russian surp holds up, you can imagine how good modern brass-cased will do. Nothing fancy has to be done just ensure that the seal on the can is good.
inb4 that guy who thinks ziploc bags are the ideal storage solution
I recently had to store 20k rounds 7.62x39.
I considered a couple different ideas. 50cal cans, 40mm cans, 20mm cans, bags, drums.
Eventually came up with the idea of home depot bulk cling wrap and silica packs.
I did a trial run with one case of ammo, and found it to be waterproof and airtight. I just cling wrapped the cardboard box of 1000rounds with cling wrap and a couple color indicating silica packets inside. This is the storage method I eventually went with.
This. Put the ammo on stripper clips and throw in a few charging spoons for bonus points, and maybe a spare mag or two.
In your enemy
I guess this is a good place to ask. I bought an ammo can online and it doesn't have the rubber seal, is there anything I can do? Can I buy a new seal, or something that will fit and do the job?