Jesus Rifles

Where were you when you realized that Trijicon's now deceased founder decided that sights be inscribed their sights with biblical verses? Was listening to a video on the RX06 in the background when I heard the guy say "scriptures." Immediately was confused why he would be taking about scripture during a reflex sight review, so I tabbed back in and payed attention to what he was saying.

Apparently this is something Trijicon did and still does for their civilian sights, and now I am infinitely more interested in buying one then I was just hours ago. Also;

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in marine corps bootcamp

What happened that made you realize? You find out yourself, did someone show you, or was the controversy actually happening?

it was in 2014 so none of them had references anymore as far as i know, but one of the DIs mentioned it and I verified it on boot leave.

>Some Christian organizations spoke out against the practice

>Apparently this is something Trijicon did and still does for their civilian sights
That's pretty neat, not gonna lie. Even if I'm not super religious myself I can respect a man's devotion.

I've known for years now. It's not even some kind of huge secret, although a lot of the government contracts asked them to remove it going forward as a matter of policy.

Media made a big brundlefuck about it, but realistically most servicemen don't care or even find it vaguely comforting. At the end of the day Trijicon has a superb reputation because of the quality of their products, which is more important than anything you think of their religious ideas.

How is this controvetsial.

it could be construed as an endorsement of Christianity by a government that is supposed to remain impartial and 100% secular.

Acog says John 8:12
RMR says 1 Thessalonians 5:5

This is old news, dude.

When I got my new TR24 a few years back. Had no idea they put it on their optics. It's really cool, I think, because I am a believer. It has John 12:46 in the bottom.

>a government that is supposed to remain impartial and 100% secular.
Where did you get the idea that the US government is supposed to be secular? I'm pretty sure that a US court, possibly the supreme court, ruled not too long ago that the US government banning anything to do with religion in the government itself is a form of religious discrimination.

fucking worthless fundies

>100% secular
>In God We Trust

Samefag here...also, when ever you see someone going after Christians (in this case a company) it's almost always (((them))). Get saved lads. The end draws nigh.

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separation of church and state and the govt doing business with someone who is putting religious references on non-religious objects.
could be seen as biased to allow it.

you get lots of this in anything government in the US

actually (((they))) are God's chosen people and Christians are supposed to protect them and put them on a pedestal
t. my dad

Your dad is a goddamn evangelical boomer cuck

You're actually 100% right.

I got one with biblical passages warning of the hook nosed menace and their evils.

I don't necessarily like Christianity, but Christians are by far the most based group to be around. Atheists and pagans are almost universally leftist faggots. Muslims are half and half between leftist faggot and right wing race warrior (fighting for his own race, which means against me). Buddhists are almost non-existent, all western Asians are leftist faggots now (RIP rooftop Koreans). So what, I should fight against my few remaining allies?

I have nothing against Christianity. But it does bother me how it got hijacked into worshipping Ben Shapiro muh chosen people and self help bullshit. It's become more about worshipping Israel than Jesus. My gf's family is evangelical and I cringe all fucking day because they talk about how great jews are.

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How did so many boomers get brainwashed that jews aren't evil? They literally killed the savior, how is that not bad?

Things are getting better lads. It's been heartening to see my dad going from "THEY'RE THE ONLY DEMOCRACY IN THE REGION" to "FUCKING JEWBOYS TRYING TO GET US IN TO ANOTHER DESERT WAR" in the last 15 years.


Yeah it's pretty weird.
>They literally killed the savior, how is that not bad?
This is what gets me the most. Christianity is pretty much built on judaism being wrong and fixing those wrongs and Jews back then reacted accordingly to it and killed the prophet.
Somehow this translates into "This other religion that is completely incompatible with my own and explicitly denies God's son ever being a thing is to be protected by my own with the blood of my own."

I'll never understand it.

>Trijicon's now deceased founder decided that sights be inscribed their sights with biblical verses?
1000% based.

Our Lord and saviour made it quite clear he forgave those who killed him and his apostles were Jews. You do not believe in the Lord. You should however be fear the judgement that awaits you and rectify your ways

Most of the verses are scraped of the acogs that I know of. The few that I had issued were. Can't imagine how much time that must have taken to do.

There are sufficient drooling retards shitposting. You have no purpose you are an excess of stupid

I didn't say Christians should hate the jews, but I don't think it's their duty to protect "the chosen people" because that's retarded.
I was raised a Christian but decided it was shit in my late teens, revisited it as a young adult life and affirmed I was right the first time.
>his apostles were jews
Yeah there sure were a lot of nonjews to pick from.

>Everyone goes to the armory.
>Gets their rifle.
>Told to scrape off the bible verse reference.
>Go to turn rifle into the armory
>Armorer tells you it's dirty

if you look closely the reticle actually says “dead kike on a stick”

>get charged for damage to government property to boot

Evangelical Zionism is a Jewish-American psyop that goes back exactly 110 years.

What Trijicon sight can I put on an AK? I only see 223/556 acog options or 300 blackout and RMR I am not really seeing it shown on rifles, even the 3moa~ options

Well I never knew many young people who subscribed to it so hopefully it wanes in the coming decades.
Unfortunately this bullshit has led to Christians sacrificing their own interests in the name of jews, not even just israel but jews in general.
It's like an sect built around propping up jews and it blows my mind.

I was in Iraq
based Trijicon


How did that happen? My boomer father is also all "Hurr hurr we must protect the only democracy in the middle east, Isreal is our greatest ally" and I know he's smart enough to realize otherwise if led a bit, but I've no clue how to go about it.

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The world hates God so much they are furious over tiny numbers and letters inside of a serial number on an object they will never be in the same room with. Let it sink in.

If Jesus is a kike, then why do the Jews so fervently hate him? In Isreali public elementary schools, children are taught to use an inverted T rather than the plus symbol in math because it resembles a cross too much.

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>(((How is this controversial)))

The bible literally calls them the synagogue of satan. I don't understand how that's misconstrued

Constant low-key race realism plus attacks on Whiggish history. You will never have enlightened democracy with room-temp IQ sand niggers, so why are we even the time and money?

jews are taught to hate everyone

Because Atheists are fucking 14 year olds

On Snopes like 8 years ago. Old-ass news.

At this point you’ve gotta he fucking crazy to believe in God
>inb4 fedora memes
At least I’m not deluded enough to think there’s some dude up in the sky listening to me when I cope at night

When did christians become so bluepilled?


Matthew 15:8

its almost like we all had the same dad

I had one in boot that had the inscription ground off.

This is not what separation of church and state means.

He will return like a thief in the night

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Because the scandal came out during the middle of the War on Terror, and supported the leftist narrative that the war was a "crusade" against Islam.

muh dead kike on stick

Shhhh they're too far in to their beliefs to listen to some stranger on the internet tell them they're wrong. You're just making us look bad.

Where do they get the 14 year olds?

Products with bible verses are better. I won’t buy a nonblessed Trijicon. Thankfully they still inscribe all their commercial optics

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>he forgave those who killed him and his apostles were Jews
They were not Talmudic Jews.

You have no idea what your country is based on. It is 100% christian, the non interference amendment is there to prevent the government from privileging baptists over mennonites or something, but other religions have no rights. Got fuckall to do with a bible verse on a gun sight.

I heard about a decade ago about them being required to provide a kit to remove the references form military sights after a lawsuit.

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>Ruins the last line with a redundant that's

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That wasn't added until the 50s.

You had 2 chances to spell it right

this. every single mainstream christian church in the USA has been bought out at the top with billions of dollars by jews.
mormons. catholics. lutherans. presbyterian. methodist. you name it they take money from them at the top.

evangelicals are the worst. they would denounce christ if mr goldberg pays them enough.
which john hagee has done publicly already.

I read about it when the story broke. I still had my privately purchased RCO on my M4 while deployed because fuck leftists and fuck AQI.

>The ABC News story was initiated byMichael L. Weinstein

>100% secular
No, it's not. Where did you get that idea? There's a mandated separation of church and state, not state and spirituality.

>he forgave those who killed him
Of course. The Romans did nothing wrong.

Race realism, discussions on the origins of modern Israel (switched my dad's viewpoint of Israel in one weekend), if they're on the fake news train help them make connections between media coverage of Israel and (((who))) controls the media. Nothing racist. Nothing bigoted. Just the facts of the situation. "Well, Israel was installed as foreign power in Palestine by the West, it makes sense Palestinians would try to repel invaders." "How would that policy benefit us? How would it benefit Israel? What do we get out of it? Why should we shed American blood and spend our tax dollars to further a foreign state's interests with no benefit to us? Especially when they're a wealthy nation?" Etc.

>That wasn't added until the 50s.

The Bible is the rock on which this Republic rests - Andrew Jackson

pretty much.
Only the controlled opposition would be against that.

>he doesnt realize christianity were roman-era psyops that went a little too far.

christcuckery is controlled opposition

*roman era jewish psyops

t. godless pagan spazmo

go die for israel.

5.56 optics for 5.45 rifle and 300 BLK optics for 7.62 rifles.

>The Romans did nothing wrong
This but actually. The Jews were going to riot