Anyone buying coathangers before the election?

Anyone buying coathangers before the election?
I need to prepare for the boogaloo

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Do it with 22 gauge galvanized sheet steel in gmod

No one needs metal coat hangars.

>three boogaloo threads in like 10 min
Are you guys scared?

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this is the crowd Jow Forums attracts now. just like how trump fans got attracted to Jow Forums. were not home to schizo boomers and zoomer instagram memester s

Unless your girlfriend got pregnant and you’re too poor to pay Planned Parenthood, you won’t be using that stupid thing to kill anybody. Stop being a fucking LARPer.

> oh no did a bad thing!!
what is admittance of crime bad?
no one enforced any laws on clinton, why the fuck should we bother to comply?

Anons on Jow Forums confirmed that mods work with share blue.
If there aren't share blue members in the mod team they work with them and present IPs of certain posts.
Use a proxy

this explains why I got banned for a day for posting doughboy as consequence to fighting for israel.

Pol is full of lefty schizos and bots now. I'm not sure we can say the same about Jow Forums, were just filled with righty schizos, basement dwellers, and NSA agents.

What are these threads trying to push off the board tho?
I'm confused? That ATF thread about the bumpstocks?

Just let em live and raise em. Your sister's can handle being pregnant.

There are no NSA agents here.

>All these B word threads
Glow boys are out in force today it seems

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Abortion will still be legal in all 50 states, shithead.

>muh faked email screenshots prove threads made by underage zoomers are a secret democrat plot to stir up discord on a taiwanese carpentry forum

based and exposedpilled

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I don't get it

sounds like something an NSA agent would say

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Nah, just stocking up on beer and soda.

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