Why is the Saudi army so bad?

>400,000 strong
>one of the largest budgets in the world
>huge amounts of western support and "advisors"
>utterly useless

Are they as incompetent as they seem? What is the problem? Has anyone ever trained with them? How would they fare against Iranian troops?

Attached: saudi-soldiers-in-drill-saudi-military.jpg (1200x800, 139K)

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came here to post this

saudi arabia is pretty much what you get when you throw money at any problem without actually addressing the root cause of said problem
can't do thing? hire some foreigner to do it
can't build thing? hire some foreigner to do it
unemployment? just hire everyone! they don't have to do anything but pull a paycheck
they have nothing to fight for

Doesnt saudi arabia have like a universal basic income because theyre so fucking rich? There is no need for saudis to go in the military.

no, you get hired to a cushy government job where you don't actually do anything and can't get fired
there was a hilarious article when some finance minister went to visit some government building and nobody had shown up to work

Extreme nepotism. Concern with looking good over functioning.

Yea for "Saudi Arabians". They country is mostly filled with foreign workers under a slave style contract though.

They have some Gucci equipment.

it's basically a leadership thing. Arab countries tend to be coup-prone, so people who are in charge of the military tend to be somewhat incompetent and the only real qualification needed is to be loyal to the country's regime. a lot of decisions being made on the ground by the Saudi military personnel in Yemen needs to go up through the chain of command before it can actually be done, so there isn't really any way for Saudis to use small unit tactics and do what they need to do against the insurgents they're fighting. if anything, they'll just through an Abrams or two into some sandy area where a few Houthis are, and then wait until they start getting hit by RPG's from some dude wearing sandals.

Saudi's are notoriously retarded. Low IQ Sand Chimps who sit on their fat lazy asses all day eating fatty meats, bread, olives, and drinking camel cum. They have no real culture besides raping and beating women/stealing Indian culture and the only real thing of value they produce is oil. If the USA was not so dumb they would ally with Iran and invade Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are so fucking useless the USA could easily take over the entire country and it's most precious resource within a week with minimal casualties. When you get to the point where you have 400k soldiers, one of the largest military budgets in the world with modern tech, and yet a few thousand Yemeni militia with RPG's and Soviet made AK's are able to fuck your shit up and reduce your oil output by 50%, you might as well just commit sodoku

Whats the best Arab or Muslim military? (inb4 Germany or Great Britain)

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Isn't the omani military supposedly fairly decent?

Mainly because the "royal family" is huge. The dude that's the king now has something like 4000 cousins.

Realistically probably Iran, specifically Qud's Force. Yes they are a bunch of fags but they are well trained fags. Their leader is not nicknamed The Shadow Commander for nothing. He truly is a fag in the shadows.

Probably Hezbollah.
They managed to explell IS and syrian moderate headchoppers from Qalamoun mountains, gave IDF some hell in 2006 and they are actively being advisors for the Houthis in Yemen.

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>how would they fare against Iranian troops
They would fare really really badly. Not because Iranians are great, but because Saudis are awful.
Other posters pointed out some stuff, and I suggest you read Kenneth Pollacks book on Arab military history in the second half of 20th century to get a nice overview.
Arabs aren't dumb or retarded, nor are they "bad fighters", it's just that their culture is fucked up and the regimes which they serve reflect that, which then reflects on the army. Army is the only real challenge to power there, so they control them tightly. They are more like heavily armed police force than actual militaries. Politics and power-plays trump everything else.
They are as whole societies that are stuck between late medieval and modern period, which leads to bad outcomes.

Oh yeah almost forgot about them. I don't remember his name but some Israeli general or former Israeli general or something said Hezbollah is one of the best trained units. Not sure if he meant in the world or just in the Middle East but yeah they do have a reputation. They are also mentally ill fanatics.

Why is the Saudi army so bad?

It's filled with low IQ sandniggers.

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Well said user. The way they eat disgusts me. Fucking savages need to learn how to use forks.

They're more of a nationalistic group with islam sauce than full blown wahhabi like Al Qaeda or ISIS.

Overall? Pakistan by far. Nukes, a competent modern airforce, stupidly good asymmetric warfare units, a larger and arguably more competent army then any of the other arab/muslim countries.

After them, I'd place Turkey as second with a very large, competent(for muslims that is), well equipped military, with a modern airforce, and plenty of experience.

The Qud's force is VERY overrated. They are given credit for everything other groups do. For example every Houthi, Hamas, Iraqi PMU, or Hezzbollah strike is viewed as a successful strike by the Qud's force, despite the Qud's force having exactly zero to do with most of them. Further, when we've seen the Qud's force itself actually fight, they got BTFO by the FSA! Seriously a bunch of inbred incompetent rebels kicked the Qud's force ass so badly they needed Russia to come in and save the day.

You're right for sure but they have done lots of fucked up shit like any other armed nationalist group. It's the mentality of these people, the way they are raised. They would never fit into a civilized society.

kek really? Well never mind then looks like the Cuck Force isn't so special

Hez has the problem that they're cripplingly specialized. Their initial deployment against ISIS was a clusterfuck because they're not great at conventional warfare and are pretty much geared for fighting Israel in Lebanon.

>400,000 strong
On paper sure. In reality I wouldn't be surprised it it was half of that. Shadow soldiers are a very real thing in middle east militaries.

Hezzbollah has completely sucked at offensive operations. They have some kick ass ambush and defensive strats(mainly using human shields, but who cares in the area of the world anyways). However, their offensive operations have always resulted in heavy losses for minimal gains. They are a gurellia force, a local problem at best, not a premier military capable of taking over a country(they couldn't even take lebanon! lol)


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At least they tend to keep their shit between themselves and not do ISIS tier shit.

That's why i mentioned Qalamoun, which is their house and where they excell the most.
I know that they had some problems fighting IS in the middle of Syrian desert.

>400,000 strong
Most of whom are surprisingly poorly trained
>one of the largest budgets in the world
Which all goes on the fanciest western equipment rather than into their base level operability
>huge amounts of western support and "advisors"
Whom are routinely ignored
>utterly useless
Is what happens when you combine all of the above.

The biggest problem of arab militaries and the Saudis especially is that they just don't trust their guys not to break shit or start a coup, so don't let 'em do anything. In many ways their military exists more as a vehicle for the maintainance of social status and advancement than as a tool to be used to Get Shit Done.

NCOs basically don't exist as they do in western or even soviet style systems. Junior officers are either careerists who don't give a shit, or got their position by being connected rather than capable. This leads to even minor decisions requiring the intervention of a surprisingly senior level of command. Ops planning is shit. Everyone is scared to disagree with the brass. No one takes initiative and even people with the talent to do so won't because they might be seen as a threat. Force structuring is all over the place and nothing like a workable doctrine exists.

TL'DR; They have a huge military with sub-conscript grade training and lots of flashy toys that exist more as status symbols than as weapons of war.

Pakistan is Pashtun and Iran is Persian

He said Arab OR Muslim, dumbass.

One reason I heard is that they only got the best equipment is so when shit does eventually goes down the USA can come over and use said equipment, whilst the Saudis run like the dickens in the opposite direction.
> If the USA was not so dumb they would ally with Iran and invade Saudi Arabia
Yeah, that C.I.A. coup in 1979, the failed rescue attempt, and Iraq being supplied with American weapons during the Iraq-Iran war is pretty much why no American will ever side with Iran. Except maybe the Democrats and Hollywood Jews.

Well when you're leadership is like 90% royal family who don't actually need to do work and it doesn't matter if they get fired, yeah you're going to have a lot of shit rise to the top

While I don't know the BEST, Jordan is by most accounts very professional, albeit very small.

I'm kinda wondering how effective they'll be in the next major conflict with Israel, now that Israel has an idea of what their current playbook entails.

>produce is oil
>not so dumb they would ally with Iran
See the thing was, during the Cold War, controlling the oil trade was far, far, far more important than anything else. Especially after the Shah fell. Now, if we had shale tech back in the 50s-60s, then who knows the arrow of time may well go the other way

From what I hear it looks like Bibi will likely be out so hopefully that doesn't happen anytime soon. Last thing we want is a repeat of 2006.

proly the best trained enemy of israel

>That's why i mentioned Qalamoun
Qalamoun operation was NOT a tour de force for hezzbollah. They had HTS and ISIS surrounded for more than a year and couldn't crush them. It was an assualt by the lebanese army proper (the same one hezzbollah couldn't beat during the civil war) That finally broke the ISIS and HTS pockets. Sources: reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-lebanon-syria-idUSKCN1AZ03G?il=0 dw.com/en/lebanon-army-declares-border-ceasefire-to-negotiate-deal-with-islamic-state/a-40256281 alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2017/8/6/us-special-forces-operating-in-lebanon-close-to-hizballah

>I know that they had some problems fighting IS in the middle of Syrian desert.
They couldn't beat ISIS or the FSA anywhere. Remember the battle of Zabadani? The battle of Al-Qusayr? The strike in Quintera that killed Jihad Moghnieh, 5 more high ranking Hezbollah members, and an Iranian general?

There have been exactly zero successful solely Hezzbollah offensive operations. They are NOT a proper military, and are NOT geared for offensive operations. They have had some success on defense though!

Pakistan, then Turkey. is correct.
Oman has a nothing of a military. It's well funded but small.
Iran has a large military that is poorly equipped, led, and trained. It also can't move.
The Iran/Iraq War saw them make not very much of themselves.
The Quds Force is a tiny component of the Iranian armed forces, and is lightly equipped. It's more in the business of intelligence and training/assistance of proxies, not combat, where it would be quickly annihilated. Not representative of the military as a whole

All the Arabs with any fighting spirit left Arabia during the Caliphate and settled down at the edges of their empire with their rape baby families.

I ain't saying that they're BTFO everyone who comes in their way, they just don't make the same retarded mistakes as the Saudis or the rest of the arab world did and still does.
The Iranian training that they received it really paid off for them.

Plus nowadays they have their "own"(read Iranian) Drones and missiles, so they are a level above than Al-Qaeda, ISIS and these other groups when it comes to equipment.

Imagine an army where the requirement of becoming an officer is to have a congressman or CEO in the family, where each officer rises in the ranks according to how rich his family is. Imagine an army where the soidiers loathe their leaders in a way WW1 Tommies would find familiar. Imagine an army where logistics are directed accordingly to which regiment has the fastest camel. The whole plan is to have faster planes standing standby than the little people has.

>Whats the best Arab or Muslim military?
First off, Hezzbollah was your response to:
>Whats the best Arab or Muslim military?
Not, name a military more competent than the saudis.

>they just don't make the same retarded mistakes as the Saudis or the rest of the arab world did and still does.
The Iranian training that they received it really paid off for them.
They have yet to conduct a successful offensive operation against ANY opponent. They were BTFO by Israel, by lebanon, by ISIS, and even by the FSA. This track record suggests that not only do they make the same mistakes, they make worse ones too. The only success they have had is in ambush guerilla style fighting. They are not capable of successful military offensives.If that's the result of the Qud's force training, I think I have to downgrade my already dismal view of the Quds force.

>Plus nowadays they have their "own"(read Iranian) Drones and missiles, so they are a level above than Al-Qaeda, ISIS and these other groups when it comes to equipment.
Which puts them below: Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, Oman, Yemen (both parts) and Pakistan in terms of equipment.

This and checked. Culture is down stream from genetics. Not hard to figure out.

Follow up is pic related. This Jew wrote a whole book about the topic and tries to write their ineffectiveness off as everything BUT genetics. Typical pilpul answers about culture, historical bullshit, etc. He’s probably a filthy kike and watches cuckold porn.

tl;dr Arabs are lazy and have low IQs. Their militaries reflect that.

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>Doesnt saudi arabia have like a universal basic income because theyre so fucking rich?
You're thinking Kuwait

Maybe before Erdogan removed everyone. Now they're Arab-tier.

It's like a core of super-wealthy and a country of borderline slaves

Are they eating that? What the fuck is it?

Jordan. Well-trained and led, highly professional regular troops. They gave Israel what for more than once.

Hezbollah's mission is not to invade countries but to defend Lebanon from Israeli incursion, at which they are very good.

>this one dude that is constantly butthurt about Hezbollah being effective every Jow Forums thread

>ignoring the fact that for a significant part of about a thousand years arab armies absolutely dominated European ones

But yeah, despite the absolute lack of scientific evidence, you are superior to other people not because of your own personal accomplishments but because you have ancestors from a random geographic location.

Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.

>>ignoring the fact that for a significant part of about a thousand years arab armies absolutely dominated European ones
>Thousand years arab armies

The Arab period of dominance in Islam was from around the great expansion to the decline of Abbasid power. That's like, around 600-900s AD.

From 900s onwards until the collapse of the Ottomans, the penultimate Military power of Islam rested on Turkic warrior-dynasties ruling over large numbers of Muslims through military power.

>Are they as incompetent as they seem?
Yes, unironically, check out what happened in the Gulf War and now Yemen
>What is the problem?
Retarded monarchy, terrible organization, idiotic promotion, shit culture, over-reliance on foreigners to do things for them, Arab Army meme, etc
Also one big thing nobody talks about a huge factor that hurts the army is Ego, Saudi Princes are narcissistic, overconfident, and never admit anything that is seriously wrong with their country in terms of the military, economy, and demography, they think they own everything and can do anything with just a wad of cash until it blows up in their face, like Yemen or now those oil fields. Then they double down and throw everyone into a meatgrinder and cast out anyone who disagrees with their stupidity for a apparatchik.
>Has anyone ever trained with them?
I've heard stories, one guy says that they just substitute their army for Mercenaries in Yemen now.
>How would they fare against Iranian troops?
They'd get shit on, their panic button has always been to cry to America for help.

Think of it like this: A Saudi Prince tweeted how they could destroy Iran within 8 hours, then they allegedly drone strike their turf and he later deletes the tweet.

That's the Saudi Arabian Army in a nutshell

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They are rather unintelligent and disorganized as a peoples.

Jordan, Iran, India (not Arab obv.), Turkey would be halfway decent.

They all will fold though. The stories of sheer idiocy in the Iran-Iraq war are insane.

which thousand years? they didn't fight a European force until the Byzantines and took centuries and alot of luck to defeat them.

Topkek. What an absolutely uneducated post and attempt to deflect the coming racial awareness across the world.

Never said anything about superiority. But you want to ignore reality so you can parrot Jewish anti-racist talking points. One form of intelligence is pattern recognition which you seem to completely lack.

Do you want me to keep going? There’s no way you win this argument.
>hurr durr Muslim armies in the Middle Ages were so fucking good. Whites got btfo soooo much.
Your entire argument boils down to: illiterate sand niggers 1000 years ago were super awesome at one time fighting hand to hand so raw numbers mattered more, so let’s ignore every current reality and facts that one could find spending 5 minutes on the internet because

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>one guy says that they just substitute their army for Mercenaries in Yemen now.

have you read the article about the yemani mercenaries who are deserting in droves bc the saudi military got about thousand of them killed marching them into this valley promising to follow another with saudi reiforcement and heavy weapons and they took like 80% wounded captured or killed?

This desu. SOF from the surrounding countries go to Jordan to train. Jordan is to operatin as Chechnya is to MMA.

In ranking
>Pakistan (airforce is top, very good army and system thanks to shit like ISI)
>Turkey (would be number one if Erdogan didn't go full retard)
>Iran (overrated in some cases, underrated in other cases, they're a dice roll but still decent)
>Jordan (modern but small, have no idea about their quality in fighting recently)
>UAE (pretty underrated, only reason why Yemen hasn't been a total disaster for Saudis)
>Lebanon (really Hezbollah: small but competent and no matter how many times you can make excuses Israel couldn't beat them, Lebanese Army is useless however)

Everyone else sucks: Egypt is incompetent as seen in Sinai, Saudis ITT, Syria was a total mess before and during the civil war but that could change in the future, Iraq is on life support due to PMUs and SOF, Afghanistan is just lmao, Houthis and Taliban are chad but aren't really a country rn.

You wrote all that yet all I see is a loser desperately clinging on to the achievements of others to compensate for his own failings. Historical illiteracy being your justification.

Their power-base, militarily at least, was always what would be modern day Iran and Saudi. Turkic in the, truest sense of the word, were a meme post-Justinian as they were responsible for the decline of the Empire.

Byzantines were, aside from the occasional spurts of military competency, basically just one slow decline. Also, fun fact, most of the Crusades got memed and the Crusader states were just a bunch of lads sitting in fortresses, they tended to avoid open battle and focused on what we would call Vernichtungsschlacht - set-peice attrition warfare.

Jordan, size aside, should be top of your list.

Saudi's are lazy.
My Uncle works for a company installing telephone lines through the desert.
He said at the office the only time he saw his boss would be for 15 minutes a day.
He would sit and drink tea/coffee. Invite his friends/business partners over and they would drink tea/coffee or smoke hookah.
Then they would leave and disappear til the next day.

You don’t shit about my personal accomplishments. Go back to plebbit or grow up.

Races are different.
>inb4 no Arab experience.
Iraq/Kuwait medals not shown
Btw, you ever fought with and/or against Arab armies?

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>illiterate sand niggers 1000 years ago
Arab and Muslim culture 1000 years ago was so far in advance of the West t the time they thought we were another species of inferior animals.

They also were airstriking their own men from retreating during the clusterfuck known as the Hudaydah Offensive last year. Now theyre just throwing cash at African countries to send poor Africans to die in Yemen. I think they've burned out a lot of merc recruitment in some places like Latin America.

So would UAE arguably, but size is a factor no matter what. Also I dont know when was the last time they ever seriously fight like an intervention or something.

>You don’t shit about my personal accomplishments
Its impossible to know anything about nothing.

Have sex, get yourself squared away. Loser.

1970s. But that was also the last time the US fought a worthy adversary... so...

whole sheep and rice and spices boiled together. Frankly, it's probably delicious

>sheep or lamb

Your assertion makes me think that it would be completely moral to perform acts of violence against your person.

this is a fucking fact. My company has tried and failed several times to open up shop in SA (IT work) and the plain fact is that they can't move fast enough to do business with us. fcing 3-4 weeks to fill out an online purchase order for basic, basic shit.

the only way anything gets done is when they bring in basically an entire team of foreign nationals and let them work. If they didn't have money they'd still be living in tents

>is honest about race realism
>you’re a loser!
The end times are fast approaching.

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>what are the crusades

they soundly defeated all of them, btw, and considered every one a bizarre adventure by desperately stupid savage barbarians

>honest about race realism
>has zero scientific data to substantiate arguments

Your end times are fast approaching, that being the day that the crushing realization occurs. That realization being; you have no accomplishments, you stand on the shoulders of others.

But do tell us more about how you are the way you are because of the "man".

Unironically, inner-city gangbangers would absolutely gape these boomer prepper faggots and their spawn in an actual post-collapse scenario.

Yeah only the white niggers roaming in packs can save you.

Also Iran is really subjective in a lot of ways, they could be good to not good and overrated. They're not like other Mid East countries in the way you'd think like others where it's just Army, Navy, Air Force because of the IRGC. Best description is that the IRGC are like the SS. Paramilitary, business ventures, have the equivalent of foreign legions just like SS did. The actual army of Iran is the Artesh, and they're pretty blah, have a big rivalry with IRGC too. Also the IRGC has different paramilitary organizations in it like Basij (not for fighting), Quds (not really SOF, more like CIA and bodyguards).

Big reason why Iran is debatable on Jow Forums

what language are they speaking in Spain? who holds Vienna? also they lost tons of battles during the crusades. their victories were mostly geography and supply lines.

The Saudi National Guard isn't so bad, because it has a purpose, guarding the royal family. The rest? Shiny toys alongside having stored equipment ready for foreign mercenaries ready to use.

>plebbit spacing
>talks about “the man”
Kek. Fucking boomers. The realization during the end times will be that your generation sold America and your descendants into (((slavery))) and you let them willingly keep you stupid and ignorant by accepting every lie they told you.
>the man
Apparently its comedy hour on Jow Forums

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Oh, and also cops.

It'd be funny to me to see some of these suburban faggots here enslaved for food production.

>unable to justify his position
>entire post irrelevant self-important ramblings
>unironically thinks he is speaking to someone over 40
>on Jow Forums
Based retard.

They're a regime of retarded manchildren propped up by American Petro dollars and weapons.

I'll believe that when they beat literally anyone, remember when visiting Paki spec ops had to handle their shit?

>this one dude that is constantly butthurt about Hezbollah being not effective every Jow Forums thread, and lying his ass off to cover up their hilarious obvious blunders.
Again if you have any evidence whatsoever of a successful solo Hezbollah offensive, I'd love to see it. This whole discussion is based off of actual achievements, not pure self serving propaganda.

They did manage to beat ISIS around Al-bab in a week or so. Which is faster then any of the other groups involved in Syria have achieved.

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Have you never looked at a map of the world or traveled anywhere? I said it was genetic which is evident if you’re being intellectually honest with yourself.
>hurr durr it cant be genetic because I’m not a racist. Africa sucks because muh colonization. Modern Arab armies suck because... uhhh ... not genetics!
You probably think the Egyptians, who can’t build a functioning modern state, built the pyramids too.

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You mean this Spain? Or some other Spain?

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stop lying

>still unable to provide any sort of evidence.
Yeah, we get it. You are a failure, but you arent a failure because your ancestors are from [place] and even if you are a failure you are only a failure because [race].

Never be too proud to consider suicide.

That and North African Berber and Germanic Remnants before they were absorbed. And the occasional Jewish army fighting under the Star of David (there are other names for it), but that gets hushed up and the paintings and tapestries depicting it are well kept semi secrets.

Kek. You projecting buddy? Get some help.

is a picture of a church in spain supposed to mean the crusade there failed? I'm not sure what you are trying to say

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kek. My race does not constitute part of my identity because my accomplishments as an individual are sufficient for self-gratification.

But do tell us more about how you only work at wallmart because jews made you not go to college.

not even that guy you were talking but how fedora tipping can you get. Your race informs your identity massively its pretty much foundational to it.

Only vaguely likely. The M1A2S famously lacks the DU package, and uses a diesel engine for example. Saudi F-15s a shit.

>a church in Spain


>random geographic location.
There's nothing "random" about it dune coon. if your ancestors evolved in a place with winter and where it wasn't easy to just ride south, you have a greater ability to conceptualize the future. Holds as true with east Asians as it does with Europeans. And the blood always outs. You raid the north for slaves, then they end up ruling you as mamelukes precisely because of this ability.

>Arab and Muslim culture 1000 years ago was so far in advance of the West
Barbarism lag from inheriting the millenia old Hellenic Mediterranean culture built up post 1177bc collapse by Greeks, Phoenicians, Egyptians and united by Romans. Then they spent 1000 years back sliding. And generally being so awful it forced Europeans to find a way around. Because otherwise? European states would have been perfectly fine paying monies to engage in trade across the old routes of Med-Red Sea-Indian Ocean-Indochina-China and the Silk Road land route. But nah. Muslims gonna Muslims, enslaving whatever intellect survived and then halting scientific progress and backsliding with their stupidity.

In fact, without being so anti-scientific and anti-trade and so heavy on mass genocide, mass slavery, and mass tearing everything down out of ignorance, North Africa would still be a breadbasket, and the Middle East-Mediterranean would have remained the forerunners of technological and scientific advancement. Forever.

But ignorant savage goatherders.