22 Cal Rimfire Central

The most popular caliber ever.
Designed back in the Black Powder days. Still going strong.
BB Caps/ Shorts/Longs/LRs.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly:
What is your favorite?
What works best in your fun?
Which is the crappiest?

Remington / Winchester/ Federal /CCI / Aguila /Eley and others.

Bulk pack success and horror stories?

Also 22 fun thread. Post 'em.

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My favorite are mini mags and stingers of course

Am I a retard for having just recently spent ~$850 on a .22lr rifle? That's not including the scope, either. Pic is of said rifle.

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Just had a plate screwed into my clavicle, can pretty much only shoot .22 for a while, cannot hold much weight with the good side either. What is the lightest rifle I can get?

Nah, not as long as you enjoy it. That's a nice top end CZ.

You could always get one of those Cricket 22 rifles. They're crazy light and only ~26" OAL. They're single shot, but they still would make an excellent little survival gun. The only thing to knock them a few points for is the little kid lock they put on the rifles which, once engaged, requires a key to unlock. You'd want to remove said safety.

I enjoy it a lot. Actually, the day after I took that rifle home I ended up buying one of those surplus BRNO no.2 rifles to go along with it. That rifle was only $350 though.

Nothing wrong with spending money on aesthetics.
My 455 is nice enough and shoots MoA so I personally wouldn't have.

Custom 10/22?

No. I never understood the mentality of "bro why're you wasting so much money on a 22? Spend that money on some gucci 308 or 6.5 instead" when you might only use said 308 or 6.5 once every couple months.

I firmly believe that you should splurge on things that you use regularly (phone, vehicle, computer, bed, etc.) and among guns, a 22 rifle may end up being the one on which you pull the trigger the most - it's allowed in even indoor handgun ranges, and the ammo is famously cheap. Skills you build up on a 22 also do transfer over to other weapons.

You did great; that's a beautiful 22; don't be afraid to shoot it and ding it up a bit.


I bought a shit ton of aguila ammo before the CA ammo ban, including 1500 rounds of 22. Haven't had the time to shoot it yet, is it any good? I haven't had any problems with aguila 62x51 before

Smart man right here.

Try for an M6 Scout, .22LR, .22WRM or .22 Hornet over .410GA.

>don't be afraid to shoot it and ding it up a bit.
Honestly, the only reason I bought it was because I wanted a 452 rather than a 457. I plan to use it for small game hunting and expect it to not be in perfect condition.

Lot to lot variance seems to be a thing in a 22; I bought 10 boxes of Federal Automatch (325 round bricks) from a random dude on my local guns forum that cycled great through my Colt Woodsman, but the following 10 bricks from online caused malfunctions every 4 mags or so. Failures to extract, failures to feed, and so forth.

Granted, it could be that I haven't cleaned the internals of the gun since shooting it; I broke it down fully (beyond just wiping off the chamber and bolt face, and boresnaking the bore) last week and scrubbed it out thoroughly. There was a LOT of carbon and grit on the underside of the slide and the frame rails that I couldn't get to before; I knocked it off with Ballistol and a bronze brush before reassembling. (Really wish I had a Ruger Mk IV for this reason; that pistol may be the most simple 22 pistol to disassemble in history besides maybe the SR22.) Stupid state laws, though.

Can anyone recommend a good leather sling that would be functional but also look nice for this rifle? The last time I bought a leather sling which looked nice it ended up being so short that I couldn't use it to try and steady my aim; it was more or less just a shoulder strap for transport.

It's supposed to be pretty good as a whole; I like how they package their ammo in trays rather than loose like Federal bulk packs - less potential for the ammo to get knocked around that way.

Is this the copper plated HV stuff, or the lead round nose SV stuff? The former is supposed to be a poorfag's CCI MiniMag; the latter, a poorfag's CCI Standard. All in all, it should function great.

The Aguila I've bought has all been quality stuff. Better than Remington, Federal, and Winchester.

I buy whatever is the cheapest.

Turner and Andy's Leather are superior. I bought a really nice Boyd's for my Rem M541S.

It's worth mentioning that I bought a few cases of Wolf Match Extra that has been great for accuracy!

>he doesn't kill varmint with his grandpappy's old pre-war Remington Model 12

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I picked up a 555 round box of this stuff at Wally World a few month ago on a whim. Dumped it out on a table and sorted it one evening and over 10 percent of the rounds had dented cases or loose fitting bullets. It shot ok for plinking purposes. IDK maybe just a crappy lot but I don't plan on buying any more of it.

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Love shooting .22s. Totally worth spec'ing out a rifle and making it do exactly what you need it to

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winchester is garbage for shotshells and rimfire, prolly centerfire too, but I never buy them any more so dunno

That looks really bad imo

I've used Winchester centerfire ammo. You'd think they never got the memo about smokeless powder being a thing considering the kinds of clouds they make when fired. Dirty garbage is what it is.

>Totally worth spec'ing out a rifle and making it do exactly what you need it to

You mean like any other semi auto 22?

If you want to be more accurate with that rifle you would have been better off upgrading the trigger before the barrel. That is, unless all you do is shoot paper from the prone position.

It has the ruger upgraded trigger. I wanted to get proficient with that before considering a volquartsen upgrade. The barrel wasnt for one shot accuracy however, but for consistency after dozens of shots fired on hot days when varminting and plinking. The stock one started opening up after about 75 shots

>The stock one started opening up after about 75 shots
Is that really and issue though? If you're hunting then you're probably not putting 75 rounds down range. If you're plinking then you'd easily fire 75, but would you be plinking at far enough of a range for those larger groups to make a difference? Like,how bad did the groups get after 75 rounds? Could you still hit a soda can at ~25 yards?

Why not make it /RFG/ and open up to all of gods rimfires?

But as far as .22 goes, the most fun you can have is a decent bolt gun, decent ammo (standard velocity or subsonic) and a can, its stupid.

I shoot my RAR/T1x in .22 at least 10x as much as any other rifle, and my MkIVTac the same with pistols.

CCI standard + Dead Air Mask = Bliss.

We also need more/better (threaded/CZ/Ruger/Tikka) bolt action options for 17 WSM, 17 HMR is cool and all, but WSM seems to be King of the Rimfire.

CCI is the best ammo IMO

What about that CCI quiet ammo? I've been using that out of my new cz452 to slay some soda cans and it's been a blast so far.

Its what it says on the tin ;P But all kidding aside I haven't noticed a major difference with regards to rifles compared to other subsonic/standard velocity ammo, probably because you get a complete burn with it.

When it works in a pistol it is noticeably quieter, that said, its probably quieter out of a rifle as well, but I don't have dB meter, just the old Ear.

I mostly shoot CCI standard but am starting to pickup American Eagle Suppressor and play with it, as well as the CCI segmented, both in Quiet and Subsonic stuff.

I guess the place where Quiet really shines is from people who don't have 'Cans

If I can afford to mitigate a problem with a rifle of mine, why would I not? Maybe you dont mind groups becoming looser in a shooting session, but other people might.
>If you're hunting then you're probably not putting 75 rounds down range.
Not hunting, but varminting, which is more of pest control. Theres a reason why varmint rifles have thicker barrels than hunting rifles, it has everything to do with consistancy.
>If you're plinking then you'd easily fire 75, but would you be plinking at far enough of a range for those larger groups to make a difference?
>Could you still hit a soda can at ~25 yards?
Yes, the stock gun could still hit within 4 inches of where I was aiming at 25 yards.

Those crimped-end ratshot shells are the fucking WORST. The crimp almost always expands past the chamber on firing, making extraction a pain in the ass.

CCI shotshells or nothing.

>I guess the place where Quiet really shines is from people who don't have 'Cans
That's the whole point, really. Shoot the stuff out of a rifle and it's no louder than your typical air rifle. I use the stuff to hunt squirrels in my sister's back yard.

Its a ruger autoloader.

The best thing you can do with it is take everything loose from the Receiver, then throw it in the garbage and throw the Kidd/Volquartsen catalog at it.

What do you use shot shells for realistically? Rats probably, but if its anything like a shotgun, doesnt the rifling cause the shot to spin and spread out faster?

bought this the other day
took it out twice now and i think its becoming my favorite gun to shoot

today i just put up a steel plate at 100 yards and just shot it all day
ding ding ding
shot the whole cookie tin
dont say you cant have fun shooting with no money

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Exactly. They're okay stock but the quality jump in the kidd/volquartsen/ERshaw etc parts is just too good not to justify. Do you know if the kidd receivers are worth it? Or is it better to build off of a stock ruger reciever?

Nothing over 5 yards, for exactly the reason you stated. Rats, mice, snakes. Mostly snakes.

More to the point, you can use it in areas where you would be concerned about bullet holes even with a pellet rifle. Barn rafters, wood fences, things like that. The #12 shot at the velocity it is fired will barely stick into a fence picket, and certainly won't leave any noticeable damage.

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Got it. Next time I have a rat infestation in my garage I'll consider some ratshot. Is there any considerable extra wear on the rifling or is it trivial?

I really like iron sights, so I'm pretty much forced to use the Ruger factory barrel. Also, when using iron sights there's not much actual benefit to an aftermarket receiver so both of my 10/22s have a factory receiver/barrel and KIDD pretty much everything else. Pic related; one of the two I own.

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>Weathers finally cooled down after the rain
>bought a Martin Henry for 292$
>700 rounds of .22 for 35$
>an entire day of shooting on a range with no one but my gf and I
Doesn’t get much better than this

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I've always just used Ruger receivers, and drilled "The Hole" myself, that said, I'm considering buying a Volquartsen Summit receiver for maximum quietness but with more speed for follow up than my RAR.

Or just find the 2018 SHOT Browning T-Bolt and call it a day.

>Current Year+4

Best 22 rifle/[istol?

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If you're going to mount an optic then it's nice to get a receiver with an integrated rail.

>Doesn't require batteries.
>As durable as the rifle itself
>Very, very low height over bore which is optimal for shooting very small targets (like the head of a squirrel) at distances you can't measure exactly.
>Very low profile, which fits with the whole point of a takedown 10/22. Though, I do also have peep sights on my regular, non-takedown 10/22.
With peep sights (as opposed to the lacking factory sights) the target acquisition is comparable to red dot/reflex sights if you've practiced with them anyways, so to me at least it's all pros and pretty much no cots to peep sights over a red dot.

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>bought 2 cases of federal .22lr during the rebate
>don't own a .22lr, only a .22 short

Should I go basic and get a 10/22 or something else?

you're welcome, user

Any .22's with a mannlicher stock anymore?

On Ruger's website look for Rifles, 10/22s, then the carbine models. Tons of distributor exclusives with mannlicher stocks.

Get on armslist and get a nice vintage 22. Mossberg made a lot of quality stuff you can get cheap, and it's not uncommon to see various models with mannlicher stocks and/or peep sights.

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A classic Rem 514 built in the late '50s. Very accurate and has become one of my favorites.

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If you’re only interested in buying cheap .22lr cartridges, then get a stock 10/22. If you’re interesting in target shooting/benchrest and buying expensive rimfire ammunition, then you’ll either be replacing some parts of a 10/22 (trigger/barrel/stock), or buying something expensive off the bat (coolguyguns.com/KIDD-22LR-Supergrade-Premium-Rifle-Custom-Build_p_159.html)

ar7 are pretty light and you can still ruffle some liberal jimmies with the name. I've handled a buckmark carbine once and it was pretty light. Or just bust your wallen open and build or buy a light gucci 10/22 from voluartsen, tacsol, or kidd.

Really though, most 22 rifles that aren't bench target rifles are pretty light.

CZ 455 FS; it's been discontinued last year unfortunately so you'd have to find one used.


Aguila is based.

Winchester white box is consistently some of the worst ammo available.

Better than Thunderbolts

How do you like that hoague stock?
Do you just shoot bench or prone or is it a walking gun?
The stock just seems like it would be so grabby trying to shoulder it

There is nothing wrong with irons, especially on a breakdown .22LR.

Anyone have experience with one of these? thinking about getting one.

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For what purpose?
>Plinking, training, instructing, small game, Bug-out, deep carry, Biathlon, Olympic target?


It's not the whitebox that's bad, it's the wildcats that are dogshit. Winchester wildcat .22's are so bad you might as well throw them away.

Beautiful rifle and digits, user.

10/22 porn

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My Marlin 795's plastic (lmao) trigger guard is starting to warp. I can either drop 40 bucks to get a new aluminum trigger guard, and I'm going to stay with the gun until I get proficient, but what are some suggestions for a rifle I can graduate to? I'm in it entirely for cheap plinking and target shooting.

Either .17hmr or a .223 (ar15, m1a etc). Anything larger than .223 isn’t really affordable for a lot of shooting. .17hmr is usually about $0.20/rd, and .223 is like $0.25

is that the romanian toz69 trainer? i love those things

i want a papoose or a ruger takedown, which did you pick and why?

Tikka T1X or CZ 455. I'm very curious about the Tikka in particular; the action footprint lets it take standard Tikka T3 stocks which really opens up a lot of opportunities if you get serious about target shooting.

get yourself a bolt action CZ and enjoy your dime size groups

nothing that exotic
its a run of the mill rifle brand rifle
stevens 84c
mail order
no serial
got it for 125 dollars at a used gun shop
cheapest rifle they had

Don't make me admire you

Randolph Scott is better than The Duke.

I love CCI Standard. No supersonic crack, 40 grain bullet, decent quality control for materials and dimensions so it doesn't get the guns super dirty quickly and it's stupid reliable in all the guns I own. I have some Winchester 555 packs and some Remington Golden Bullet Bulk that I use when I want to practice the odd stoppage every few hundred rounds.

For target ammo, CCI Green Tag and Eley Sport is pretty good. I've found a pretty hard diminishing returns in accuracy on anything more expensive, but guns can be picky. I guess I just lucked out on my guns liking not terribly expensive stuff.

Shiiieeet have you tried them out? How accurate are they?

>What is your favorite?
Hard to beat CCI's for general reliability
>Which is the crappiest?
Had a streak of bad luck with Remington Golden Bullet and Federal AutoMatch Target ammo. Maybe it was just because both bulk boxes had been sitting around for about 4 years before I used them, but I had so many jams and failures it was getting stupid. I was ecstatic when they ran out.
>bulk pack success
Last year when Federal was doing their Black Pack rebate deals I bought 11,200 rounds of 36gr plated 22lr for $210 after rebates, or less than 1.9 cents per round. I had tried this ammo before and didn't have the problems I had with the AutoMatch Target stuff so I went ahead and took a gamble on a lot of it. That's a lot of fun to be had for $210. The only complaint with it so far is that it is hot ammo, which normally wouldn't be a complaint except it is supersonic from a 4.5" barrel. My dedicated suppressed AR22 is super quiet with subsonic ammo, but still a lot of fun with these Federals.

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My plinker doesn't mind it, shoots it into 1 hole groups at 25 yards. I don't know about it in semi autos though, Remmington was the shittiest I ever tried in either a semi or bolt rifle.

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I really like the stock. Its super grippy but I've never had a problem with it snagging on flannels or anything like that. I suppose you could always ducktape the cheek area if that's an issue. I was pretty limited with choosing stocks that accepted the thicker .920 barrel but it turned out to be pretty good. It's awesome in wet weather, although most of the shooting I do with it is in the desert. Mostly bench shooting with some prone here and there. For walking and hunting it's alright, but if I'm only going to be taking a few shots I tend to pack a smaller, lighter take down model. Pic related is amateur buddy shooting some apples

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I have a 1917 model 10 that would match up with that pretty well.

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He should just get one of those surplus Brno #2 rifles. It's basically just a cCZ452 before CZ bought out Brno. There are a few minor differences, but they're more or less the same rifle. 452/brno no.2 > 455 > 457.

I thought it looked neat too, but apparently there's a ton of polymer in its construction. For it's price, I don't want that.

Anyone used the CCI clean? Seems like a good bullet to me, but will the poly coat fuck up my barrel?

It shouldn't.

what is the issue of the 457? From everything I've seen, there are only a few minor differences in the rifle from model to model.

I would not think the polymer coated CCIs would gum up rifling.

Attached: CCIclean.jpg (900x1563, 169K)

Differences between the CZ 457 and CZ 455 are decreased bolt throw, better trigger adjustments, and different safety arrangement from what I see.


As something you'd put in a list of bullet points for a spec sheet, only a few things have changed. All the little details of craftsmenship, however, have changed. The 455 and then 457 models were created to make easier, less expensive (for them to create) rifles than the 452 was. As an example, you know how they brag about the threaded barrels and how all you have to do to swap calibers between 22lr and 22 WMR is a barrel swap? That's not really a feature for the end user (who is really going to buy two different barrels and re-sight in a scop every time they decide to shoot a different caliber?); it just costs them less to thread the barrel onto the receiver than it does to pin it on properly like they did on the 452s. They also made the new bolts universal between all calibers rather than having different bolts for different calibers. This means instead of shooting 22lr and having a slightly less heavy bolt/rifle, you're forced to have a gun that's as heavy as the 22WMR rifle regardless of which caliber you choose. Another more obvious example is how the old magazines and magazine wells of the 452 were made of steel whereas they're now made of polymer for the 457 models.
Don't get me wrong, the 457 isn't a garbage gun by any stretch of the imagination, but the 452 was an objectively superior firearm offered as the same price. They got rid of the 452 to line their pockets more rather than to actually improve upon the design; that philosophy can be seen in all of the little details of the rifles.

Fuck no. I shoot. 22s 95% of the time, and I always try to own the best .22s I can afford.

My favorites
Cci standard for general fucking around.
Velociters for removing varmints.
Lapua center x out of my contender match 22 and volquartsen scorpion.

The worst?
Fuck supersonics
Fuck bulk winchesters
Fuck thunderbolts

Who else wants to see the m134 scaled down to .22 bb just for the lulz.

I second this, but the Hyper Velocity Winchester Super X hollow points are fantastic on squirrels.

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