Its not and never has been about just the AR15 or AK47(styled) rifles.
Its not and never has been about just the AR15 or AK47(styled) rifles
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Is that even true? I thought it was Vermont.
>sniper rifle
Oh that makes it sound scary, and I’ve used one of those in Call of Duty
VT has a lot of suicide by firearm
No shit. Everybody with a braincell knows that if you are serious about defending your rights, you go .50cal, in order to completely overwhelm personal body armor and threaten engine blocks.
Anything less is only fit for defending against random thugs and home invasions.
to be fair, pretty much every .50 cal bolt rifle is a 'sniper rifle'
>Mass has the lowest gun death rate
Something tells me this is bullshit
It is. VT, NH and Maine all have lower murder rates than mass. They are purposely mixing in suicides as usual to inflate numbers to fit their claims.
No one tell them about 12ga slugs - .73 caliber
it's probably true. mass is fairly homogeneous and one of the few states that haven't gone completely godless yet. they are fundamentally puritan and still somewhat bound by protestant values
not sniper rifle wut?
You've never been in that shithole or ever dealt with a flatlanders have you?
Mass is a shitty egotistical authoritarian money stealing shit hole that has no value for individual rights and even tries to enforce their taxes and laws on citizens outside of their state borders.
The only thing Massachusetts deserves is for all their fucking transplants to be rounded up and sent back, then after they all land in boston a fucking nuclear apocalypse being done on every inch if its soil.
How many people died from .50 in murka in a last decade?
>mom found the modifiable magazine
Any long gun with a stock and pulling bolt is a sniper gun to your (((owners))) regardless of caliber
Is this a joke?
fuck, i wish i could afford a barrett. when i worked at gander mountain they had a single box of 20 .50 BMG for 150$.... PSA.50 when
>boston globe
>opinion piece
No wonder Stalin purged these bastards so much.
That isn't what matters. What's important is no one has access to these weapons of war!
Reminder that the Jew fears the Barrett. Buy one while you still can
>oh no they’re going to shoot inanimate objects!!!
And they keep voting Democrat Leftist because learning from the mistakes of others is hard.
it is bullshit.
Gepard GM6 Lynx is better and cooler.
has anyone been murdered in the us with a .50 bmg rifle?
Zero. Few people even own those anyway. The left just wants to errode gun rights in whatever way possible. The average bolt action hunting rifle is next, as the next "evil sniper rifle that can kill someone from 1km away"
My first Boogaloo dream is to burn all of Mass to the fucking ground. Let it be a DMZ between us and the rest of the country.
turns out their overall murder rate is still 3 per 100,000, which is basically identical to many places with very relaxed gun laws.
>leftists think metal is people now
Am I supposed to care about an inanimate object being shot?
It won't end at .50 cals. Anti hunt lobbyists pushed the sniper maymay too here. We all know 30.06 can go far, but all accidents happened at close range and because people didn't follow safety procedures. Nothing will stop them and facts be damned.
Mass doesn't have a lot of gun crime because gun crime is black crime and Mass doesn't have a lot of blacks.
Even sadder considering MA was basically the start of the Revolutionary War.
no sher, shitlock.
It is about entrenched capital disarming the people.
Remember when Giffords wanted to ban .50 caliber muzzleloaders?
>anti hunt lobbyists
I want to say that I am still baffled over just how fucking stupid some people are, but I really am not.
Nice bait
>AK47(styled) rifles
No such rifles.
so how many violent crimes have been committed with those scary 50cal rifles in Massachusetts?
i'd bet at least one bubba an heroed by blowing up his gun handloading it
None, but any day now a madman could just walk into a gun store and buy one and use it to snipe kids outside a school! You don't want that to happen, do you?
i wonder if theres a reason they specifically wrote "can shoot an engine block". seems odd
They think a car would explode if you shoot it enough just like those movies and tv shows. I’m not trying to be funny unfortunately, that line of thinking is genuine.
What do people say about it?
Are there any mags for it larger than 10 rounds?
They are specifically worried about armed rebellion against the privatized interests of money creation.
>sniper rifles
Remember when (((they))) said that hunting guns were fine? It was the black tactical rifles that go bambambambambam when you pull the trigger that hey we’re looking to “regulate” now they’re coming for our deer rifles
No step on 458 socom pls
why do you need mags larger than 10rds for 50 cal?
not even in a legislative meaning but from a pragmatic standpoint what the fuck would be the point?
like sure a 100rd mag for your AR15 is fun but it's highly impractical and you shouldn't ever use it in a situation where you're exchanging fire
I'm willing to bet no one has ever been murdered with a .50bmg rifle in the US.
They're actually scared of a rebellion.
Watch; they will shoot a plane down with AP/Incendiary ammo in a false flag. Then people will have been killed, and a federal ban will ensue. The zionist terrorists who have been getting their way from terrorist attacks catalyzed by their fuckery (no matter how conspiracy theorist you get, looking at history) can demonize and outlaw literally anything.
One of the first seasons of First 48 someone got killed by a .50 Desert Eagle
it's not about guns, it's about control.
I bet someone could guess the authors last name in less than 5 tries.
Early to rise; early to fall
>can demonize and outlaw literally anything.
This is only true so far as people let them do it. Money isn't power; power is power. If you start dropping people, things shift. Only by rolling over can they do whatever they want. The Taliban shows the way forward.
Always wondered what the size was for 12-guages.
I'm guessing it's a Cohen this time.
All of this talk of snipper riffles makes me curious. When are they going to start talking about regulating optics?
Anything that would make a paramilitary/guerilla force more successful at the kind of operations and tactics that the Taliban have used to destroy the bankrupt JewSA, will be targeted for regulation. Their privatized counterfeiting operation cannot survive scrutiny and you'll find many wars in the past century have their roots directly in a burgeoning awareness of that system.
People in Boston don't even like the government in Boston. Its corporations writing these laws.
Don't worry, they're going to get to those eventually
12 gauge foster slugs can't even penetrate NIJ Level II soft body armor, and kick like a horse you're trying to fuck. .50 BMG has 10-12 times the muzzle energy of the most powerful 12ga slug ammo, concentrated into a solid, long, boat tail spitzer projectile. Standard ammo can penetrate several Level 4 rifle plates at once or destroy equipment with ease. And that's just FMJs. They sell any AP/Incendiary/Match/Explosive ammo that can penetrate and destroy a whole lot more, because .50 BMG doesn't apply to AP ammo laws like .223/.308, since the ATF hasn't decided it can be loaded into a commonly available handgun.
.50 BMG rifles loaded with the right ammo can destroy fuel/oil depots, aircraft, ground vehicles, generators, comms equipment, infrastructure, etc. They're scared.
California already has a "sniperscope" law that makes possession of a night vision scope, a misdemeanor. California and similar high gun control states are a model for federal cohen acts. Therefore, a "sniperscope" law that makes possession of a night vision scope, a misdemeanor, is a model for a federal cohen act.
They're already wanting to ban body armor so it's not far off at all desu.
The US Army's 6.8 AP ammo project is about killing American citizens who have wised up to the Sumerian swindle.
Oh boy I can't wait for these idiots to attack gun rights even harder
Let's see how far this goes
It's funny to me how every internet and media company has an interest in china so they push their shit here
yeah this makes sense. preemptive strikes as it were
Devil’s advocate answer here. Theoretically a shooter could block off a highway by killing the engines of a couple semis or other such vehicles. Truck’s engine gets fucked and stalls in the middle of the road, causing absolute hell for traffic
>every .50 cal bolt rifle is a 'sniper rifle'
No, they are anti-materiel rifles at that caliber. Completely illegal for sniping under the Rules of War.
>i was targeting his government-owned belt buckle
The Globe, lying by omission? Sayitaintso.
>Completely illegal for sniping under the Rules of War.
Where do idiots like you get these ideas?
>They sell any AP/Incendiary/Match/Explosive ammo that can penetrate and destroy a whole lot more, because .50 BMG doesn't apply to AP ammo laws like .223/.308, since the ATF hasn't decided it can be loaded into a commonly available handgun.
You can buy AP and incendiary in .50BMG without a tax stamp for each round?
>.50 BMG rifles loaded with the right ammo can destroy fuel/oil depots, aircraft, ground vehicles, generators, comms equipment, infrastructure, etc. They're scared.
They're always scared. People who lack the discipline to handle weapons project their psychopathy onto everyone else.
My understanding is .50BMG is technically for anti-materiel and considered to large a caliber to deliberately target soldiers.
I can see you're new to how leftism works.
Nope. The undue suffering clause you're referencing refers to things like chemical weapons and plastic mines.
I lived there for 15+ years. You have no idea what you're talking about. Massachusetts is lightyears better than California, Washington, Oregon, etc.... Explain to me specifically what tax laws you have an issue with. Mass has a very modest state income tax, very modest sales tax, and doesn't have any obscene fuel taxes. In fact Mass has some of the lowest taxes in the entire country. I assume you aren't talking about throwback/throwout rules in which case you'd have a slight point but it still pales in comparison to the retarded Business & Occupation shit you see pulled everywhere else in the country
>In fact Mass has some of the lowest taxes in the entire country
It's number 21 in effective tax rate based on income. Fucking DC has a lower effective tax rate than Mass.
fuck. forgot image.
It's also number 9 in total tax revenue. It's not a "modest" tax state when compared to its population.
Just to demonstrate the power behind the round. Basically
>If this can destroy an engine block, imagine what it could do to a person!
And they have to pull that out, because they can't refer to actual instances of it being used against a person
>You can buy AP and incendiary in .50BMG without a tax stamp for each round?
Absolutely. The 'tax stamp for each round' rule is only relevant to destructive devices, EG: 40mm grenades with a high-explosive payload in them.
> In fact Mass has some of the lowest taxes in the entire country
Are you that same smoothbrain from a week or two back that was having a meltdown over people shitting on NYC and unironically accusing everyone of being a "flatlander" and red stater"?
Didn't Barrett develop their rifles for the civilian market and the military wanted in?
I don't think it matters if people really belive it or not, they spread irrational fears and once politicians or lobbyists smell the masses they shit out a law. Here's the kind of shit being published.
kys goatfag boomer
I'm suddenly reminded of that "range rules" thread where the fudds operating it banned the use of any rifle on their 100yd range that did not have a scope with a 3 power minimum.
Cool beans.
Time to save my shekels for a Barrett. Too much fun to pass up.
>accusing everyone of being a "flatlander" and red stater"
You can always tell someone who's not from northern New England if they don't understand what a flatlander is.
I'm in Vermont and everytime I hear it I want to punch an infant.
I’m a Jew and it’s my favorite gun. Get bent outta shape brown got compensating for lack of whiteness on the net.
I'm from Maine originally and I sling it in everyone's face anytime I need some whoopass in an argument. The fact is that it's truly and properly reserved for fucking Massholes but is broadly applicable to anyone from Away.
>hilarious that someone would try to apply it to bros from flyover states
Whats the deal with plastic mines? So a metal detector can't pick up the pieces? Or is it more sinister
>The fact is that it's truly and properly reserved for fucking Massholes
The people I most often hear use the term are from that Orwellian hellscape of a state, which is yet one more reason to consider them subhuman.
Did you restain the stock? Not bad
They have zero self-awareness. I'm so glad I got out, ten years in Boston was six too many.
>I could never trust myself with a gun
>might get mad and shoot someone
>so you can't be trusted with one either
>we're like totally not racist
>locks car doors when driving into downtown
How do you think the USAS 12 and Street Sweeper became destructive devices?