Why the fuck do people shill MLOK so hard? I finally picked up an MLOK rail and this entire system is the biggest piece of shit I have ever encountered. All the screws back themselves out and it's some universal consensus that you have to use LocTite on all of these and somehow you are a retard for expecting anything else. You know what's funny though, this $9 picatinny to picatinny Chinesium mount I bought from Amazon held up completely fine. Yet somehow mil-spec ultragrade american made MLOK technology can't compete. Fuck I hate listening to retards on Jow Forums
Why the fuck do people shill MLOK so hard...
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Because some people have actually carried a rifle and would like it to weight less.
Also not everyone is a numale whose dad never taught them they have to use loctite on anything that will experience vibration or other stresses you stupid fucking retard.
>wanting a bunch of dicks on their rail
>not knowing that picatinny is the superior option
Keymod and mlok are lighter than quad rails.
Mlok beat keymod in army tests.
>Army tests
You mean the same Army that said intermediate cartridges were a passing fad and the M14 was the way forward?
The Army that claimed Digital beat out Woodland in every possible way?
The Army that claimed the M17 was somehow a better choice than a Glock for mass issue despite the Glock already being well liked in service and the M17 being a literal non-drop-safe piece of shit?
get a better rail poorfag
No, different one, because it was actually the US Navy, not the army.
>attaching shit to your hand guard
100% correct
All these fucking retards.
enjoy coming home in body bags because jews sent you to die
while a nigger fucks your wife and daughter.
heheheh lets give you shit equipment.
I honestly hate Mlok. But, I have it because I’m too lazy to replace it and I don’t feel like losing more money on this shit.
Mlok is big gay.
keymod is better, regular picatinny rails are best
>keymod is better
Keymod was proven objectively inferior
>picatinny are best
At being heavy pieces of shit.
Imagine being too retarded to use MLOK correctly
Keymod and mlok are both fine. Both inferior to quads.
Quad is life. Quad is best.
Inferior at holding zero, yes. So you put the only two accessories that need to hold zero, your IR laser and sight, on the top pic rail
>implying you have an IR laser anyway
Spare me
It's pretty simple to understand.
>user buys a cheap keymod rail because nobody wants them
>gets butthurt when laughed at by /arg/
>claims mlok is too difficult to use to try to save face
>fails miserably
Inferior at holding anything. Screws will back out.
1913 is marginally heavier, if it bothers you, maybe your money is better spent on a gym membership.
>Why the fuck do people shill MLOK so hard?
Because having a half-pound of cheesegrater on your rifle just to hang a VFG and a light on it is silly.
>screws will back out
They back out on any system you picatinny picaninny. That's why magpul shit comes with loctite already on the screws, because they know retards like you won't figure it out on their own.
>m-muh gym membership
Sorry user, I'm fit enough to actually get out and take my rifle places, if yours ever left the safe you might see the advantage.
That sounds like an accurate depiction
Did you really just say "quad is best" and then proceed to tell others to get a gym membership if they don't like the weight. My guess is you've never carried your gun (implying you actually have one) farther than to the car and back.
>My guess is you've never carried your gun (implying you actually have one) farther than to the car and back.
I'm sure you're really feeling that 100g difference on all the 15 mile rucks you do...
>he doesn't ruck
user, I'm sorry...
>fit enough
Do you have a minute to talk about ‘progressive overload’? He saved me, he can save you too.
keymod seems fine to me and I literally don't care if my tacticool mods impress anyone; I just want them to work
generally I prefer the A2 style handguards anyway
>a2 anything
Fucking gross a1 or kys.
>actually shooting your guns
a1 was before my time actually; I've never tried it so I'll have to reserve opinion
Get off your lazy ass, loctite your shit, and quit trying to justify your Chinesium garbage fetish.
I bought my SR-15 when keymod was popular. I’ve never had any problems with it.
The problem is that it looks like a Walmart shelf.
But 99% of the people that sperg about keymod and mlok probably have lower quality mlok rails than KAC’s keymod.
desu you sound dumb as hell my bro
>lower quality
Ah yes, it says KAC on it, so that makes the cutouts of the same dimensions and aluminum of the same grade stronger.
Yes. Cope harder.
I’m sure that your PSA mlok is on par with KAC.
>there are only two brands, KAC and PSA
good job brainlet
>intentionally being this obtuse
Let me list every single competitor for a product when making a comparison. Right.
You're the one who instantly jumps to the PSA conclusion, moron.
>t. seething PSA owner
>of the same grade
But that's the thing, 6061 and 7075 are not the same thing.
ah yeah you're right! And guess what-KAC refuses to even tell you what grade their URX rails use. Wonder why?
checked and kekd
>Why the fuck do people shill MLOK so hard
>Because some people have actually carried a rifle
Like me? You larping brandfag.
take your retarded defeatist polshit somewhere else
What brand do you even think this is about dumbshit?
Do you use your mouse in your left hand?
No I think I slid my keyboard over for something
If you’re planning on hanging a light or laser off your rail you should be doing it off of the top picatinny section on it and it doesn’t really matter whether or not you have mlok/keymod/quad rail
99% of reputable rails have a top picatinny section
Cool because anyone who does that is fucked up.
Woodland is shit stop being nostalgic
You might have a point if what we replaced it with wasn't worthless.
This would be cool and you might not be a worthless fucking shit poster and all-round retard if it weren't for the fact that the only metric UCP was an improvement vs. Woodland was IFF. It was like that because UCP sucked so fucking bad as a camouflage it was basically impossible to not recognize someone in the uniform under any circumstance.
It's the only excuse he can come up with. You either use self locking hardware or anti-seize on anything that constantly deals with vibration or constant expansion and contraction.
Anybody with a half a brain should know the army procurement dept is run by fucking sub 70 iq Down's syndrome spergs that know nothing about combat or weapons or anything really.
I have rifles with with both mlok and keymod handguards. They both function equally well and are lightweight. The only drawback of each is mlok is a pain in the tits to mount something to, and keymod looks like a shelving unit. That's it.
>design quick release system
>have to use loctite
Go back to /arg/ you cancerous fagggott.
what is the best way to mount something to MLok? I'm a noob and I just picked up a vertical grip today and I am trying to figure it out without taking off the sheath
Mall ninjas everywhere.....
Hey zoomers, if MLOK is the future, then why is the top rail picatinny? It's supposed to hold all the other shit on it. Why not a zeroed scope?
notice how it's all gone to shit since you dropped the M14
handguards are for fucking pussies.
Anyone who doesn't melt their skin to the barrel doesn't really love their AR
You don't loctite the actual QR mechanism, user... You loctite the fasteners which mount the entire QR device to the rail. If you think that an mlok rail somehow vibrates more than a picatinny I have bad news for you.
i just go full 2008 quadrail picatinny. my AR is still the lightest semi auto rifle i have compared to my ptr91 and Vepr 7.62
until you get blinded by my illegal chinese laser and strobe light.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the good old quad. It's still a bombproof mounting system. Nobody will claim that mlok is just as strong as it, but it is significantly lighter for people who don't mind a less secure mounting system being the trade-off compared to the quad. Yeah, you should probably use blue loctite on the mounting screws, but it's not like it's permanent. And it still is pretty fucking secure
Also mlok rails just feel so fucking good under your hand. A quality rail is light, still strong, and just has that feel
>If you’re planning on hanging a light or laser off your rail you should be doing it off of the top picatinny section on it
Why is that?
Laser it would matter because you need the laser to hold zero and there's nothing better than picatinny for that. The light doesn't matter though, you can use mlok. You could use duct tape if you wanted to as long as it stuck, there's no real gain for mounting it on the picatinny section.
>Laser it would matter because you need the laser to hold zero
Gotcha. In that case, wouldn't it be arguably better to hang lasers from the top of the upper, since part of the benefit of (almost all) mlok handguards is that they're free floating and not actually in contact with the barrel? Or is it so marginal it's not worth worrying about at the distances lasers are used? But if that's the case would the difference between picatinny and mlok really matter? Does it make a difference that most accessories still need to be mounted to a picatinny rail that's mounted on mlok?
Yeah that's what the guy you originally replied to was saying, and he was right about it for lasers but not so much for lights. Anything you care about holding zero in the slightest should be mounted directly to a picatinny section, and it's not really because of anything except that the physical connection is much stronger to a picatinny section. It will move around much less under the vibration of recoil and withstand getting bumped against something much better. How much it matters I can't really tell you, that's a personal valuation. That said, my personal valuation is that you want whatever you're using to gauge where your bullets are going to impact to be as accurate as you can provide for. In a vacuum it's still important to have the most confidence you can that your bullet will be placed as close to exactly where you're pointing it as is possible. This is obviously way more important if you're using a laser and nods, where the laser might become your primary point of aim even out to 100m or further.
tl;dr: picatinny more secure in all aspects for holding zero, precise zero important at all ranges
I don't have the knees to do it anymore.
nice patch, iwouldliketoknowmore/10
Why dont you like it?
*wipes sweat off brow*