For a minimalist/budget survival weapon, would a 22lr weapon, like pic-related, be fine or would a 12 gauge shotgun be better? In the case of a shotgun, semi or pump?
For a minimalist/budget survival weapon, would a 22lr weapon, like pic-related...
what do you want to do with it?
Survival? A single or double barreled 12ga shotgun, with an assortment of birdshot, buckshot, and slugs
For general survival purposes (Hunting/gathering, etc), assuming you don't live in an urban area such as in my case.
i would never buy a .22. In my experiences its only real funktion is as sharpshooting training.
OP you really need to get an AR with an ACOG, IR laser designator, and two flashlights, one white, one IR. Also, you're going to need at least 10 magazines for a proper loadout, which means you'll need load bearing equipment. Make sure your magazines are loaded with a good mix of AP and tracer ammo, you never know when you're going to need to set a gas tanks on fire haha anyway since you're already wearing LBE you might as well get a plate carrier and some good plates (not that garbage shit from china) and that's just your primary firearm I haven't even started on your sidearm yet but I think the best one of all would be a Glock 19 and you're going to want to have at least 5 magazines for that make sure they're loaded with the best JHP ammo you can find Black Talons are best if you can get them and oh yeah you're going to need magazine carriers for those you should probably get the kydex ones that hold the mags upside down for faster indexing and loading you really can't stress magazine changes too much you're going to want to practice that one in the mirror A LOT lol also a good pair of 5.11 pants and some kneepads you know you're going to be moving a lot in a SHTF scenenario if you're not moving you're shooting if you're not shooting you're communicating if you're not comminucating you're drinking water fast is slow slow is quick quick is deadly oooo raah i got a 10 on my ASVAB gunny says i'm gonna be 11B for sure but i think i saw 92w on my paperwork haha lol probably just a mistake anyway i hope all this helps OP God Bless America thank you for your service.
12g semi if you can handle the recoil
12 or 20 ga shotgun, much more general purpose thanks to all the different shell types.
.22lr are for fun, but I wouldn't use them on an animal bigger than a gopher
Get a shotgun but not a semi like this autistic tripfag said but a pump so you can feed different shells in it
This. Simple, multiple use, reliable. If you by barrel inserts then you are good to go with multiple rounds.
Are you autistic?
>12 gauge
Without anything else, an hammer is always better than a small knife.
Are you dumb?
>questioning Zed
How new are you?
>hammer is always better than a small knife.
Unless the task at hand needs a small knife and not a hammer.
This. A 28"+, cylinder bore barrel in either 12 or 20 gauge. By altering your loads, shot weight, shot size, and wads you can hunt anything from woodcock to duck, from rabbit to elk, or even grizzlies.
.22lr has cheaper ammo per shot, but the gun is not as versatile as a shotgun.
5.56 is better tho
Maybe not budget, but certainly minimalist. one gun to rule them all so to speak.
12 gauge with slugs for dangerous game, buck shot for people, bird shot for birds.
.308 for medium game and people
.22 for varmints and small game.
Why not both?
He’s right you know
get one of those chiappa double badger combination guns, a break action 22lr and 20 gauge shotgun is a solid combination
>heh dude im gonna be wandering around da inna woodz in da shtf wit muh 22lr
only absolute brainlets think this. get real, you aint gonna be in the woods.
do this
this is the only 22 weapon you should be using
when/why would 20ga be preferable to 12?
No reason to use a cylinder bore. Slugs are more than happy to squeeze through chokes its the whole reason rifled slugs exist. Something like modified or improved cylinder is great.
Ammo weight, but your giving up a good bit of ammo availability.
This or the m6 with the x caliber kit. Gives you various combinations of 22lr, 22mag, 12 or 20 gauge, and the x caliber kit adding .380, 9mm, 40, .45, .357 Mag, .44 Mag, amd .410/ 45 LC
Get a 22 and a shotgun in one.
I'd get a 22lr.
The odds of needing it in a survival situation are rare, and you're more likely to practice with it than a bigger gun. Ammo is cheap too; a hundred bucks goes a looooong way in 22.
If there is a SHTF situation it will take down a two legged mammal. For food you should learn snares and traps instead of counting on shooting food.
The only reason I have a 12 gauge is deer hunting.
they don't make double badgers in 12 gauge or I'd say get one
Is it a Marlin 70…?
How about both?
A 12 gauge single shot shotgun, with an insert to fire .22lr, among other calibers. You really can't go wrong if you just want a simple, reliable food-getter boomstick. They are dirt cheap too. I bought a used pardner 12gauge from Cabela's of all places for like $65 three years ago. Works fine
>M6 scout.
So erect now.
I like the 22lr. Its not as loud as a 12 gauge and in a survival situation won't attract as much attn. But the other guy is also right about learning to trap/snare animals. As far as it not being enough to hunt large animals dont worry about it, during the depression the large animals all but disappeared. Think more about faster breeding small animals, squirrel, rabbit, birds. You can also carry (not to mention afford) way more ammo than 12 gauge. And no one wants to get shot with ANY caliber round. Yeah, if i could only own one rifle it would be 22lr. And that 795 you pictured isnt a bad choice. But personally id get the model 70p "papoose" since it breaks down into a smaller package for hiding/traveling.
Im sorry 10/22. Its late here.
Are defense against people or large animals a concern? If not then go with the .22 rifle or even a target style .22 pistol (Ruger MK, Browning Buckmark, etc.). Anything too large for you to reliably take with .22lr will just be a massive waste of meat as even deer can be reliably taken with .22lr so long as you're careful with your shot placement.
>deer can be reliably taken with .22lr
Yeah, that's how poachers tend to do it. You don't need anywhere near the cartridges hunters use these days to reliably take deer. Consider that in the late 1800s/early 1900s .32-20 was quite popular for deer, and it would throw a 100 grain bullet at about 1300 FPS or a 115 grain bullet at about 1200 FPS from a rifle. There are hunters to this day that use old rifles chambered for .32-20 that they inherited because they still work just fine.
>.32-20 was quite popular for deer, and it would throw a 100 grain bullet at about 1300 FPS or a 115 grain bullet at about 1200 FPS from a rifle.
yeah, 22 lr is around that fps with a like 40 grain bullet, 22lr cant "reliably" take deer. 22lr being a deer poaching round is fuddlore, as is 22lr being able to take deer reliably.
this guy seems based
>what are headshots
Get good.
10/22s are like 10moa guns, good luck hitting a deers brain lmao. 22 lr probably wont even penetrate a deers skull reliably.
Those are both really solid options.
A .22 is capable out to 100 yards, and you can carry about 500 rounds in your average 16oz. water bottle. They're very easy to suppress, and excellent for small game. Their biggest downside is that they simply lack power. A .22 to the dome will kill a man, but anywhere else isn't likely to stop him, or even slow him down.
On the other hand, a 12ga is incredibly versatile, it's utility almost purely defined by the ammunition you load it with. Birdshot will take small game on the ground or on the wing as well as fucking someones day up, buckshot is good for medium to large game as well as personal defense, and slugs will extend your range and power, allowing you to make hits on targets in excess of 100 yards, as well as putting down bears and most modern SUVs. They're biggest downside is that their ammunition is both bulky and heavy. don;t expect to fit more than 30 shells in your average cargo pocket, if you're lucky.
Ideally, you would have both in some capacity, most likely a 12ga pump with a .22 pistol, though I would recommend also packing pistol in something more potent, like a .357 revolver.
>10/22s are like 10moa guns
Wut? I can do that standing with my .22 pistol, and about 7 MOA with the very little practice I have sitting and resting the pistol on my knees. Again, get good.
>22 lr probably wont even penetrate a deers skull reliably.
It will. Deer don't have steel plates in their skulls or anything.
Tell this to my dad whose killed a handful of deer with a .22lr to the dome
And if you think they’re 10 moa guns, then you’re a 10 moa shooter. Get good, beta
>10/22s are like 10moa guns
That’s bait, but I’ll bite. My 10/22 is sub-moa - you just suck
Of course he is.
yeah ok elmer
Patterning is different for every guage, and each guage has it's own 'sweet spots', so to speak. 20 is lighter for ammo, has less recoil, is cheaper to reload, and generally makes for a much faster upland game gun than a 12. 20 with a slug can, and has taken elk, moose, etc. I see it as ideal for all circumstances.
Trying to swage a slug through a choke is asking for one of two things to happen : either A) your pressure spikes over a safe limit, and you get a barrel buldge, stress streak, or even a rupture. Or B) your accuracy is affected.
When using a shotgun with rifle sights, or a ghost ring, a home cast slug with a hollow base, paper patching, and a stout wad can preform better than a rifle within 60 yards on deer. 40 yards is about the limit of the area here.
Technically, yes - ethically, hell no. That's why poachers are so greatly hated. A lost deer to them is nothing.
for the love of god, do not try a head shot on a deer. I can't tell you how many wanna be rambos just end up shooting it in the jaw and letting is die of an infection later. Go with a lung-heart shot only, using a slug or a centerfire rifle.
Also, rimfire on deer is illegal in many places.
this is bait
this is how to take bait
What does 'take bait' mean. I am , for reference.
Depends on where you live. Anywhere with bears and moose is a solid no for 22. 12 gauge would be more versatile and can actually deal with them efficiently. Anything smaller than that and a precise headshot from a 22 is enough. Better put a scope on it.
If money isn't an issue I'd say a semi auto scoped 22 mag with great ammo would be good. More power, almost the same weight.
Honestly if it can fold/breakdown and fit in a backpack, that's an advantage entirely on its own and whether you want that gun to be a .22, 20 Gauge, or both is entirely up to personal preference seeing as SHTF is mostly hypothetical.
You can take small game with it. You can also buy a break-action combo with 12 or 20 ga. added on.
It's fine unless you're going to be somewhere that you'll have to worry about bears.
The most versatility will come from a break action single shot shotgun with a modified choke. I recommend a used H&R. Dirt cheap and well made. You can muzzle load it with black powder if you have primers and the base of an old shell. There are sub caliber inserts, though some are unrifled and leave something to be desired in terms of accuracy.
>pressure spikes
Yeah no that's not accurate at all. Rifled slugs are literally designed to go through chokes. Usually improved cylinder is recommended as it is more accurate with slugs than cylinder bore. user you need to get up on your shotgun game.
I'm only speaking for rifled slugs though.
You can ethically go much further than 40 yards without your meme set up.
Too add pretty much all slug manufacturers make rifled slugs safe to send through full chokes, but then your looking at bad accuracy
12 gauge is good for small things with birdshot like squirrel, rabbits, and birds, and big stuff like deer, people, dogs and whatever else with slugs or buck.
Buy a 22 magnum or 17
Another faggot trip fag who doesn't know what he's talking about. Outstanding. Every single one of you...
Take down is good, extremely portable. 22lr is pretty versatile, and you can carry 1000+ rounds with ease.
But I'd probably go with a shotgun if I was only taking on gun. You can have birdshot, buckshot, slugs. And take out anything from birds to bears.
Not an argument tardlord
hel yeh
Buy a pump shotgun (A Maverick 88 is good if you're on a budget) and a .22 pistol or revolver. a .22 sidearm can handle small game.
If you're poor the Heritage Rough Rider or new Ruger .22 single action can be had for $200 or less. For less than $500 in guns, you'll have a 12 gauge pump shotgun that can hunt virtually anything and defend you against critters or criminals and a .22 side arm that can bag small game for you and be concealed.
>discounting ammo
>discounting mags
>discounting maintenance kits
>discounting storage
>discounting gas prices
>discounting ammo
Reading comprehension not a strong suite ehh chief? I said "For less than $500 IN GUNS" IE money spent ON GUNS.
>discounting mags
I recommended a pump shotgun and a .22 revolver.
>discounting maintenance kits.
Again, I said "in guns" but yeah he should buy a cleaning kit.
>discounting storage
You're proposing he buy a safe to store a budget pump shotgun and a .22 revolver? Why?
>discounting gas prices
What the hell does that have to do with anything? I didn't count for the cost of his breakfast either.
>sharpshooting training
>Anywhere with bears and moose is a solid no for 22
psshhhhh a .22 would hit the bear and bounce around inside of that sucker a kill 'em dead!